• Jan 1 -- NAF
has 24 aviation officers, 5 other officers, 484 enlisted and 41 aircraft
consisting of 1 NA-4E, 1 A-4E, 1 A-4F, 3 TA-4J, 2 NA-6A, 1 A-6A, 2 A-6E,
1 A-7A, 1 A-7C, 1 NA-7C, 1 A-7E, 1 F-4J, 2 F-4B, 1 OV-10A, 2 UH-1N,
2 YOV-10D, 2 C-131F, 1 C-117D, 1 T-39D, 3 U-3A, 3 QT-33A, 1 T-33B, 2
T-38, 5 QF-86H & 2 F-86H. VX-5 has 33 aviation officers,
10 other officers, 234 enlisted and 18 aircraft consisting of 1 A-7B,
4 A-7C, 4 A-7E, 1 AH-1J, 1 TA-4J, 1 A-4F, 4 A-6E, 1 A-4M, 1 US-2B &
1 US-2A. The Aero Club has 1 T-34B, 2 Cessna 150, 2 Cessna 177 &
1 Beech A33. • Feb 12 -- LTjg Rick C. Hormel, from
Lemoore, lost his life when his A -7E Corsair II (156881) crashed east
of Lone Pine. • Sep 13 -- USN Seabee Michael Richard Glodo
lost his life from injuries sustained when his semi trailer left the
road while he was transporting a bulldozer back from a job at Junction
Ranch. • July 1 -- NAF has 26 aviation officers, 6 other officers,
461 enlisted and 60 aircraft consisting of 1 NA-4E, 1 A-4E, 1 A-4F,
3 TA-4J, 2 NA-6A, 1 A-6A, 2 A-6E, 1 A-7A, 2 A-7C, 1 NA-7C, 1 A-7E, 1
F-4J, 1 F-4B, 1 OV-10A, 2 UH-1N, 2 YOV-10D, 2 C-131F, 1 C-117D, 2 T-39D,
3 U-3A, 4 QT-33A, 2 T-38 & 23 QF-86H. VX-5 has 33 aviation
officers, 10 other officers, 256 enlisted and 18 aircraft consisting
of 3 A-7C, 4 A-7E, 2 AH-1J, 1 TA-4J, 1 A-4F, 4 A-6E, 1 A-4M, 1 US-2B &
1 US-2A. The Aero Club has 1 T-34B, 2 Cessna 150, 2 Cessna 177 &
1 Cessna 210.
1Q |

A-6E Intruder BuNo 152593 |
VX-5 Vampires A-6E Intruder BuNo 152593, XE-20, Whidbey
Det., on the ramp next to VT-25 TA-4J BuNo 158102, circa
1975. Photo courtesy A. Romano

A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156777 |
VX-5 Vampires A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156777, XE-07,
unknown location, circa 1975. Photo courtesy A. Romano

A-7E Corsair II BuNo 156883 |
NAF A-7E Corsair II BuNo 156883 on the ramp with
a FLIR pod, circa 1975. Photo from Mark Nankivil Collection,
courtesy A. Romano

SIMLAB encounter |
ESL, SIMLAB encounter, T-33 Sidewinder fuze mk-15
simulation, Corona, 14 January 1975. Official U.S. Navy

Air-Launched Low Volume Ramjet test |
Propulsion Development Department employees involved
in the Naval Weapons Center's part of the Air-Launched
Low Volume Ramjet test vehicle program gather around
the ramjet booster motor. The large hoses simulate the
ram air that develops pressure against the port covers
during a test flight, thus exerting sufficient force
to cause release of the port covers to take place, China
Lake, 17 January 1975. Rocketeer photo.

A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156782 |
NAF China Lake A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156782 and the
Air Launched Low Volume Ramjet test vehicle mounted
below the wing, 17 January 1975. Rocketeer photo.

QF-86H Sabre s/n 53-1314 |
NAF China Lake QF-86H Sabre s/n 53-1314 was heavily
involved in GORJE (Generic Ordnance Ramjet Engine) and
HARM missile tests, China Lake, 17 Jan 1975. Official
U.S. Navy photo, Duncan Curtis collection.

No-drop bomb scoring system |
Code 3721 Electronic Technicians Norman Nelson and
Gordon Oland are seated by a microprocessor and display
screen of the no-drop bomb scoring system, B range,
China Lake, 24 January 1975. Rocketeer photo.

A-6E Intruder BuNo 158041 |
VX-5 Vampires A-6E Intruder BuNo 158041, XE-18, unknown
location, February 1975. Photo courtesy A. Romano

UH-60 mock-up |
A representative of the Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. was
here to display this mock-up of a helicopter (UH-60)
that is a candidate for the Army's Utility Tactical
Transport Aircraft System. Both Marine Corps and Army
Liaison Office personnel had a look at the model, as
did helicopter pilots from the Naval Air Facility. China
Lake, 07 February 1975. Rocketeer photo.

Foggy Cloud VII |
Project Foggy Cloud VII is underway at the Visalia
Municipal Airport using a Wally McDowell Enterprises
Cessna 327 which has been fitted with a seeding apparatus
designed to formulate stratus clouds. Each time a heavy
fog is expected the Cessna is flown into the air while
clear skies still prevail and a layer of stratus cloud
is formed by using the long, tube-like seeder. China
Lake, 07 February 1975. Rocketeer photo.

A-7E Corsair II BuNo 156805 |
VX-5 Vampires A-7E Corsair II BuNo 156805, XE-03,
location unknown, 09 February 1975. Photographer unknown.

Bronco airlift |
The only damage to NAF China Lake OV-10A Bronco BuNo
155446 was a blown tire after an emergency landing by
LCdr. Michael A Rij on Wild Rose Rd. about 20 miles
north of Trona. The Bronco was airlifted to China Lake
by a HMH-363 Sea Stallion (YZ-75) from MCAS El Toro,
14 February 1975. Rocketeer photo.

Condor suitability testing |
VX-5 Vampires CO Capt. E.M. Crow presents letters
of commendation to AOAN Juan J. Pena. Other recipients
of similar letters are (l.-r.) AO2 Daniel P. Shaunessy,
AQ2 Jimmy W. Lee, AOAN Frederick H. Plott and AMHAN
John C. Buchner. Not shown are ADJ1 Renton L. Feller,
AT2 Steven W. Piel, AO2 Steven J. Brouker, AN William
K. Worman and AOAA Mark A. Berquist. The men were cited
for their untiring efforts and attention to detail while
on board the USS Ranger in support of carrier suitability
testing on the Condor Weapons System. China Lake, 21
February 1975. VX-5 photo.

U-3A Blue Canoe BuNo 58-2111 |
NAF China Lake U-3A Blue Canoe BuNo 58-2111, RAdm.
Julian Lake considered by many to be the Navy's "Father
of Electronic Warfare, ca. 1975. Photo from Rick Saiger.

BD-5J N153BD |
BD-5J N153BD, l-r Project Engineer Bruce Saiger,
mechanic Mark Ralston, & Tony Taylor, pilot Bob
Bishop in the aircraft, China Lake, 12 March 1975. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Cross section radar tests |
BD-5J N153BD, cross section radar tests, Randsburg
Wash Test Range, China Lake, 12 March 1975. Official
U.S. Navy photo.
2Q |

GORJE static ejection test |
NAF China Lake QF-86H Sabre s/n 53-1314 carried out
GORJE static ejection tests, NAF China Lake 04 Apr 1975.
Official U.S. Navy photo, Duncan Curtis collection.

QF-86H Sabre s/n 53-1314 |
NAF China Lake QF-86H Sabre s/n 53-1314 GORJE CFV
in-flight, NAF China Lake, 22 May 1975. Official U.S.
Navy photo, Duncan Curtis.

A-7E Simulation |
Hermie Harris, a computer operator in the A-7E Corsair
II Simulation Facility, makes an evaluation check as
Frank Bachinski looks on, China Lake, 18 April 1975.
Rocketeer photo.

A-7E Corsair II Simulator |
Hermie Harris at the controls of the A-7E Corsair
II Simulator, A-7E Simulation Facility, China Lake,
circa April 1975. Photographer unknown.

A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156739 |
NAF China Lake A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156739, China
Lake, May 1975. Photo by Duane S. Kuhn.

Chaplain LCdr. R.W. Harper |
NAF China Lake Chaplain LCdr. R.W. Harper assisted
by ADR3 Mike Prosser loads 26 boxes of clothing aboard
a NAF C-131F Samaritan. The clothing is being sent to
Vietnamese refugees currently being housed at Camp Pendleton.
China Lake, 16 May 1975. Rocketeer photo.

AIM-9L Sidewinder intercept |
An AIM-9L Sidewinder missile intercepts a NAF China
Lake QT-33A Shooting Star target drone BuNo 155999 over China Lake,
19 May 1975. Official U. S. Navy photo from Bob Lawson.

CLMRG practice |
The China Lake Mountain Rescue Group team practices
the required techniques when it is impossible for a
helicopter to set down and they are lowered to the ground
by a sling. Waiting their turn to practice the use of
the sling (occupied by Don Harris) on a NAF China Lake
Huey are three other CLMRG members (from left) Don Peterson,
Bill Stronge and Terry Moore. Supervising are Lt. Ian
Refo, the helicopter pilot, and ADJ3 Gordon Draper,
a Navy helicopter crew member. China Lake, 30 May 1975.
Rocketeer photo by Ron Allen.

A-6E Intruder BuNo 152593 |
VX-5 Vampires A-6E Intruder BuNo 152593, XE-20, hangar
1, China Lake, June 1975. Photo by Dale Chavez.

A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 158170 |
VX-5 Vampires A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 158170, XE-15, 1975.
Photographer unknown.

A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 158417 |
VX-5 Vampires A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 158417, XE-14, on
the taxiway, China Lake, June 1975. Photo by Dale Chavez.

A-7E Corsair II BuNo 159271 |
VX-5 Vampires A-7E Corsair II BuNo 159271, XE-03,
Armitage Field, China Lake, June 1975. Photo by Dale

A-7E Corsair II BuNo 159300 |
VX-5 Vampires A-7E Corsair II BuNo 159300, XE-09,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 1975. Photo courtesy A.
Romano www.navarchives.com

A-7E Corsair II |
VX-5 Vampires A-7E Corsair II BuNo unknown, hangar
1, China Lake, June 1975. Photo by Dale Chavez.

A-7E Corsair II BuNo 160616 |
VX-5 Vampires A-7E Corsair II BuNo 160616, XE-04,
hangar 1, China Lake, June 1975. Photo by Dale Chavez.

NA-4E Skyhawk BuNo 148613 |
NAF China Lake NA-4E Skyhawk BuNo 148613, Walleye
IIR, Hot Line, China Lake, 04 June 1975. USAF 57th Fighter
Weapons Wing A-7D Corsair II s/n 71-342, WA-342, at
left and NAF F-4J Phantom II BuNo 153812 at right. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Walleye IIR close-up |
Walleye IIR close-up, NAF China Lake A-4E Skyhawk
BuNo 148613, Hot Line, China Lake, 04 June 1975. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

VX-5 Vampires COC |
Commander, Operational Test and Evaluation Force
RAdm. R.R. Monroe presents a Meritorious Service Medal
to Capt. Edwin M. Crow (center) at the VX-5 Vampires
change of command ceremony. Looking on at right is Capt.
Robert N. Livingston, who has succeeded Capt. Crow as
VX-5 CO. China Lake, 13 June 1975. VX-5 photo.

Salutes were exchanged by Capt. R.S. Moore (at left)
and Capt. Conrad B. Olson as the latter took over the
duties of Commanding Officer of the Nava1 Air Facility
during the change of command. China Lake, 20 June 1975.
Rocketeer photo by Ron Allen.

Walleye IIR |
NAF China Lake A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149969, Walleye
IIR, Hot Line, China Lake, 26 June 1975. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

OV-10A Bronco BuNo 155396 |
NAF China Lake OV-10A Bronco BuNo 155396, China Lake,
June 1975. Photographer unknown.
3Q |

A-6E Intruder BuNo 151565 |
VX-5 Vampires A-6E Intruder BuNo 151565, XE-20, location
unknown, April 1975. Photographer unknown.

A-7 Corsair II pilots |
Posing by NAF China Lake A-7E Corsair II BuNo 156874
are (l-r) NAF China Lake pilot Lt. Joe Killinger, A-7D/E
project test pilot; Cdr. J.J. Fleming, NWC's A-7 Project
Officer and Lt. Mike Tkach, the NWC Aircraft Systems
Officer, who have flown all five versions of the A-7
Corsair II. China Lake, 03 July 1975. Rocketeer photo.

F-111D weapons delivery |
The U.S. Air Force's F-111D's computerized weapons
delivery system is being evaluated during tests that
are currently under way on NWC's instrumented ranges.
The arrow at left points to the bomb hit at Baker Range.
China Lake, 11 July 1975. Rocketeer photo by Diane Coryell.

A-4F Skyhawk BuNo 154172 |
NAF China Lake A-4F Skyhawk BuNo 154172, AGM-88 Harm
missile, China Lake, 17 July 1975. Official U.S. Navy

AGM-88 Harm missile |
AGM-88 Harm missile, NAF China Lake A-4F Skyhawk
BuNo 154172, China Lake, 17 July 1975. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156777 |
VX-5 Vampires A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156777, XE-07,
Moffett Field, 20 July 1975. Photo by Peter Bergagnini.

U-3A Blue Canoe s/n 58-2111 |
NAF China Lake U-3A Blue Canoe s/n 58-2111, NAS Miramar,
26 July 1975. VT-21 Fighting Redhawks TA-4J Skyhawk
BuNo 156927, B-103, at left and VF-101KW F-4B Phantom
II BuNo 151422 at right. Photo from Naval Aviation Archives
(NAVA) Collection, courtesy A. Romano

TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 152848 |
NAF China Lake TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 152848, China Lake,
August 1975. Photo by B. Stewart.

A-4 Skyhawk model |
A-4 Skyhawk model mounted on "sting" used for testing
bomb trajectories at various speeds in the transonic
wind tunnel, NSRDC Carderock, MD. August 1975 NAN photo.

Sam D target |
An underneath view of the “Sam D” target and monitor
during the Sam D Pullby test, Randsburg Wash Facility
Target Test Towers, NWC, China Lake, 23 August 1975.
Official U.S. Navy photo by R. Eady.

Sam D target |
A three-quarter front view of the “Sam D” target
and monitor during the Sam D Pullby test, Randsburg
Wash Facility Target Test Towers, NWC China Lake, 23
August 1975. Official U.S. Navy photo by R. Eady.

A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156779 |
VX-5 Vampires AA Blaine Stanbaugh shows Lt. Terry
Nolan that he is about to place the pins in the storage
locker of VX-5 A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156779, XE-05, prior
to take-off. China Lake, 05 September 1975. Rocketeer
photo by PH2 Dick Grant.

A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156779 |
SN K.A. Lockwood is preparing to tow VX-5 Vampires
A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156779, XE-05, from the hangar
to the flight-line. In the cockpit is brake rider AA
Julio Huete. China Lake, 05 September 1975. Rocketeer
photo by PH2 Dick Grant.

Teledyne Ryan MQM-34B Firebee |
E-5912, HDL XM 817, Fuse Test, front view of 4th
target, Teledyne Ryan MQM-34B Firebee in first position
for runs 1, 2, and 3, SNORT, NWC China Lake, 07 September
1975. Official U.S. Navy photo by R. Eady.

NA-4E Skyhawk BuNo 148613 |
NAF China Lake NA-4E Skyhawk BuNo 148613, Weapon
Environmental Measuring Acquisition System (WEMAS) pod,
Hot Line, China Lake, 22 September 1975. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

T-39D Sabreliner BuNo 150992 |
NAF China Lake T-39D Sabreliner BuNo 150992, NAS
Miramar next to VF-121 Pacemakers F-4 Phantom II, OJT-2,
circa 1975. Photo from the Tailhook Association.

OV-10A Bronco BuNo 155446 |
NAF China Lake OV-10A Bronco BuNo 155446, NAS Alameda,
1975. Wayne Mutza collection.
4Q |

F-86H Sabre s/n 52-2090 |
NAF China Lake F-86H Sabre s/n 52-2090, south side
of hangar 3, USN 200th anniversary, Armitage Field,
China Lake, 13 October 1975. Photographer unknown.

F-86H Sabre s/n 52-5746 |
NAF China Lake F-86H Sabre s/n 52-5746, south side
of hangar 3, USN 200th anniversary, Armitage Field,
China Lake, 13 October 1975. Photographer unknown.

F-86H Sabre s/n 53-1351 |
NAF China Lake F-86H Sabre s/n 53-1351, south side
of hangar 3, USN 200th anniversary, Armitage Field,
China Lake, 13 October 1975. Photographer unknown.

F-86H Sabre s/n 53-1373 |
NAF China Lake F-86H Sabre s/n 53-1373, south side
of hangar 3, USN 200th anniversary, Armitage Field,
China Lake, 13 October 1975. Photographer unknown.

F-86H Sabre s/n 53-1413 |
NAF China Lake F-86H Sabre s/n 53-1413, USN 200th
anniversary, Armitage Field, China Lake, 13 October
1975. Photographer unknown.

U-2D Dragon Lady s/n 56-6721 |
AFFTC U-2D Dragon Lady s/n 56-6721, USN 200th anniversary,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 13 October 1975. Photo by
T.R. Waddington.

Cessna A-37B Tweet |
USAF Cessna A-37B Tweet s/n 68-7912, and F4U-7 Corsair "Blue
Max" BuNo 133693, WR-93, N33693, USN 200th anniversary,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 13 October 1975. Peter B.
Lewis from René Francillon collection.

F8F-2 Bearcat BuNo 122629 |
Grumman F8F-2 Bearcat BuNo 122629, N777L, USN 200th
anniversary, Armitage Field, China Lake, 13 October
1975. Peter B. Lewis from René Francillon collection.

U-3A Blue Canoe BuNo 57-5891 |
NAF China Lake U-3A Blue Canoe BuNo 57-5891, USN
200th anniversary, Armitage Field, China Lake, 13 October
1975. Photo by Clay Jansson, Tailhook Assoc. collection.

NAF China Lake U-3A Blue Canoe s/n 58-2123, USN 200th
anniversary, Armitage Field, China Lake, 13 October
1975. VT-27 Boomers T-28B BuNo 138280, D-737, in left
background. Photographer unknown.

T-38A Talon BuNo 59-1596 |
NAF China Lake T-38A Talon BuNo 59-1596, USN 200th
anniversary, Armitage Field, China Lake, 13 October
1975. Photo by Clay Jansson, Tailhook Assoc. collection.

US-2A Tracker BuNo 136407 |
VX-5 Vampires US-2A Tracker BuNo 136407, XE-00, USN
200th anniversary, Armitage Field, China Lake, 13 Oct
1975. Photo by Clay Jansson.

US-2A Tracker BuNo 136544 |
VX-5 Vampires US-2A Tracker BuNo 136544, XE-21, USN
200th anniversary, Armitage Field, China Lake, 13 Oct
1975. Photo by Clay Jansson.

C-131F Samaritan BuNo 141028 |
NAF China Lake C-131F Samaritan BuNo 141028, hangar
3, China Lake, 13 October 1975. Photo by T. R. Waddington.

QF-9J Cougar BuNo 141201 |
NAF China Lake QF-9J Cougar drone BuNo 141201, USN
200th anniversary, Armitage Field, China Lake, 13 October
1975. Peter B. Lewis from René Francillon collection.

T-39D Sabreliner BuNo 150992 |
NAF China Lake T-39D Sabreliner BuNo 150992 next
to NAF TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 153677, USN 200th anniversary,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 13 October 1975. Photo from
Naval Aviation Archives (NAVA) Collection, courtesy
A. Romano www.navarchives.com

A-6E Intruder BuNo 152593 |
VX-5 Vampires A-6E Intruder BuNo 152593, XE-20, Armitage
Field, China Lake, January 1975. Clay Jansson photo
from Paul Minert Collection, courtesy A. Romano

A-6E Intruder BuNo 152593 |
VX-5 Vampires A-6E Intruder BuNo 152593, XE-20, Armitage
Field, China Lake, 13 October 1975. Photo courtesy A.
Romano www.navarchives.com

TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 153677 |
NAF China Lake TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 153677, USN 200th
anniversary, Armitage Field, China Lake, 13 October
1975. Photographer unknown.

YOV-10D Bronco BuNo 155396 |
NAF China Lake YOV-10D Bronco BuNo 155396 in front
of OV-10A BuNo 155496 Armitage Field, China Lake, 13
October 1975. Photo from Naval Aviation Archives (NAVA)
Collection, courtesy A. Romano

OV-10A Bronco BuNo 155446 |
NAF China Lake OV-10A Bronco BuNo 155446, USN 200th
anniversary, Armitage Field, China Lake, 13 October
1975. Photo by Don Logan via C. T. Robbins.

OV-10A Bronco BuNo 155496 |
NAF China Lake OV-10A Bronco BuNo 155496 still in
H&MS-14 EW-17 markings, USN 200th anniversary, Armitage
Field, China Lake, 13 October 1975. Photo by Don Logan
via C. T. Robbins.

OV-10A Bronco BuNo 155496 |
NAF China Lake OV-10A Bronco BuNo 155496 and NAF
C-131F BuNo 141028, SE corner of hangar 3, China Lake,
October 1975. Photo via R. Dowers.

QT-33A Seastar BuNo 156005 |
NAF China Lake QT-33A Seastar drone BuNo 156005,
USN 200th anniversary, Armitage Field, China Lake, 13
October 1975. Photographer unknown.

A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 158417 |
VX-5 Vampires A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 158417, XE-14, USN
200th anniversary, Armitage Field, China Lake, 13 October
1975. Photo by Don Logan.

A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 158417 |
VX-5 Vampires A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 158417, XE-14, USN
200th anniversary, Armitage Field, China Lake, 13 October
1975. Photo by Paul Goddard.

AH-1J Sea Cobra BuNo 159227 |
VX-5 Vampires AH-1J Sea Cobra BuNo 159227, XE-11,
USN 200th anniversary, Armitage Field, China Lake, 13
October 1975. Photo via R. Dowers.

A-7E Corsair II BuNo 159300 |
VX-5 Vampires A-7E Corsair II BuNo 159300, XE-08,
USN 200th anniversary, Armitage Field, China Lake, 13
October 1975. Photo by D. Logan.

Beauty Queens and Blue Angels |
Blue Angels A-4F Skyhawk BuNo 154177 #1, Miss Ridgecrest-China
Lake contestants l-r: Pamela Drake; Ridgecrest Board
of Realtors, Laura Cope; Miss Loewen's TV, Cynthia Zinter;
Miss Kiwanis Club, Cheryl Cox; John's Pizza Parlor,
Julie Beck; Hildreth Motors, Rengis Fabris; 1974 title-winner,
Janice Heinsohn; Rotary Club, Nancy Sopp; 1st Federal
Savings, Kym Brett; Elks Lodge, Mary Paine, Hideaway
Restaurant, and Roni Sue Kaufman; NAF. Blue Angels pilots
l-r: Lt. Jim Bauer (8), Lt. Denny Sapp (6), Lt. John
Chehansky (4), Capt. Bill Holverstott (2), Cdr. Tony
Less (1), Lt. John Patton (3), Lt. Vance Parker (5)
and Lt. Al Cisneros (7). USN 200th anniversary, Armitage
Field, China Lake, 13 October 1975. Official U.S. Navy
 Colors |
Colors with the Blue Angels A-4F Skyhawks in the
background, USN 200th anniversary, Armitage Field, China
Lake, 13 October 1975. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Blue Angels A-4F Skyhawks at left and some of the
crowd of 9,000 persons that flocked to the Naval Air
Facility to witness the air show, USN 200th anniversary,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 13 October 1975. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 152072 |
NAF China Lake A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 152072, laser tracker
nose, 22 October 1975. Official U.S. Navy photo.

DT-38A Talon s/n 59-1594 |
NAF China Lake DT-38A Talon drone controller s/n
59-1594, at an AFB in Nevada, 26 October 1975. Photo
by Don Logan.

C-117D Skytrain BuNo 17156 |
NAF China Lake R4D-8 (C-117D) Skytrain BuNo 17156
was flown to Davis Monthan AFB by Lt. Stub Allen and
Reserve Capt. Gary Bailey where it will be mothballed.
The 33-year-old aircraft was built in the Douglas plant
in Santa Monica as a C-47H. China Lake, 30 October 1975.
Rocketeer photo by Ron Allen.

Mobile precision instrumentation radar |
A mobile precision instrumentation radar (MPIR) that
is NWC's contribution to the Microwave Landing System
is examined prior to its delivery to the Air Force for
testing in Laredo, TX. Bob Gantz (center), who is the
Air Force sub-contractor in charge of flight profile
investigation and operations at Laredo, is flanked by
Roger Nickell (left) and Rod Beran, two of the employees
in the NWC Weapons Department who worked on MPIR. China
Lake, 31 October 1975. Rocketeer photo by Ray Hocker.

A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149969 |
NAF China Lake A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149969 Nosey with
Snoopy nose art and Mk-8x ordnance on the Hot Line,
China Lake, 05 November 1975. 355th Fighter Wing A-7D
Corsair II, DM, at left and 35th Tactical Fighter Wing
F-4C Phantom II s/n 63-7473, GA-473, at right. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Mk-8x ordnance close-up |
NAF China Lake A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149969, Mk-8x ordnance
close-up, China Lake, 05 November 1975. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

NA-4E Skyhawk BuNo 148613 |
NAF China Lake NA-4E Skyhawk BuNo 148613, LGB ordnance,
Hot Line, China Lake, 13 November 1975. USAF 57th Fighter
Weapons Wing F-4 Phantom II WA-270, at left. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

LGB close-up |
NAF China Lake NA-4E Skyhawk BuNo 148613, LGB ordnance
close-up, Hot Line, China Lake, 13 November 1975. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

ADJAN Constance C. Schaper |
NAF China Lake ADJAN Constance C. Schaper, the first
woman to qualify as an A-7 Corsair II plane captain
at China Lake (Nov. 6, 1974) is presented the LTV Aerospace
Achievement Award by LTV representative Leo Ballierra.
Miss Schaper received the award in recognition of her
expertise in performing maintenance work on the Corsair
II. She has been designated as NAF's leading A-7 plane
captain and is responsible for training future A-7 plane
captains. China Lake, 14 November1975. Rocketeer photo.

A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149969 |
NAF China Lake A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149969, Open House,
16 November 1975. Photo by R. R. Leader, Paul Minert
Collection, courtesy A. Romano

RAdm. S.L. Gravely. Jr. |
Commandant of the 11th Naval District RAdm. S.L.
Gravely. Jr. pays his first visit to the Naval Weapons
Center since assuming his present duties. He is discussing
the coordinated effort required between NAF military
personnel and civilian employees of the Test and Evaluation
Department with NAF China Lake CO Capt. Conrad B. Olson.
China Lake, 17 November 1975. Rocketeer photo by Ray

Armitage Field monument |
Armitage Field named in honor of Lt. John Murray
Armitage USNR and dedicated to the design, development
and testing of aircraft weapons for which he so gallantly
gave his life - 21 August 1944. Clay Jansson courtesy
A. Romano www.navarchives.com

Shrike missile |
A Shrike missile and a communications pod are shown
under the wing of a VX-5 Vampires A-7 Corsair II that
will be used to train pilots in the captive firing of
Shrike at the Air Combat Maneuvering Range at Yuma,
AZ. The communications pod (on right), built into the
shape of a Sidewinder missile is connected to an LAU7
launcher and an ADU299 adapter. The Shrike is mounted
under an AERO 5A launcher and connected to a dual launch
adapter. China Lake, 21 November 1975. Rocketeer photo.

A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 158417 |
VX-5 Vampires A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 158417, XE-14, unknown
location, December 1975. Photo via C. T. Robbins.

1st QT-38A Talon NOLO flight |
NAF China Lake LCdr. James Pate at right looks on
as Jerry Simmank, Gordon Zurn and Jim Bowen make last
minute preparations for the 1st QT-38A Talon (s/n 59-1598)
NOLO flight. China Lake, 12 December 1975. Rocketeer

QT-38A Talon NOLO controller |
NAF China Lake QT-38A Talon supersonic NOLO flights
are controlled from this array of equipment. Seated
is Darwin Rice and standing from left are Douglas Savage,
Richard Aughe, Harry Roy, David Olanyk and Norman Osman
China Lake, 12 December 1975. Rocketeer photo by Ron

1st QT-38A Talon NOLO flight |
Standing by NAF China Lake QT-38A Talon s/n 59-1598
are some of the key personnel involved in the first
NOLO flight. Kneeling l-r: Harold Schmeer; John Keen;
John Owens; Harlan Reep and Dennis Bishop. Standing
L-r: LCdr. James Pate; LCdr. Don Barton; Lt. Michael
Tkach, Jay Bornfleth and Glen Coffman. China Lake, 12
December 1975. Rocketeer photo.

China Lake Hawks |
The NAF China Lake Hawks posing by F-4J Phantom II
BuNo 153812 recently won the Intramural Flag Football
Championship by breaking a first place tie with the
Homestead gridiron squad in overtime. NAF China Lake
CO Capt. C.B. Olson (right) earlier this week congratulated
the team as he accepted the trophy. On hand for the
presentation were (l.-r.) Lt. Bob Jackson, AZ2 Greg
Bishop, co-captain, Lt. Bob White, AN Jim Erdman, Lt.
Ron Hill, co-captain (holding trophy), AZ3 Rich Stevens,
Lt. Ian Refo and SN Mike Fulner, kneeling. Members of
the team not pictured are AN Gordon Gillie, Lt. Duane
Duncan, AN Rod Lewis, HA Rich Stubblefield, ETN3 Dennis
Murphy and DA John Pedreia. China Lake, 12 December
1975. Rocketeer photo by Joe Dunn.

Helicopter crew commendation |
NAF China Lake CO Capt. Conrad B. Olson (at left)
presented a letter of commendation from RAdm. R.G. Freeman
III to (l-r) helicopter pilot LCdr. Michael A. Rij,
Jr. and his two crew members ADJ3 Revis G. Reed and
ADJAN Alfred P. Ortiz. The pilot and crew members were
commended for rescuing a member of the China Lake Mountain
Rescue Group, Allen Jones, who was injured in a fall
during a training exercise near Durrwood Camp on the
Kern River. China Lake, 19 December 1975. Rocketeer

1952-1971 historic photos |
NWC Commander RAdm. R.G. Freeman III was joined this
week by NAF China Lake XO Capt. R.B. Conklin and head
of the Test and Evaluation Department William Hattabaugh
(center) in a look at photos of the personnel from many
of the Navy fighter and attack squadrons who sharpened
up their skills in the support of ground forces during
tests conducted at C range. The photos, which cover
the period from 1952 to 1971 and are of historic interest
and value, are now preserved in a recently completed
display case that was set up in NAF hangar 3. China
Lake, 19 December 1975. Rocketeer photo by Ron Allen.

Cold Cloud SUU/65A |
NAF China Lake A-4F Skyhawk BuNo 154172, Cold Cloud
SUU/65A, China Lake, 20 December 1975. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

Cold Cloud SUU/65A |
NAF China Lake A-6 Intruder, Cold Cloud SUU/65A,
China Lake, 20 December 1975. Official U.S. Navy photo.

A-7E Corsair II BuNo 159300 |
VX-5 Vampires A-7E Corsair II BuNo 159300, XE-09,
circa 1975. Photographer unknown.

SHRIKE upload |
Naval Missile Center Pt. Mugu TA-4F Skyhawk BuNo
152872, NMC-82, SHRIKE upload, Hot Line, Armitage Field,
China Lake, 01 January 1976. Official U.S. Navy photo.

TA-4F Skyhawk BuNo 152872 |
Naval Missile Center Pt. Mugu TA-4F Skyhawk BuNo
152872, NMC-82, and VX-5 Vampires A-4M Skyhawk BuNo
159471, XE-15, Hot Line, Armitage Field, China Lake,
01 January 1976. Official U.S. Navy photo.

A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156739 |
NAF China Lake A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156739, hangar
3, Armitage Field, China Lake, 01 January 1976. Official
U.S. Navy photo.