1986 Photo Gallery. Last updated 30 April, 2017
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• May 13 -- The first Shrike launch by a Navy EA-6A was completed by VAQ-209 when Lieutenant Commanders E. L. Brandt and M. J. Corcoran conducted a live firing of an AGM-45 Shrike missile at NWC, China Lake, CA. The launch occurred during the reserve squadron’s annual two weeks of active duty for training.
• August 05 -- VAQ-131 performed the first fleet launch of a AGM-88A HARM missile from a fleet EA-6B at NWC, China Lake, CA. The missile was fired from a Prowler flown by Lt. Robert Smith, pilot; LCdr. Kenneth P. Parks, ECMO 1; Lt. Michael J. Quinlan, ECMO 2; and commanding officer Cdr. William F. Headridge, ECMO 3.
• Oct 1 -- NAVWPNCEN has 26 aviation officers, 23 other officers, 460 enlisted and 35 aircraft consisting of 1 A-4M, 2 TA-4J, 4 A-6E, 1 A-7C, 3 A-7E, 2 TA-7C, 2 TH-1L, 1 UH-1N, 1 T-39D, 1 AV-8B, 1 UC-8A, 1 YF-4J, 1 C-421, 1 C-404, 6 QF-86F, 1 QT-38A, 2 QF-4N, 1 A-3B & 3 F/A-18A. VX-5 has 33 aviation officers, 14 other officers, 300 enlisted and 21 aircraft consisting of 5 A-7E, 1 AH-1J, 3 A-6E, 1 TA-4J, 4 F/A-18A, 3 A-4M, 1 C-206, 2 OV-10 & 1 AH-1T. The Aero Club has 2 C-150, 1 C-172XP, 2 C-172, 1 T-34 & 1 B77.
NTA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 154332 NTA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 154332
NTA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 154332

NWC China Lake NTA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 154332, NWC-040, 10 January 1986. Official U.S. Navy photo.

TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 152853 TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 152853
TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 152853

VX-5 Vampires TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 152853, XE-11, China Lake, circa 1986. Photo from L. McCarley.

TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 154332 TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 154332
TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 154332

NWC China Lake TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 154332, NWC-040, China Lake, circa 1986. Photo from L. McCarley.

NA-3B Skywarrior BuNo 142630 NA-3B Skywarrior BuNo 142630
NA-3B Skywarrior BuNo 142630

NWC China Lake NA-3B Skywarrior BuNo 142630 with missile seeker nose, China Lake, ca. 1986. Photo by Mike Glenn.

NA-3B Skywarrior BuNo 142630 NA-3B Skywarrior BuNo 142630
NA-3B Skywarrior BuNo 142630

The Sierra Nevada crest looms in the background as NWC China Lake NA-3B Skywarrior BuNo 142630 flies a recent mission with a missile seeker nose near China Lake. The A-3 has been modified from its original role as a carrier·based bomber to that of a unique test-bed for project work at the Naval Weapons Center. Official U.S. Navy photo.

DOD anti-terrorist barricade DOD anti-terrorist barricade
DOD anti-terrorist barricade

NCEL DOD anti-terrorist barricade program project engineer Michael Smith examines the security gate that has been hit by a 5 ton truck, China Lake, 31 January 1986. Rocketeer photo by PH2 Rick Moore.


AOC Clarence Joye (left) and AO2 Mike Smith load a AGM-88 HARM onto the missile rack of VA-82 Marauders A-7E Corsair II BuNo 160558, AJ-301, as part of the fleet firing last month, Armitage Field, China Lake, 07 February 1986. Rocketeer photo by PHAA Bob Reynolds.


AO2 Wayne Herbert (left) prepares for final loading of a AGM-88 HARM onto the missile rack of VA-82 Marauders A-7E Corsair II as part of the fleet firing last month, Armitage Field, China Lake, 07 February 1986. Rocketeer photo by PHAA Bob Reynolds.

Refueling pantograph Refueling pantograph
Refueling pantograph

With both jet engines idling, Cdr. Jack Paschall's NWC China Lake F/A-18A Hornet BuNo 161366, NWC-101, takes on a full fuel load from NWC's new refueling pantograph. Sailors from the line crew make the connection to the fuel tank with the pantograph nozzle. China Lake, 28 February 1986. Rocketeer photo by PH2 Rick Moore.

TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 152862 TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 152862
TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 152862

VX-5 Vampires TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 152862, XE-12, Elison AFB, Alaska, 01 March 1986. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Captain's Challenge Cup Captain's Challenge Cup
Captain's Challenge Cup

Enlisted personnel and officers from the NWC Branch Clinic traveled to Long Beach to take part in the Operational Readiness Captain's Challenge Cup competition. CH-46 Chinook helicopters landed with simulated casualties and the contestants had to assess the injuries before treatment could begin. CW04 Dale Day (in helicopter) and Shawn Day rush a loaded litter to a triage station. Long Beach, 14 March 1986. Rocketeer photo by PH2 Rick Moore.

Damage Repair Program Damage Repair Program
Damage Repair Program

Teaching fleet personnel how to repair battle damaged aircraft is the goal of the Aircraft Battle Damage Repair Program at NWC China Lake. Using stricken aircraft at the Weapons Survivability Laboratory, Marines from Marine Air Wing One recently completed the month-long course. China Lake, 14 March 1986. Rocketeer photo.

Anthropomorphic dummy Anthropomorphic dummy
Anthropomorphic dummy

An anthropomorphic dummy and seat are ejected from a TAV-8B Harrier cockpit on a sled propelled at 750 mph by a pusher sled with a Talos booster rocket, SNORT, China Lake, 21 March 1986. Rocketeer photo.

BGM-109 Tomahawk BGM-109 Tomahawk
BGM-109 Tomahawk

A BGM-109 Tomahawk launched from a submarine submerged off the coast of CA approaches its target, a revetted RA-5C Vigilante, 01 April 1986. The cruise missile traveled more than 400 miles during the test conducted by the Joint Cruise Missiles Project.

1,000-pound conventional warhead 1,000-pound conventional warhead
1,000-pound conventional warhead

The 1,000-pound conventional warhead of a BGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missile detonates over its target on San Clemente Island, 01 April 1986. Official U.S. Navy photo.

500th parachute jump 500th parachute jump
500th parachute jump

PR1 Harvey L. Hartman (right) and PR1 William E. Leuallen chose Friday, April 25 to make their 500th premeditated parachute jump. They left NWC's UC-8A Buffalo from an altitude of 15,000 feet over the G-Range drop zone. They are only the 11th and 12th parachutists to have reached this milestone in more than 40 years of parachute testing. China Lake, 25 April 1986. Rocketeer photo by PRCM Bob Hudson.

Navy Relief Society Navy Relief Society
Navy Relief Society

Cdr. Gil Rud, commanding officer of the Blue Angels bought the first ticket to the annual China Lake Navy Relief Society's fund drive drawing. The air show commemorating the 75th Anniversary of Naval Aviation featuring Cdr. Rud's Blue Angels kicked off the 1986 NRS fund drive, according to LCdr. Rich Bruce, who sold the first ticket. China Lake, 26 April 1986. Rocketeer photo.

U.S. flag U.S. flag
U.S. flag

PRCM Bob Hudson brings the U.S. flag down with him to open NWC China Lake's celebration of 75 years of Naval Aviation. Master Chief Hudson heads the Parachute Test Branch of the Aerosystems Department. China Lake, 27 April 1986. Rocketeer photo.

Coors Light Silver Bullet Coors Light Silver Bullet
Coors Light Silver Bullet

BD-5J N21AP Coors Light Silver Bullet, China Lake Air Show, Armitage Field, 27 April 1986. Photo by Bryan Vincent.

QF-86F Sabre drone s/n 55-5099 QF-86F Sabre drone s/n 55-5099
QF-86F Sabre drone s/n 55-5099

NWC China Lake QF-86F Sabre drone s/n 55-5099, NWC-871, China Lake Air Show, Armitage Field, 27 April 1986. Photographer unknown.

QT-38A Talon s/n 59-1603 QT-38A Talon s/n 59-1603
QT-38A Talon s/n 59-1603

NWC China Lake QT-38A Talon s/n 59-1603, NWC-381, China Lake Air Show, Armitage Field, 27 April 1986. Photographer unknown.

NA-3B Skywarrior BuNo 142630 NA-3B Skywarrior BuNo 142630
NA-3B Skywarrior BuNo 142630

NWC China Lake NA-3B Skywarrior BuNo 142630, next to NWC UC-8A Buffalo BuNo 161546, north side of hangar 3, China Lake Air Show, Armitage Field, 27 April 1986. Photographer unknown.

T-39D Sabreliner BuNo 150992 T-39D Sabreliner BuNo 150992
T-39D Sabreliner BuNo 150992

NWC China Lake T-39D Sabreliner BuNo 150992, Armitage Field, China Lake Air Show, Armitage Field, 27 April 1986. Photo by B. Shane.

QF-4N Phantom II BuNo 152272 QF-4N Phantom II BuNo 152272
QF-4N Phantom II BuNo 152272

NWC China Lake Aircraft Department QF-4N Phantom II BuNo 152272, NWC-409, Armitage Field, China Lake, 27 April 1986, A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 158169, NWC-046, at left. Photo from Paul Minert Collection, courtesy A. Romano www.navarchives.com


NWC China Lake Aircraft Department QF-4N Phantom II BuNo 152272, NWC-409, Armitage Field, China Lake, 27 April 1986, Photo from Paul Minert Collection, courtesy A. Romano www.navarchives.com

A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156785 A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156785

NWC China Lake A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156785, NWC-707, on the ramp with ZUNI rocket launchers on a TER and a MER with practice bombs, Armitage Field, China Lake, 27 April 1986. NWC China Lake A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 158169, NWC-046, at left. Photo from Paul Minert Collection, courtesy A. Romano www.navarchives.com

A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 158169 A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 158169
A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 158169

NWC China Lake Aircraft Department A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 158169, NWC-046, Armitage Field, China Lake, 27 April 1986. Photo from Paul Minert Collection, courtesy A. Romano www.navarchives.com

A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 160264 A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 160264
A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 160264

VX-5 Vampires A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 160264, XE-15, Hot Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, 27 April 1986. Photo by B. Trombecky.

A-7E Corsair II BuNo 160722 A-7E Corsair II BuNo 160722
A-7E Corsair II BuNo 160722

VX-5 Vampires A-7E Corsair II BuNo 160722, XE-05, Andrews AFB, 3 May 1986. Photo by B. Brabant.

UC-8A Buffalo BuNo 161546 UC-8A Buffalo BuNo 161546
UC-8A Buffalo BuNo 161546

NWC China Lake UC-8A Buffalo BuNo 161546, north side of hangar 3, China Lake Air Show, Armitage Field, 27 April 1986. Photographer unknown.

Lt. Jack Ceckler Lt. Jack Ceckler
Lt. Jack Ceckler

Lt. Jack Ceckler tells visitors about the A-6E Intruder he flies for the Naval Weapons Center. China Lake, 27 April 1986. Rocketeer photo.


Ron Smith (left) and Louie Allen of the Indian Wells Valley Search and Rescue Team help a youngster out of the team's snow-cat, part of the team's display in Hangar Three Sunday. China Lake, 27 April 1986. Rocketeer photo.

Lt. Pat Walsh Lt. Pat Walsh
Lt. Pat Walsh

Lt. Pat Walsh of the Blue Angels flew his first show at China Lake since joining the flight demonstration team following a tour of duty with the VX-5 Vampires. China Lake, 27 April 1986. Rocketeer photo.

A-4M Skyhawks A-4M Skyhawks
A-4M Skyhawk

VX-5 Vampires A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 160245, XE-16, & VX-5 A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 160264, XE-13, in-flight with Maverick missiles, 06 May 1986. Official U.S. Navy photo.

NWC Branch Medical Clinic NWC Branch Medical Clinic
NWC Branch Medical Clinic

NWC Branch Medical Clinic personnel and China Lake firefighters rush Lt. Victor E. Wagoner, 32, an instructor pilot from VA-122 at NAS Lemoore to the clinic after he ejected from his A-7E Corsair II near Haiwee Reservoir in southern Inyo County. Lt. David Cink, Medical Corps, joined NWC SAR helo crew members Lt. Tim Cleary, pilot; Lt. Mark Eoff, co-pilot; AMH3 John Hoffman, AD Richard Johnston and HM3 Jim Childers. China Lake, 19 May 1986. Rocketeer photo by Steve Boster.

B-47E Stratojet s/n 52-0166 B-47E Stratojet s/n 52-0166
B-47E Stratojet s/n 52-0166

B-47E Stratojet s/n 52-0166 as CMSgt. Richard Lindsey takes the new crew through a final preflight check list, China Lake, 17 June 1986. Photo by TSgt. Michael Haggerty.

Maj. Gen. J.D. Moore Maj. Gen. J.D. Moore
Maj. Gen. J.D. Moore

Maj. Gen. J.D. Moore talks to ground crew members before he climbs into the cockpit of B-47 Stratojet s/n 52-0166 for the 40-minute flight across the Sierra Nevada to Castle AFB. China Lake, 17 June 1986. Rocketeer photo.

B-47E Stratojet s/n 52-0166 B-47E Stratojet s/n 52-0166
B-47E Stratojet s/n 52-0166

Restored USAF B-47E Stratojet s/n 52-0166 in-flight with its landing gear down en-route to Merced, CA, where it will be displayed with other preserved aircraft at the Castle AFB Museum, 17 June 1986. Maj. Gen. J.D. Moore who flew B-47's in the 1950s and 1960s was at the controls for this historic flight. Photo by TSgt. Michael Haggerty.

VX-5 Vampires formation VX-5 Vampires formation
VX-5 Vampires formation

VX-5 Vampires formation over Owens Lake, 30 June 1986. A-6 Intruder, two A-7 Corsair IIs, two FA/18 Hornets and an A-4M Skyhawk. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Tround machine gun Tround machine gun
Tround machine gun

Ron Jones briefs Maj. Gen. Raymond M. Franklin on operation of the single-barreled Tround 0.50 Caliber (MK 9 Ammunition) machine gun which is capable of a firing rate of 2,000 rounds per minute which has been extensively tested at NWC, China Lake in Late June 1986. Rocketeer photo.

AV-8B Harrier BuNo 162721 AV-8B Harrier BuNo 162721
AV-8B Harrier BuNo 162721

VX-5 Vampires AV-8B Harrier BuNo 162721, XE-10, on the ramp next to A-6E Intruder BuNo 161669, tail code NE, unknown location, July 1986. Photo by P. Martin.

OV-10A Bronco BuNo 155465 OV-10A Bronco BuNo 155465
OV-10A Bronco BuNo 155465

VX-5 Vampires OV-10A Bronco BuNo 155465, XE-70, on the ramp at an unknown location, circa July 1986. Photographer unknown.

A-4A Skyhawk BuNo 137814 A-4A Skyhawk BuNo 137814
A-4A Skyhawk BuNo 137814

Capt. J.W. Patterson's name goes on A-4A Skyhawk BuNo 137814 on display at the Naval Weapons Center traffic circle, as NWC Commander. The new Skipper's name was stenciled on and polished up by AMS3 Michael W. Heifort while Bill Andrews of the Center's Public Works Department operated the boom. China Lake, 11 July 1986. Rocketeer photo.

TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 152853 TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 152853
TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 152853

VX-5 Vampires TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 152853, XE-11, Abbotsford, BC, 09 August 1986. Photo by Henry Tenby, Paul Minert Collection, courtesy A. Romano www.navarchives.com

QF-86 drone conversion QF-86 drone conversion
QF-86 drone conversion

Dave Rosenthal (top) looks on as Gary Schmidt and Max E. Lawson discuss the Preproduction Configuration Audit of the QF-86 drone conversion program. Schmidt heads the audit committee that Includes government and contractor representatives. Hangar 2, Armitage Field, China Lake, 05 September 1986. Rocketeer photo by PH2 Rick Moore.

Sympathetic detonation Sympathetic detonation
Sympathetic detonation

Sympathetic detonation caused the 128 Mk-84 bombs, 48 cluster bombs and 72,000 rounds of 20mm ammunition in the storage Igloo to ignite after one of the Mk-84 bombs was set off with explosives. Only a giant hole in the ground more than 25 feet deep remained after the detonation. China Lake, 05 September 1986. Rocketeer photo by Mickey Strang.

VX-5 Vampires sailors VX-5 Vampires sailors
VX-5 Vampires sailors

Three VX-5 Vampires sailors from the maintenance crew will join the Blue Angels for their next tour of duty. The three will take part in the transitioning from the A-4F Skyhawk to the F/A-18 Hornet by the Blues for the 1987 show season. AME3 Tom Viviano (left), AZ2 Rusty Jones and AT2 Grady Cox (right) look over a replica of the A-4F Skyhawk that will soon be a collector's item for fans of the Navy's Flight Demonstration Team. China Lake, 12 September 1986. Rocketeer photo by PH3 Greg Hogan.

SAR helo SAR helo
SAR helo

AT2 Jack Hays (left) and AT3 Richard L. Johnston, both crewmen for NWC's search and rescue helicopter, recently advanced along their Navy career paths when they took the oath of enlistment for another three year hitch in the Navy. The two sailors are busy checking out the SAR helo prior to flight. China Lake, 26 September 1986. Rocketeer photo.

A-4A Skyhawk BuNo 137814 A-4A Skyhawk BuNo 137814
A-4A Skyhawk BuNo 137814

Former NAF China Lake A-4A Skyhawk BuNo 137814 on display in Switzer Circle, 13 October 1986. Official U.S. Navy photo.

T-39D Sabreliner and MC-130E Hercules T-39D Sabreliner and MC-130E Hercules
T-39D Sabreliner and MC-130E Hercules

NWC China Lake T-39D Sabreliner BuNo 150992 in flight with USAF MC-130E Hercules Combat Talon I special forces support aircraft s/n 64-0568, October 1986. Photo courtesy A. Romano www.navarchives.com 

Gary Bailey Gary Bailey
Gary Bailey

Gary Bailey, associate division head of the Aircraft Departments Airfield Operations Division de-planes from T-39D Sabreliner BuNo 150992 after accumulating his 10,000th hour of flying, Armitage Field, China Lake, 03 October 1986. Rocketeer photo.

NWC Reserve Unit 0176 NWC Reserve Unit 0176
NWC Reserve Unit 0176

With NWC China Lake A-6E Intruder BuNo 155592, NWC-602, in the background Capt. James Fagnant addresses the men and women of NWC Reserve Support Unit 0176 as he assumed command of the unit relieving Capt. John Bloore, hangar 3, Armitage Field, China Lake, 25 October 1986. Rocketeer photo.

A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 160264 A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 160264
A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 160264

VX-5 Vampires A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 160264, XE-15, George AFB, 08 November 1986. Photographer unknown.

A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 160264 A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 160264
A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 160264

VX-5 Vampires A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 160264, XE-15, George AFB, 08 November 1986. Photo by Craig Kaston, Paul Minert Collection, courtesy A. Romano www.navarchives.com