• Jan 1 -- NAF
has 25 aviation officers, 5 other officers, 557 enlisted and 45 aircraft
consisting of 1 NA-4E, 3 A-4E, 1 A-4F, 3 TA-4J, 1 NA-6A, 3 A-6A, 1 A-7A,
1 A-7C, 2 A-7E, 2 F-4J, 6 F-86H, 1 F-4B, 2 HH-1K, 1 OV-10A, 2
YOV-10D, 1 C-131F, 1 C-117D, 1 T-39D, 3 U-3A, 4 QT-33A, 1 T-33B, 7 QF-9J &
1 NTF-9J. VX-5 has 31 aviation officers, 4 other officers, 210
enlisted and 14 aircraft consisting of 1 TA-4J, 2 A-4F, 1 A-7B, 3 A-7C,
3 A-7E, 2 US-2A, 1 AH-1J & 1 A-4M. The VX-5 Oceana Det. has
2 A-6A, 1 A-6C & 1 A-6E. The Aero Club has 1 T-34B, 2 AA-1 &
1 C-172. • 10 April -- NAF pilots set a record of 21,000 flight hours
without a chargeable accident since December of 1970. This was the highest
number of accident-free flight hours since NAF was established. •
July 1 -- NAF has 25 aviation officers, 6 other officers, 560
enlisted and 49 aircraft consisting of 1 NA-4E, 3 A-4E, 1 A-4F, 3 TA-4J,
1 NA-6A, 3 A-6A, 1 A-7A, 1 A-7C, 1 A-7E, 2 F-4J, 6 F-86H, 2 F-4B,
2 HH-1K, 1 OV-10A, 1 YOV-10D, 1 C-131F, 1 C-117D, 1 T-39D, 3 U-3A, 8
QT-33A, 1 T-33B & 5 QF-9J. VX-5 has 30 aviation officers,
5 other officers, 185 enlisted and 15 aircraft consisting of 1 TA-4J,
2 A-4F, 1 A-7B, 5 A-7C, 2 A-7E, 2 US-2A, 1 AH-1J & 1 A-4M. The
VX-5 Oceana Det. has 2 A-6A & 1 A-6E. The Aero Club
has 1 T-34B, 2 AA-1 & 1 AA-5 American Traveler.
1Q |

F-86H Sabre ASL |
USAF s/n 52-1996 catches fire after being struck with
20mm's at the ASL, China Lake, circa 1973. Official
U.S. Navy photo. |

F-4B Phantom II BuNo 151435 |
NAF F-4B Phantom II BuNo 151435 on the ramp next to
VMCJ-3 RF-4B BuNo 153099, TN-9, probably MCAS El Toro,
circa January 1973. Photo by Lars Soldeus, Stephen Miller
Collection, courtesy A. Romano

Midshipman Michael Crow |
Twenty years after his aviator father (VX-5 Vampires
CO Capt. E. M. Crow) climbed into his F4U Corsair, Midshipman
Michael Crow boards VX-5 TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 152862,
XE-12. China Lake, 05 January 1973. Rocketeer photo. |

Jo Anne Hellman |
Jo Anne Hellman is one of eight applicants chosen nationwide
to participate in the Navy's first flight training program
for women, China Lake, 19 January 1973. A junior professional
employee at the NWC for the past year, she left today
for Officer candidate School at Newport, RI, which is
the first step leading to pilot training at Pensacola,
FL. Women fliers in the Navy will be trained to fly
transports and helicopters such as the HH-1K Huey Miss
Hellman is standing beside. Rocketeer photo. |

A-4F Skyhawk BuNo 154172 |
NAF China Lake A-4F Skyhawk BuNo 154172, GP 5.0"
FFAR, hot line, China Lake, 01 February 1973. Official
U.S. Navy photo. |

A-4F Skyhawk BuNo 154172 |
NAF China Lake A-4F Skyhawk BuNo 154172, GP 5.0"
FFAR, hot line, China Lake, 01 February 1973. Official
U.S. Navy photo. |

A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156766 |
VX-5 Vampires A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156766, XE-01, Walleye
II, ER-6, ERDL, China Lake, 01 Feb 1973. Official U.S.
Navy photo. |

Self destruct test |
USAF F-86H Sabre s/n 52-1996, after self destruct test,
China Lake, 07 February 1973. Official U.S. Navy photo. |

AQ2 Kenneth W. Johnson |
VX-5 Vampires AQ2 Kenneth W. Johnson checks out the
cockpit of VX-5 A-7E Corsair II BuNo 158667, XE-20,
to see if the intensity compensation adjustments have
been made on newly installed radar gear. China Lake,
09 February 1973. Rocketeer photo by ADJAN Bill Brooks. |

A-6A Intruder BuNo 155714 |
VA-145 Swordsmen A-6A Intruder BuNo 155714, NE-504,
with AN/AVQ-10 Paveknife targeting pod, 13 February
1973. |

F-4B Phantom II BuNo 148393 |
NAF China Lake F-4B Phantom II BuNo 148393, GPU-2A Gun
Pod, hangar #3, China Lake, 14 February 1973. Official
U.S. Navy photo. |

China Lake Flying Club |
A new slate of officers, headed by President LCdr. Jack
Jackson, was installed recently by the China Lake Flying
Club. Standing in front of the club's Cessna 172 N_413A
are (l-r) LCdr. Jackson, Joel Halop, operations officer,
Mike Coleman, maintenance officer, and Blake Elison,
vice-president. In the background are two American Trainers
owned by the club. China Lake, 16 February 1973. Rocketeer
photo. |

Walleye II ER-7 drop |
NAF China Lake TA-4F Skyhawk BuNo 152848, Walleye II,
ER-7, drop, 16 February 1973. Official U.S. Navy photo. |

Missile maintenance van |
This prototype model of the Sidewinder guided missile
maintenance van is being loaded aboard a USAF C-141A
Starlifter before take-off last Saturday destined for
a Marine Air Group in Japan. A group of four Marines
and two NWC civilian employees accompanied the van and
will assist with its field evaluation, China Lake, 17
February 1973. Rocketeer photo by PHAA Shellie Reed. |

AMH1 Daniel B. Zielke |
AMH1 Daniel B. Zielke was sworn in for another four·year
hitch in the Navy in a NAF China Lake HH-1K Huey being
flown 150 ft. below sea level in the vicinity of Bad
Water, Death Valley, CA. The oath of enlistment was
read by Lt. George Baland (right), Laser Systems projects
officer. China Lake, 23 February 1973. Rocketeer photo. |

A-6A Intruder BuNo 149937 |
NAF China Lake A-6A Intruder BuNo 149937, TRAM pod,
LLTV & FLIR sensors are mounted in the optical sensor
unit, China Lake, 28 February 1973. Official U.S. Navy
photo. |
pod |
NAF China Lake A-6A Intruder BuNo 149937, TRAM
pod, LLTV & FLIR sensors are mounted in the optical
sensor unit, China Lake, 28 February 1973. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156766 |
VX-5 Vampires A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156766, XE-01, Walleye
II ERDL pod, China Lake, 06 March 1973. Official U.S.
Navy photo. |

Rocket Assisted Projectile |
Norman Gilbert is shown loading a 5 in. Rocket Assisted
Projectile (RAP) into a 5 in. gun at the G-2 range,
China Lake, 09 March 1973. Rocketeer photo. |

Fire fighting tests |
A recent series of fire fighting tests using obsolete
F-8A Crusader and F-11A Tiger aircraft were conducted
at the Conflagration Control Facility to learn more
about fire fighting agents and the techniques involved
in the suppression of carrier flight deck fires. China
Lake, 09 March 1973. Rocketeer photo by PH2 D.W. Yeatts. |

ZUNI Chaffroc |
Dave Fortune and Alan French load a ZUNI Chaffroc into
a LAU10-A launcher in preparation for firing at G-2
range. China Lake, 09 March 1973. |

CH-46S Sea Knight BuNo 156435 |
USMC HMM-163 CH-46S Sea Knight BuNo 156435, YP-10, MICRAD/NIRAD,
China Lake, 16 March 1973. Official U.S. Navy photo. |
 NEA-6A Intruder BuNo 149935 |
NAF China Lake NEA-6A Intruder BuNo 149935, NAS
Lakehurst, 19 March 1973. Photo by S. Miller.

A-6A Intruder BuNo 155615 |
NAF China Lake A-6A Intruder BuNo 155615 in-flight firing
CONDOR, 21 March 1973. Official U.S. Navy photo. |

Fuze antenna test |
Code 35's Dick Wood is testing a fuze antenna on the
Shrike guidance system. China Lake, 30 March 1973. Rocketeer
photo. |

FAE hot air balloon |
Personnel of the Ballistics Test Branch of the Propulsion
Development Department's Quality Assurance Division
are dwarfed by the size of the hot air balloon being
inflated for another of the tests being carried out
in support of various FAE programs, China Lake, 30 March
1973. Rocketeer photo by PHAN D.M. Jenereaux. |

QF-86H Sabre drone s/n 53-1294 |
NAF China Lake QF-86H Sabre drone s/n 53-1294 30 March
1973 on the occassion of the 1st QF-86H NOLO flight,
pilot is LCDR Larry Blose. Photo from Don Hart collection. |

1st QF-86H NOLO |
NAF China Lake QF-86H Sabre drone s/n 53-1294 in formation
with the manned F-86H Sabre chase plane on the 1st QF-86H
NOLO flight, Armitage Field, China Lake, 30 March 1973.
Official U.S. Navy photo. |
2Q |
 QF-9J Cougar drone BuNo 141649 |
NAF China Lake QF-9J Cougar drone BuNo 141649,
Armitage Field, China Lake, circa 2Q 1973. NAF
QT-33A drone BuNo 155961 at left and NAF T-33B BuNo
141549 at right. Photographer unknown.

EOD personnel |
EOD personnel practice their skill on two (inert) 500
lb. bombs that are supposed to have broken loose during
the simulated aircraft landing accident at NAF China
Lake, 05 April 1973. Rocketeer photo by ADJAN Bill Brooks. |

A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 148613 |
NAF China Lake A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 148613, Bigeye loader,
China Lake, 05 April 1973. Official U.S. Navy photo. |

Power Plants Shop |
NAF China Lake ADJ2 Robert Burch and ADJ1 Fred Mansfield
work on a jet engine in the Power Plants Shop, China
Lake, April 1973. Official U.S. Navy photo via Charles
Souza. |

AO3 Charles Souza |
NAF China Lake AO3 Charles Souza and AO3 Rodney Patterson
attach a tail fin to a bomb in the weapons shop, China
Lake, April 1973. Official U.S. Navy photo via Charles
Souza. |

DJ3 Denny Callaway |
NAF China Lake ADJ3 Denny Callaway removes the wing
locks on an A-7 Corsair II on the Hot Line as Lt. Eric
Vanderpohl looks on, China Lake, April 1973. Official
U.S. Navy photo via Charles Souza. |

Aircraft tow tug |
NAF China Lake ADR3 D.R. Jones and ADJ1 Charles Malear
operate a tow tug, NAF China Lake, April 1973. Official
U.S. Navy photo via Charles Souza. |

ACAN Jefferey Peterson |
NAF China Lake ACAN Jefferey Peterson gives landing
instructions to a NAF pilot, China Lake, April 1973.
Official U.S. Navy photo via Charles Souza. |

21,000 accident free hours |
NAF China Lake A-4F Skyhawk pilot Ens. Frank Santoni
is greeted by Capt. R.S. Moore, NAF CO, and A-4 plane
captain, ADRN Kenneth Bush, China Lake, 10 April 1973.
Ens. Santoni's flight in BuNo 154172 was the last increment
of a 21,000 hour accident free safety record that began
in Dec. 1970. Official U.S. Navy photo via Charles Souza. |

21,000 accident free hours |
NAF China Lake Ens. Frank Santoni wields a saber to
cut the celebratory cake as Capt. R.S. Moore, NAF CO,
and Lt. T.D. Ware look on, 10 April 1973. Official U.S.
Navy photo via Charles Souza. |

Harpoon RTV |
P-3A Orion, BuNo unknown, Harpoon Recoverable Test Vehicle
(RTV), Armitage Field, China Lake, 10 April 1973. Official
U.S. Navy photo. |

VX-5 US-2A Tracker BuNo 136616 |
VX-5 Vampires personnel carry bags of clothing donated
by WACOM to VX-5 US-2A Tracker BuNo 136616, XE-22, for
transport to San Diego, and then on to the Door of Good
Faith Mission in La Mission, Baja, CA. China Lake, 13
April 1973. Rocketeer photo. |

EA-6B Prowler BuNo 158040 |
VAQ-129 Vikings EA-6B Prowler BuNo 158040, TR-04, jamming
pod, China Lake, 13 April 1973. Official U.S. Navy photo. |

HH-1K Huey BuNo 157184 |
NAF China Lake HH-1K Huey BuNo 157184, airborne north
of hangar 3, China Lake, 13 April 1973. Official U.S.
Navy photo. |

OV-10A Bronco BuNo 152879 |
OV-10A Bronco BuNo 152879, Davis gun, China Lake, 17
April 1973. Official U.S. Navy photo. |

A-6A Intruder BuNo 155615 |
NAF China Lake A-6A Intruder BuNo 155615, YAGM-53A Condor
and data link pod, China Lake, 18 April 1973. Official
U.S. Navy photo. |

MK38 (AIM-7 Sparrow) rocket motor |
Thayer (l) and Robert B. Brown, Ordnancemen at Skytop
Test Complex's Bay II, prepare to remove a MK38 (AIM-7
Sparrow) rocket motor from a vertical, multi-component
test stand, Skytop complex Bay II, China Lake, 20 April
1973. Rocketeer photo. |

F-4A Phantom II BuNo 148265 |
Charred remains of F-4A Phantom II BuNo 148265 at the
China Lake Weapons Survivability Lab., 25 April 1973.
Official U.S. Navy photo, Paul Minert Collection, courtesy
A. Romano www.navarchives.com

F-4J Phantom BuNo 153812 |
NAF China Lake F-4J Phantom BuNo 153812, Fairchild AFB,
May 1973. Photographer unknown. |

A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149969 |
NAF China Lake A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149969, Bulldog missiles,
hangar #3, China Lake, 01 May 1973. Official U.S. Navy
photo. |

Ejection seat system test |
Stencel Aero Engineering Corp. SIIIS-3 AV-8A Harrier
ejection seat system test, SNORT China Lake, 02 May
1973. Official U.S. Navy photo from R.L. Lawson Collection. |

CH-53 Sea-Stallion BuNo 151693 |
USMC CH-53 Sea-Stallion BuNo 151693 is unloaded from
a B-377-SG Super Guppy after transport from the Army
Proving Ground in Yuma, AZ. The helo, given to Code
3014 for use in the test installation of advanced systems
is 67 ft., 2 in. long, 15 ft., 7 in. wide, and 18 ft.,
6 in. high. China Lake, 04 May 1973. Photo from Don
Hart collection. |

VAdm. Kent L. Lee |
NWC CO RAdm. Henry Suerstedt, Jr. (left) welcomes VAdm.
Kent L. Lee, prospective Commander of the Naval Air
Systems Command, at the NAF China Lake terminal on May
9 1973 as he deplanes from Joint Strategic Target Planning
Staff (JSTPS) C-131F Samaritan BuNo 140993. Rocketeer
photo. |
 A-6A Intruder BuNo 149936 |
NAF China Lake A-6A Intruder BuNo 149936, AGM-53A
Condor missiles, hangar 3, China Lake, 19 May 1973.
Photographer unknown.

C-131F Samaritan BuNo 141028 |
NAF China Lake C-131F Samaritan BuNo 141028, Armed Forces
Day, China Lake, 19 May 1973. Photo by H.R. Muir. |

C-117D Skytrain BuNo 17156 |
NAF China Lake C-117D Skytrain BuNo 17156, Armed Forces
Day, China Lake, 19 May 1973. Photo by H.R. Muir. |

QF-86H Sabre s/n 53-1413 |
NAF China Lake QF-86H Sabre drone s/n 53-1413, Armed
Forces Day, China Lake, 19 May 1973. It was transferred
from Point Mugu in late 1972 and although the tail code
has been changed to China Lake, VX-4 is still visible
above the NAVY designation. Photo by H. R. Muir. |

U-3A Blue Canoe s/n 58-2111 |
NAF China Lake U-3A Blue Canoe s/n 58-2111 alongside
hangar 2, Armed Forces Day, China Lake, 19 May 1973.
Photo by H.R. Muir. |

US-2A Tracker BuNo 136616 |
VX-5 Vampires US-2A Tracker BuNo 136616, XE-22, Armed
Forces Day, China Lake, 19 May 1973. Photo by H.R. Muir. |

AH-1J Sea Cobra BuNo 157759 |
VX-5 Vampires AH-1J Sea Cobra BuNo 157759, XE-10, Armed
Forces Day, China Lake, 19 May 1973. Photo by H.R. Muir. |

F-14A Tomcat BuNo 158618 |
VX-4 Evaluators F-14A Tomcat BuNo 158618, XF-30, hangar
3, NAF China Lake, Armed Forces Day, 19 May 1973. ©The
Will Blunt/Global Air Images collection. |

C-9B Skytrain II |
The new McDonnell Douglas C-9B Skytrain II was visited
by throngs during the Armed Forces Day Open House, China
Lake, 19 May 1973. Rocketeer photo. |

F-4J Phantom II BuNo 153812 |
NAF China Lake F-4J Phantom II BuNo 153812, one of the
static displays in hangar 3, was a popular place to
visit on Armed Forces Day, China Lake, 19 May 1973.
Rocketeer photo. |

QF-9J Cougar BuNo 141203 |
NAF China Lake QF-9J Cougar drone BuNo 141203 on the
ramp next to an unknown QF-86H Sabre drone, Armed Forces
Day, China Lake, 19 May 1973. Photographer unknown. |

QF-9J Cougar BuNo 144272 |
NAF China Lake QF-9J Cougar drone BuNo 144272, Armed
Forces Day, China Lake, 19 May 1973. Photographer unknown. |

Condor missiles |
Naval Missile Center Pt. Mugu A-6A Intruder BuNo 151784,
NMC-55, Condor missiles, China Lake, 23 May 1973. Official
U.S. Navy photo. |

HH-1K Huey BuNo 157193 |
NAF China Lake HH-1K Huey BuNo 157193, IR, China Lake,
hangars #2 and #3 in the background, 30 May 1973. Official
U.S. Navy photo. |

A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 158170 |
VX-5 Vampires A-4M Skyhawk BuNo 158170, XE-15, unknown
location with Mk-82 500 lb. bombs on stations 1 and
5, CBU-55 FAE on stations 2 and 4 and a drop tank on
the centerline, June 1973. P/C is ATAN Lucas. Photo
Harry Tyrpak, Paul Minert Collection, courtesy A. Romano

ASea cadet Squadron inspection |
NWC Technical Officer Capt. T.C. Wimberly inspects VX-5
Vampires' Sea cadet Squadron during the units annual
inspection held last Saturday morning, 2 June 1973,
in Hangar 1, China Lake. Rocketeer photo by PH3 D.R.
Farque. VX-5 A-7B Corsair II BuNo 154366, XE-11, in
the background. |

AIM-9L Sidewinder |
AIM-9L Sidewinder missile cutaway on a stand, NWC
China Lake, 06 June 1973. Official U.S. Navy photo. |

A-6A Intruder BuNo 155615 |
NAF China Lake A-6A Intruder BuNo 155615, YAGM-53A Condor,
in-flight, China Lake, 07 June 1973. Official U.S. Navy
photo. |

Refueling in Lone Pine |
NAF A-6A Intruder BuNo 155615, YAGM-53A Condor,
in-flight, China Lake, 07 June 1973. Official U.S.
Navy photo. 1981 caption is incorrect. |

TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 154332 |
NAF China Lake TA-4J Skyhawk BuNo 154332, IR pod, China
Lake, 08 June 1973. Official U.S. Navy photo. |

SUU-53 Cold Cloud pod |
NAF China Lake A-4F Skyhawk BuNo 154172, SUU-53 Cold
Cloud pod, hangar #3, China Lake, 12 June 1973. Official
U.S. Navy photo. |

Washing airplanes |
In return for their help in washing two of the China
Lake Flying Club's airplanes, five girls from the Burroughs
High School Choir were rewarded recently by a flight
over Searles Valley. The girls who joined in this special
project were Pat Chase, Theresa Orr, Pam Renner, Sherry
Sneary and Debbie Strayer. China Lake, 15 June 1973.
Rocketeer photo. |

A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156734 |
NAF China Lake A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156734 with Mk-81's
in-flight over the Sierras, 15 June 1973. Official U.S.
Navy photo. |

F-4B Phantom II BuNo 148371 |
NAF F-4B Phantom II BuNo 148371, conformal bomb racks,
NATC Pax River, 19 June 1973. Photo by Jack D. Morris,
Stephen Miller Collection. courtesy A. Romano

Corsair II canopy test |
Vought Aeronautics A-7 Corsair II canopy test, SNORT,
China Lake, 23 June 1973. Photo courtesy of the Maturango
Museum. |

Sidewinder missile intercept |
AIM-9L Sidewinder missile intercept of a QF-9J Cougar
drone, 27 June 1973. Official U.S. Navy photo. |

Army AH-1G Cobra |
Ordnancemen load 2.75-inch FFAR's aboard an U.S. Army
AH-1G Cobra for tests conducted here recently on the
B-1 and B-2 Ranges. The U.S. Army personnel were from
F Battery and B Company, 227th Aviation Battalion, First
cavalry Division, Ft. Hood, TX, China Lake, 29 June
1973. Rocketeer photo by PHAN Jerry Sizemore. |
3Q |

YAGM-53A Condor |
NAF China Lake A-6A Intruder BuNo 155615, YAGM-53A
Condor, China Lake, June 1973. Photographer unknown. |

QF-9J Cougar BuNo 144312 |
NAF China Lake QF-9J Cougar drone BuNo 144312, China
Lake, circa 1973. Official U.S. Navy photo. |

TA-4F Skyhawk BuNo 152848 |
NAF China Lake pilot Denny Sapp in TA-4F Skyhawk BuNo
152848, KNOZY, firing a HARM missile, China Lake, circa
1973.photo from Denny Sapp. |

Recovering a BQM drone |
Lt. Jack Macidull in HH-1K Huey BuNo 157194 recovering
a BQM drone, China Lake, circa 1973. Photo from Denny
Sapp. |

F-4J Phantom II BuNo 152812 |
NAF F-4J Phantom II BuNo 152812, AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles,
China Lake, circa 1973. Photo from K. Staples. |

AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles |
NAF F-4J Phantom II BuNo 152812, AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles,
China Lake, circa 1973. Photo from K. Staples. |

Shrike Seeker nose |
NAF China Lake TA-4F Skyhawk BuNo 152848, Nosey,
Seeker nose, Snoopy nose art, China Lake, circa 1973,
Official U.S. Navy photo. |

AIM-7 Sparrow |
AIM-7 Sparrow air-to-air missile ready for a vertical
launch, China Lake, 01 July 1973. Official U.S. Navy
photo. |

A-7A Corsair II BuNo 152656 |
NAF China Lake A-7A Corsair II BuNo 152656, firing a
HARM missile, 02 August 1973. Official U.S. Navy photo. |

HARM missile |
NAF China Lake TA-4F Skyhawk BuNo 152848, HARM missile,
China Lake, 31 August 1973. Official U.S. Navy photo. |

NAF Maintenance |
NAF China Lake Maintenance.. Aircraft almost needs washing
gripe... Almost washed aircraft corrective action, China
Lake, 27 July 1973. Photographer unknown. |

A-4F Skyhawk BuNo 154179 |
VX-5 Vampires A-4F Skyhawk BuNo 154179, XE-14, NAS Fallon,
September 1973. R.E. Kling photo. |

NAF Redbirds hangar |
NAF China Lake QF-86H Sabre s/n 52-5744 at left and
QF-9J Cougar BuNo 144366 at right, hangar 2, China Lake,
circa September 1973. Photo from Don Hart collection. |

T-38A Talon s/n 59-1595 |
USAF T-38A Talon s/n 59-1595, south side of hangar 3,
China Lake, 04 September 1973. Official U.S. Navy photo. |

HH-1K Huey BuNo 157193 |
NAF China Lake HH-1K Huey BuNo 157193, Mass-Air-Delivered
(MAD) CBU-55 FAE takeoff, China Lake, 26 September 1973.
Official U.S. Navy photo. |
4Q |

Loading a AGM-53 Condor |
NAF China Lake A-6A Intruder BuNo 149936, loading a
AGM-53 Condor, China Lake, 02 Oct. 1973. L-r AO1 F.
Jenkins, AOAN C. Hall, AO2 C. Souza, AO2 L. Phillips.
Official U.S. Navy photo from Charlie Souza. |

Jet seeder pod |
NAF China Lake TA-4F Skyhawk BuNo 152848, weather modification
jet seeder pod, China Lake, 04 October 1973. Official
U.S. Navy photo. |

QF-86H Sabre drone s/n 53-1294 |
NAF China Lake QF-86H Sabre drone s/n 53-1294 after
it was brought down on 11 October 1973. Photo from Don
Hart collection. |

25,000 accident free hours |
NAF China Lake CO Capt. R.S. Moore, was at the flight
line to congratulate Lt. C.A. Fitzgerald III after he
flew the 25,000th accident free flight hour in a QT-33A
Shooting Star. Plane captain ADR3 C.L. Smith, was also
on hand to offer his congratulations. China Lake, 19
October 1973. Rocketeer photo by PH3 Jerry Sizemore. |

Painting the thermometer line |
NAF China Lake Flight Safety Officer Lt. T.D. Warre,
(r), presented a plaque to Lt. C.A. Fitzgerald III,
to commemorate the history-making flight at NAF. Lt.
Fitzgerald also got the pleasant duty of painting the
thermometer line to the 25,000 hour mark. China Lake,
19 October 1973. Rocketeer photo. |

Echo Range Information Center |
The Information Center at Echo Range, where plotters
are kept busy recording the locations of all aircraft
within the air defense system area, has been a beehive
of activity during the Electronic Warfare Joint Test
now in progress. Data about the location of aircraft
is relayed to the information center from radar installations,
China Lake, 26 October 1973. Rocketeer photo. |

Kelly McDonough |
The China Lake Flying Club has recently updated the
number and age of the clubs aircraft. Kelly McDonough
in one of the two four-place Cessna 177 Cardinals invites
prospective flyers to experience the fun of flying.
Two two-place Cessna 150s and one T-34 Mentor also are
available. China Lake, 16 November 1973. Rocketeer photo. |

A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156739 |
NAF China Lake A-7C Corsair II BuNo 156739, HARM Baseline
I, hangar #3, China Lake, 19 November 1973. Official
U.S. Navy photo. |

NAF Redbirds hangar |
NAF China Lake T-33B Seastar BuNo unknown A-4 Skyhawk,
QF-9J Cougar BuNo 144272 and F-86H Sabre upper cockpit
section, hangar 2, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa
December 1973. Photographer unknown from Don Hart collection. |

Agile missile close-up |
F-14 Tomcat AIM-95 Agile missile close-up, China Lake,
06 December 1973. Official U.S. Navy photo. |

SIIIS-3 ejection system test |
AV-8A Harrier SIIIS-3 ejection seat system tested under
250 knots in a nose down attitude, SNORT, China Lake,
10 December 1973. Rocketeer photo. |

SIIIS-3 ejection system test |
AV-8A Harrier SIIIS-3 ejection seat system ejects a
anthropomorphic dummy during 435 knot tests, SNORT China
Lake, 10 December 1973. Official U.S. Navy photo. |

YOV-10D Bronco BuNo 155395 |
NAF China Lake YOV-10D Bronco BuNo 155395, turreted
FLIR sensor and turreted M-197 20-mm, in-flight, 12
December 1973. Official U.S. Navy photo. |
NAF China Lake HH-1K Huey SAR, BuNo 157194, Lone
Pine Peak, 01 January 1974. Pilot is LT Jack Macidull
and the co-pilot standing on the skid is LT Joe Killinger.
Crewman on the right side of the helo is AMH1 Daniel
B. (Zeke) Zielke. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Refueling in Lone Pine |
NAF China Lake HH-1K Huey BuNo 157194 refueling in Lone
Pine, CA, 23 December 1973. Pilots are Lt. Jack Macidull &
Joe Killinger. Photo from Denny Sapp. |