2000 Photo Gallery. Last updated 01 August, 2011
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•24 August -- The Improved Tactical Air Launched Decoy (ITARS) completed a successful flight at NAWS China Lake.


NWC F/A-18C Hornet BuNo 164628, NWC-111, and Direct Attack Munition Affordable Seeker, China Lake, 17 February 2000.

Official U.S. Navy photo.



NWC F/A-18C Hornet BuNo 164628, NWC-111, and Direct Attack Munition Affordable Seeker ordnance & Navy ordnance crew, China Lake, 17 February 2000.

Official U.S. Navy photo.



RAMICS Facility-- 450,000-gallon tank used for submerged mine detonation tests, China Lake, 02 March 2000.

Official U.S. Navy photo.



From the crest of the hill 500 feet above the water tank, the Gatling gun of an AH-1F Cobra is aimed at a submerged mine, 02 March 2000

Official U.S. Navy photo.



Close-up of the Gatling gun of the AH-1F Cobra aimed at a submerged mine, China Lake, 02 March 2000.

Official U.S Navy photo.



RA-5C Vigilante BuNo 156638, obtained from China Lake, on display at Fallon, 10 April 2000.

Photo G. Verver collection.



A F-4 Phantom II on the move, China Lake, 26 Apr 2000.

Official USMC Photo, Sgt. M.C. Miller. Note /1.



RAdm. Robert Besal, commander, OPTEV Force, arrives on deck aboard VX-9 F/A-18F Super Hornet XE-501 on USS Abraham Lincoln, 27 April 2000.

VX-9 F/A-18E Super Hornet BuNo 165661, XE-504, in the background. Official U.S. Navy photo.



VFA-203 F/A-18A Hornet BuNo 163161 being upgraded to an F/A-18C, China Lake, May 2000.

Official U.S. Navy photo, China Lake archives.



VFA-203 F/A-18A Hornet BuNo 163161 being upgraded to an F/A-18C, China Lake, May 2000.

Official U.S. Navy photo, China Lake archives.



VX-9 EA-6B Prowler BuNo 163406, May 2000.

Photographer unknown.



VX-9 F-14D Tomcat BuNo 164604, May 2000.

Photographer unknown.



ATARS Tactical Exploitation Group set up outside the Advanced Weapons Laboratory at NAWCWD, China Lake, 16 June 2000

Official U.S. Navy photo



FA-18D Hornet BuNo 164738, NWC-115, as Major Michael Dukes checks ATARS equipment prior to test flight, China Lake, June 2000.

Official U.S. Navy photo.



FA-18D Hornet BuNo 164738, NWC-115, and VMFA(AW)-121, F/A-18D BuNo 164009, VK-16, ATARS test flight prior to deploying to Kosovo, June 2000.

Official U.S. Navy photo,



Actual terrain imagery data-linked from an FA-18D to the Marine Corp Tactical Exploitation Group TEG ground site, China Lake, June 2000.

Official U.S. Navy photo.



MV-22 Osprey BuNo 165434, HMX-1, MX-02, China Lake, 17 June 2000.

GEN James L. Jones, Commandant of the Marine Corps, his wife Diane and RAdm. Bert Johnston, disembark after a demonstration flight of the Ospreys airworthiness. Official U.S. Navy photo.



MV-22 Osprey BuNo 165434, HMX-1, MX-02, China Lake, 17 June 2000.

On the taxiway at NAWS China Lake following the Commandants flight. Official U.S. Navy photo.



SCUD target, Superior Valley Range, China Lake, 21 June 2000.

Official U.S. Navy photo.



VFA-203 F/A-18C Hornet BuNo 163161 following upgrade, China Lake, July 2000.

Official U.S. Navy photo, China Lake archives.



VFA-203 F/A-18C Hornet BuNo 163161 following upgrade, China Lake, July 2000.

Official U.S. Navy photo, China Lake archives.



AH-1W Sea Cobra BuNo 163933 being moved into position for the China Lake Museum opening, 24 July 2000.

Official U.S. Navy photo from the Secret City video.



A-6A Intruder BuNo 155596, being moved into position for the China Lake Museum opening, 24 July 2000.

Official U.S. Navy photo from the Secret City video.



A-6A Intruder BuNo 155596, being moved into position for the China Lake Museum opening, 24 July 2000.

Official U.S. Navy photo from the Secret City video.



A-6A Intruder BuNo 155596, being moved into position for the China Lake Museum opening, 24 July 2000.

Official U.S. Navy photo from the Secret City video.



F-22 Raptor #2, fires an AIM-9 sidewinder missile, China Lake, 25 Jul 2000.

Official U.S. Navy photo, China Lake archives.



An F-14D Tomcat attached to VX-9 lands aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71), during carrier qualifications in the Atlantic Ocean, 28 July 2000.

Official U.S. Navy Photo by PH2 Steven Harbour.



Polaris missile on display at the museums opening, 28 July 2000.

Museum of Armament & Technology photo.



XF4D-1 Skyray, BuNo 124587, on display at the China Lake museum, 28 July 2000.

China Lake museum foundation photo.



TA-4F Skyhawk, NWC-042, BuNo 152102, A-6A Intruder, BuNo 155596 & A-7C Corsair II, BuNo 156797, China Lake Museum opening day, 28 July 2000.

China Lake Museum Foundation photo.



Museum entrance, 28 July 2000.

Museum of Armament & Technology photo.



Museum entrance, 28 July 2000.

Museum of Armament & Technology photo.



JFK display, 28 July 2000.

Museum of Armament & Technology photo.



Agile thrust vectored missile, 28 July 2000.

Museum of Armament & Technology photo.



Freefall weapons, Snakeye in the foreground, 28 July 2000.

Museum of Armament & Technology photo.



Early rocket developments, 28 July 2000.

Museum of Armament & Technology photo.



NOTS rocket display, 28 July 2000.

Museum of Armament & Technology photo.



Tomahawk Cruise missile, 28 July 2000.

Museum of Armament & Technology photo.



Advanced Common Intercept missile, 28 July 2000.

Museum of Armament & Technology photo.



Tacit Rainbow, Maverick, 28 July 2000.

Museum of Armament & Technology photo.



Sidewinder, Tacit Rainbow, Maverick, 28 July 2000.

Museum of Armament & Technology photo.



Recoverable Test Vehicle, 28 July 2000.

Museum of Armament & Technology photo.



Fleet Support display, 28 July 2000.

Museum of Armament & Technology photo.



China Lake history display, 28 July 2000.

Museum of Armament & Technology photo.



Weapons Systems, 28 July 2000.

Museum of Armament & Technology photo.



Weapons display, 28 July 2000.

Museum of Armament & Technology photo.



Weapons display, 28 July 2000.

Museum of Armament & Technology photo.



Assorted Pooh-Bahs, 28 July 2000.

Museum of Armament & Technology photo.



Improved Tactical Air Launched Decoy (ITALD) on a FA-18 Hornet mimics the behavior & radar signature of tactical aircraft, China Lake, August 2000.

Naval Aviation News photo.



USAF F-16D Falcon s/n 90-0835 of the 416th Flight Test Squadron , fires a HARM missile over the China Lake test range, 24 Sep 2000.

U.S. Air Force Photo by Tom Reynolds.



USN F-111B BuNo 152715, museum compound, circa 2000.

Photographer unknown.



USN F-111B BuNo 152715, museum compound, circa 2000.

Photographer unknown.



UH-1N Huey BuNo 158770, SAR-017, stands by as the Space Shuttle Discovery lands, Edwards AFB, 24 October 2000.

Photo by D. Ramey.



DKT-80, AIM-9 Sidewinder telemetry unit, designed and fabricated at NAWCWD, China Lake, 22 November 2000.

The telemetry unit used by the Air Force and Navy replaces the Sidewinder warhead and transmits essential information to ground stations.



UH-1N Huey BuNo 158256, SAR-019, Sierras, north of Bishop during a rescue mission, winter of 2000.

Photo by D. Ramey & China Lake SAR Team.


/1 The 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) helped China Lake move two out-of-service F-4 Phantom airplanes into a nearby impact area to be used as bombing targets.