• Jan 1 --
NAF has 34 aviation officers (2 SCI), 8 other officers
(3 SCI), 622 enlisted (97 SCI) and 52 aircraft consisting of
2 A-1G, 1 NA-4B, 1 NA-4C, 6 A-4B, 4 A-4C, 2 A-4E, 3 TF-10B,
1 NF-8D, 2 F-8E, 1 F-8D, 4 DF-8F, 1 F-4B, 2 DT-28B, 1 SP-2E,
1 S-2A, 2 C-117D, 1 C-131F, 1 UC-45J, 1 UH-34G, 1 UH-34J, 14
QF-9G & 1 A-3B. VX-5 has 22 aviation officers, 7
other officers, 182 enlisted and 15 aircraft consisting of 1
A-1E, 6 A-4C, 5 A-4E, 1 UC-45J & 1 F-4B. The Flying Club
has 1 T-34B. • Feb 5 -- NAF's Target Drone Division's breakthrough
in TV -controlled dual drone flights was subject of feature
article. • Feb 19 -- Success of Gemini Escape System tests
here was headline story. • May 14 -- Crowd of 15,000 sees
Navy's famed Blue Angel pilots and the Army's Golden Knights
aerobatics parachute team perform here on Armed Forces Day
• May 25 -- 110 officers and men of VF-161 (Miramar) and their
Phantoms deployed to China Lake for conventional weapons training.
• June 11 -- U.S. Navy Lt. Douglas S. Mayfield
lost his life when his A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 148524 was struck by
target debris while on a photo mission over "B" Range.
• July 1 -- NAF has 28 aviation officers (1 SCI), 8 other
officers (2 SCI), 630 enlisted (30 SCI) and 47 aircraft consisting
of 2 A-1G, 1 A-3B, 1 NA-4C, 5 A-4B, 5 A-4C, 2 A-4E, 3 TF-10B,
1 NF-8D, 2 F-8E, 1 F-8D, 4 DF-8F, 1 F-4B, 3 DT-28B, 1 SP-2E,
1 S-2A, 2 C-117D, 1 C-131F, 1 UC-45J, 1 UH-34G, 1 UH-34J &
8 QF-9G. VX-5 has 15 aviation officers, 12 other officers,
162 enlisted and 15 aircraft consisting of 1 A-1E, 7 A-4C, 5
A-4E, 1 UC-45J & 1 F-4B. The Flying Club has 1 T-34B.
• Sep 3 -- LCdr. Bill Odman ejected from A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142787
at Dugway, UT. 787 was disassembled, trucked to O&R Alameda
and repaired. • Nov 5 -- NAF Bluejackets design and build
aircraft jack testing equipment for less than $l00.
1Q |

Red Label Area |
Red Label Area with former China Lake A-4A
Skyhawk BuNo 137818, F11F-1F Tiger BuNo 138647,
XF4D-1 Skyray BuNo 124587 and NAS Atlanta A-1D
Skyraider BuNo
127007, 7B-007, Armitage Field, China Lake, 1965.
Photo from Dave Woolsey.

Fat bombs |
AN-M64 500 lb. fat bombs with Snakeye retarder
fins on the bomb cart, Armitage Field, China Lake,
1965. Photo from Dave Woolsey.

Mk-82 bombs |
Mk-82 iron bombs with Snakeye retarder fins,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 1965. Photo from Dave

VX-5 Vampires hangar |
VX-5 Vampires hangar and control tower, Armitage
Field, 1965. NAF SP-2E Neptune BuNo 128333 at right.
Photo from Dave Woolsey.

VA-122 AD-6 Skyraider |
VA-122 AD-6 Skyraider BuNo 134526, NJ-211,
Armitage Field, NAF China Lake, 1965. Photo from
Dave Woolsey.

QF-9G Cougar drone |
NAF China Lake QF-9G Cougar drone BuNo 131042 taxiing SE of the
Hot Line to runway 32, Armitage Field, China Lake,
1965. Photo from Dave Woolsey.

MK-4 HIPEG and 5.0 ZUNI |
VX-5 Vampires F-4B Phantom II BuNo 151487, XE-14,
with MK-4 HIPEG and 5.0 ZUNI, Hot Line, Armitage
Field, China Lake, 1965. Photo from Dave Woolsey.

NAF NA-1G Skyraider |
NAF China Lake NA-1G Skyraider BuNo 132598, four PMBR racks,
Hot Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, 1965. Photo
from Dave Woolsey.

bomb truck and Ordies |
VX-5 Vampires Ordnance bomb truck and Ordies,
Scotty Burns (driving), Tiger, Murphey and Acord,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 1965. Photo from Dave

loading Mk 81 Snakeye |
Freeman Acord, Tiger, Sidney Ellis, and Scott
Burns loading Mk 81 Snakeye bombs on a VX-5
Vampires Skyhawk, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa
1965. A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145112 at right. Photo from
David Woolsey.

drone control van |
NAF China Lake QF-9J Cougar drone and the drone control van,
Armitage Field, China Lake, circa 1965. Photo from
"Boom" Powell.

F-8E Crusader BuNo 150669 |
NAF China Lake F-8E Crusader BuNo 150669 in the arresting
gear on runway 21 after a missile launch damaged the
port wing resulting in the loss of both hydraulic
systems, Armitage Field, China Lake, 1965/66.
Photographer unknown from Don Hart collection.

B-47B Stratojet |
USAF B-47B Stratojet s/n 51-2120, Sweet Marie,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 01 Jan 1965. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Vampires A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149659 |
VX-5 Vampires A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149659, XE-4,
over the Sierra mountains, circa 1965. Official U.S.
Navy photo from Ray Powell.

Vampires A-4F Skyhawk BuNo 152015 |
VX-5 Vampires A-4F Skyhawk BuNo 152015, XE-6,
with (l-r) Mk-122 Fireye, AGM-45 Shrike, CBU-75
Sadeye, AGM-62 Walleye and Mk-20 Rockeye ordnance,
Armitage Field, China Lake, circa 1965. Photo from
Ray Powell.

Vampires F-4B Phantom BuNo 150440 |
VX-5 Vampires F-4B Phantom BuNo 150440, XE-13,
in-flight, circa 1965. Photo from Ray Powell.

Delivery Maneuvers |
Aircraft Armament Delivery Maneuvers, circa 1965.
Official U.S. Navy photo via R. Powell..

Phantom II Recon |
F-4 Phantom II Recon artwork, circa 1965.
Official U.S. Navy photo via R. Powell.

AIM-7E Sparrow |
AIM-7E Sparrow is fired from a ground launcher,
China Lake, circa 1965. Photographer unknown.

XMIM-43A Redeye missile |
XMIM-43A Redeye missile fired from the XM147
launcher, consisting of the launch tube, the
grip stock, and an XM59 telescopic sight assembly
with a target acquisition indicator, China Lake,
circa 1965. Official U.S. Army photo.

A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 151987 |
VX-5 Vampires A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 151987, XE-4,
aboard the USS Constellation, CVA-64, with an AGM-62
Walleye on the centerline, circa 1965. VAH-123 A-3B
Skywarriors BuNo's 138937 and 142251 at left. TF-1
Trader BuNo 146031 at right. Photo via The Tailhook

Vampires A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149655 |
VX-5 Vampires A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149655, XE-5,
AGM-45 Shrike missile, Armitage Field, China Lake,
circa 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo.

AIM-9B, AIM-9C and AIM-9D missiles |
Sidewinder AIM-9B, AIM-9C and AIM-9D missiles,
China Lake, circa 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo.

A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142787 |
NAF China Lake A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142787, Bigeye Mk-82,
in-flight, China Lake, 12 January 1965. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

CBU-75 Sadeye |
Unknown NAF China Lake A-4 Skyhawk and CBU-75 Sadeye cluster
bomb, Armitage Field, China Lake, February 1965.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

Whiskey Flats Days |
VX-5 Vampires A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145112 (XE-8) &
VX-5 members who grew a beard for Whiskey Flats
Days, China Lake, February 1965. L-r standing:
unknown, Bill Gaspar, Larry Pickell, next 2 unknown,
Rich Galope, next 2 unknown, Ken Wrasler (sp) and
unknown. L-r kneeling: 1st 3 unknown, Dillion (sp),
Bob Matthews & Tom Smith. Photo from Tom Smith.

AGM-62 Walleye drop |
NAF China Lake China Lake A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 144947, AGM-62 Walleye
drop, China Lake, 04 Feb 1965. Official U.S. Navy

A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 151988 |
VX-5 Vampires A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 151988 (XE-5),
AGM-45 SHRIKE missile, China Lake, 05 Feb 1965.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

Dual target presentation camera |
NAF China Lake QF-9G Cougar drone BuNo 128164 and dual target
presentation camera receive pre-flight attention,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 2 February 1965.
Checking out TV control camera are (l-r) Ronald G.
Stoutmeyer, Victor D. Bizon, Lloyd J. Holt, James W.
Baker and AE2 David W. Maghe. Rocketeer photo.

LCdr. Jack Minert |
NAF China Lake LCdr. Jack Miner flies the 2nd QF-9G Cougar,
BuNo 131042, via the dual target presentation camera
on BuNo 128164, Armitage Field, China Lake, 5
February 1965. 'NERVE CENTER' team includes (l-r)
Robert C. Burks, Ken Seaman, ATN3 John H.
KolmDonald, Oscar A. Perkins, LCdr. Miner and Gordon
F. Zurn Jr. Rocketeer photo.

Lt. Todd Crombie |
NAF China Lake Lt. Todd Crombie guides QF-9G Cougar drone
BuNo 128164 on takeoff, Armitage Field, China Lake,
05 February 1965. Rocketeer photo.

Dual target presentation |
Dark tailed TV control plane NAF China Lake QF-9G Cougar BuNo
128164 (right) in-flight with the dual target
presentation camera transmitting picture of "slave"
QF-9G Cougar BuNo 131042 at left. Both drones are
unmanned and under remote control of ground station
on G-1 Range, China Lake, 5 February 1965. Rocketeer

NAF based chase pilots |
NAF China Lake based chase pilots l-r) are Lt's Pat
Thompson, Ken Sikes, Dick Thomas, Dave Jordan and
Dick Karr. Lt. Sikes, due for transfer, is soon to
be relieved by Lt. Thomas, assistant division
officer. Behind them is DF-8F Crusader chase plane
BuNo 143813, Hot Line, Armitage Field, China Lake,
05 February 1965. Rocketeer photo.

Crusader chase plane |
NAF China Lake DF-8F Crusader BuNo 145351 chase plane guides
Q2C "Firebee" target drone into "hot run" pattern.
Small-scale targets are used for high-altitude, high
speed tests, but also fly low-level, China Lake, 05
Feb 1965. Rocketeer photo.

NAF Redbird division |
NAF China Lake "Redbird" division poses in front of QF-9G
Cougar drone BuNo 127340. The Division includes two
officers, 51 enlisted men and 16 civilians, hangar
2, Armitage Field, China Lake, 05 February 1965.
Rocketeer photo.

Worlds Finest Target Aircraft Division |
China Lake Home of the Worlds Finest Target
Aircraft Division sign and Firebee drone, hangar 2,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 05 February 1965.
Rocketeer photo.

VX-5 A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 151988 |
VX-5 Vampires A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 151988 (XE-5),
SHRIKE missile, runway 21, China Lake, 05 Feb 1965.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

AIM-9C & AIM-9D Sidewinder |
AIM-9C & AIM-9D Sidewinder display, China Lake,
09 February 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo via R.

Mk-81 low-drag Snakeye |
NASA 16-Foot Transonic Tunnel Test 212 was
conducted on Snakeye Mk-81 low-drag general-purpose
250 lb. and Mk-82 low-drag general-purpose 500 lb.
bombs during 2/10/1965 to 2/12/1965. To alleviate
the blast and fragmentation effects on an aircraft
from its own munitions during low-level delivery,
both bombs can be fitted with a Mk-14 TRD (Tail
Retarding Device) that has four folded fins that
spring open into a cruciform shape when the bomb is
released. Langley Research Center.

Mk-81 low-drag Snakeye |
NASA 16-Foot Transonic Tunnel Test 212 was
conducted on Snakeye Mk-81 low-drag general-purpose
250 lb. and Mk-82 low-drag general-purpose 500 lb.
bombs during 2/10/1965 to 2/12/1965. To alleviate
the blast and fragmentation effects on an aircraft
from its own munitions during low-level delivery,
both bombs can be fitted with a Mk-14 TRD (Tail
Retarding Device) that has four folded fins that
spring open into a cruciform shape when the bomb is
released. Langley Research Center.

Gemini mockup |
Astronaut dummies in Gemini mockup atop 150-foot
tower pending ejection test, China Lake, 12 February
1965. Rocketeer photo.

ComNOTS Capt. John I. Hardy chats with NASA
astronaut LCdr. Alan Bean as NOTS Project Engineer
Bob Vorwerk and Range Engineer Jim Keosky check
program for todays test, China Lake, 12 February
1965. Rocketeer photo.

Gemini capsule ejection test |
Blast of propellant hurtles dummy astronauts and
seats from Gemini capsule, China Lake, 12 February
1965. Rocketeer photo.

C-7B Caribou |
U.S. Army C-7B Caribou s/n 63-97xx, Armitage
Field, China Lake, circa March 1965. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

Mk-24 flares |
NAF China Lake NA-1G Skyraider BuNo 132510, aft
close-up of Mk-24 flares, Armitage Field, China
Lake, 01 March 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Mk-24 flares |
NAF China Lake NA-1G Skyraider BuNo 132510, Mk-24 flares,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 01 March 1965. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

MK-20 Rockeye II cluster bomb |
MK-20 Rockeye II cluster bomb, China Lake, March
1965. Official U.S. Navy photo via R. Powell.

MK-20 Rockeye II cluster bomb tail |
MK-20 Rockeye II cluster bomb tail, China Lake,
March 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo via R. Powell.

MK-20 Rockeye II cluster bomb nose |
MK-20 Rockeye II cluster bomb nose, China Lake,
March 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo via R. Powell.

SP-2E Neptune BuNo 128333 |
NAF China Lake SP-2E Neptune BuNo 128333, Armitage Field,
China Lake, March 1965. Photo ©L. Heppler.

looking forward from the radar console |
NAF China Lake SP-2E Neptune BuNo 128333, looking forward
from the radar console, March 1965. Photo ©L.

Over Long Beach, CA |
NAF China Lake SP-2E Neptune BuNo 128333 in-flight over Long
Beach, CA, March 1965. Photo ©L. Heppler.

Near NALF San Clemente Island |
NAF China Lake SP-2E Neptune BuNo 128333 in-flight near NALF
San Clemente Island, CA, March 1965. Photo ©L.

Cargo ship target |
NAF China Lake SP-2E BuNo 128333 and cargo ship target used
to test the new AOD gear, March 1965. Photo ©L.

over Inyokern and China Lake |
NAF China Lake SP-2E Neptune BuNo 128333, over Inyokern
and China Lake, March 1965. Photo ©L. Heppler.

China Lake skydiving team |
China Lake skydiving team, NAF China Lake SP-2E
Neptune and S-2A Tracker in the background, China
Lake, March 1965. Photo by L. Heppler.

China Lake skydiving team |
NAF China Lake C-117D Skytrain BuNo 17156, China Lake
skydiving team, M. Steuermann 5th from left,
Armitage Field, China Lake, circa March 1965. Photo
©L. Heppler.

China Lake skydiving team |
China Lake skydiving team, NAF China Lake SP-2E Neptune BuNo
128333 and NAF S-2A Tracker in the background, China
Lake, circa March 1965. Photo ©L. Heppler.

Skydiver striker |
Skydiver striker, Armitage Field, China Lake, May
1965. Photo from Larry Heppler.

China Lake skydiver |
Skydiver Armitage Field, China Lake, Armed Forces
Day, circa March 1965. Photo ©Larry Heppler.

USAF T-39A Sabreliner |
USAF T-39A Sabreliner s/n 59-2871, DIRTY, tracker
turret, Armitage Field, China Lake, 05 March 1965.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

Circular track |
Circular track at the GM proving grounds near
Mesa, AZ, used to test the circular runway concept,
07 March 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo by PH1 W. E.
McKee, PH1 O.V. Williams, and PH2 A. M. Custro, via
John Gabbard.

Circular runway briefing |
Cdr. Smith brief's Cdr. Lloyd H. Smith & LCdr.
George H. Furlong prior to the circular runway
test, 08 March 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo by PH1
W. E. McKee, PH1 O.V. Williams, and PH2 A. M.
Custro, via John Gabbard.

VX-5 T-28C Trojan BuNo 146286 |
VX-5 Vampires T-28C Trojan BuNo 146286, XE-18,
piloted by NWEF Cdr. Lloyd H. Smith & LCdr. George
H. Furlong prepares to takeoff, Mesa, AZ, 08 March
1965. Official U.S. Navy photo by PH1 W. E. McKee,
PH1 O.V. Williams, and PH2 A. M. Custro, via John

Landing on the circular track |
VX-5 Vampires T-28C Trojan BuNo 146286, XE-18,
landing on the circular track at GM’s Desert Proving
Grounds track, near Mesa, AZ, 08 March 1965.
Official U.S. Navy photo by PH1 W. E. McKee, PH1
O.V. Williams, and PH2 A. M. Custro, via John

NAF A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 148437 |
NAF China Lake A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 148437, AGM-62 Walleye, Hot
Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, 16 Mar 1965.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

OH-6A Cayuse s/n 62-4212 |
U.S. Army OH-6A Cayuse s/n 62-4212, DIRTY, N side
of hangar 3, Armitage Field, China Lake, 16 March
1965. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Lt. Lloyd C. Showman |
VX-5 Vampires Lt. Lloyd C. Showman surveys target
on C-range and damage from 2,000-pound bomb he
dropped in over-the-shoulder release last week as
part of demonstration. Release of weapon was at
6,000 feet and 500 knots, landing within 75 feet
from center of target. China Lake, 19 March 1965.
Rocketeer photo.

AT1 Preston L. Beebe |
NAF China Lake Drill Team leader AT1 Preston L. Beebe is
congratulated by NAF CO Robert R. Yount after taking
1st place at the National Orange Show's Armed Forces
Parade at San Bernardino last Sunday, China Lake, 19
March 1965. Rocketeer photo.

MK-20 Rockeye II bomblet |
MK-20 Rockeye II bomblet cutaway, China Lake, 23
March 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo via R. Powell.

MK-20 Rockeye II bomblet |
MK-20 Rockeye II bomblet, China Lake, 23 March
1965. Official U.S. Navy photo via R. Powell.

Rockeye II CBU release |
NAF China Lake NA-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145063, Rockeye II CBU
release, China Lake, 24 March 1965. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

Rockeye II CBU release |
NAF China Lake NA-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145063, Rockeye II CBU
release, China Lake, 24 March 1965. Official U.S.
Navy photo.
2Q |

AGM-62 Walleye view |
AGM-62 Walleye view from 2 miles, circa April
1965. Official U.S. Navy photo via R. Powell.

Ordnance tested by VX-5 |
VX-5 Vampires A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149659, XE-4, and
ordnance tested by VX-5, China Lake, September 1965.
Ordies l-r: AO1 Carrel Simpson, AO1 Reginald C.
East, AO3 Clenton Forrister, AO2 David G. Murphy,
AO3 Ellis Sidney, AO2 Freeman R. Acord AO2 Scott A.
Burns & AO3 Gale M. Birge. In rear AQC Donald L.
Clark, LT(jg). C.V. O'Brien & AOC John R. Cooper.
China Lake, 02 April 1965. Rocketeer photo.

GM-45 SHRIKE missile |
AGM-45 SHRIKE missile is handled by VX-5 Vampires
AO2 Scott A. Burns, AO2 Freeman A. Acord and AO1
Reginal C. East, Armitage Field, China Lake, 02
April 1965. Rocketeer photo.

Mk-8x Snakeye bombs |
Two Mk-8x Snakeye bombs are carted into position
under an A-4 Skyhawk by VX-5 Vampires AO2 Freeman R.
Acord and AO2 Joseph W. Knopp, Armitage Field, China
Lake, 02 April 1965. Rocketeer photo.

VX-5 Vampires Ordies |
VX-5 Vampires Ordies loading Mk-81 Snakeyes on
VX-5 A-4C Skyhawk BuNo unknown, XE-10. VX-5 A-4E
Skyhawk BuNo 149655, XE-5, in the foreground, Hot
Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, 02 April 1965.
Rocketeer photo.

Lt(jg). Charles V. O'Brien |
VX-5 Vampires Lt(jg). Charles V. O'Brien explains
device to AOC John R. Cooper, AO2 Freeman R. Acord,
AQC Donald L. Clark and AO1 Reginald C. East,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 02 April 1965. Rocketeer

Assembling a Shrike missile |
VX-5 Vampires AO2 William J. Brandon and AO1
Reginald C. East assemble a Shrike missile in the
Ordnance shop, Armitage Field, China Lake, 02 April
1965. Rocketeer photo.

NAF A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 148437 |
NAF China Lake A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 148437, Walleye, hangar 3,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 06 April 1965. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

AQF2 Robert L. Gage |
VX-5 Vampires AQF2 Robert L. Gage is
congratulated by Lt. E. E. Wanglie after he
re-enlists for four more years while sitting in the
cockpit of the Skippers A-4E Skyhawk, Armitage
Field, China Lake, 09 April 1965. Rocketeer photo.

Aeroheating round |
NAF China Lake F-4B Phantom II BuNo 151435, Aeroheating
round, NAF A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142777 in the
background, Hot Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, 09
April 1965. Official U.S.N. photo.

NAF A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142892 |
NAF China Lake A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142892, DIRTY, Michigan
pod, and at right, unknown DF-8F Crusader drone
controller and F-8D Crusader BuNo 147047, Hot Line,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 22 April 1965. Official
U.S. Navy photo

AGM-53 Condor |
NASA 16-Foot Transonic Tunnel Test 244 was
conducted on the Rockwell AGM-53 Condor missile
during 4/23/1969 to 5/2/1969. Based on the Tunnel
Test Log title, the primary test objective was
probably to measure pressures (loads) at various
locations on the missile. The Condor missile
utilized a television guidance system that was
linked to the launching aircraft. Langley Research

NAF China Lake F-4B Phantom II BuNo 151435, SHRIKE TIAS SOSS
pod, and A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142892 at right, Hot
Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, 25 April 1965.
Official U.S.N. photo.

DIRTY tracker window |
USAF T-39A Sabreliner s/n 59-2871, DIRTY tracker
window, Armitage Field, China Lake, 28 April 1965.
Official U.S.N. photo.

DIRTY Michigan pod |
NAF China Lake A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142892, DIRTY Michigan
pod, Hot Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, 28 April
1965. Official U.S.N. photo.

Snakeye Weapon System team |
NAF China Lake A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142892 and VX-5 Vampires
A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 148585, XE-12, and people involved in the Snakeye
Weapon System. Supporting Program Manager Roy
Compton (right front) and Project Manager Tony
Simshauser (front left), engineers, technicians,
Ordies, technical assistants and secretaries,
loading and scheduling groups, B-1 range crew, engineering drawings, packaging, inspection, supply,
NAF & VX-5 pilots and plane crewman, China Lake,
circa 1965. Rocketeer photo
from R. Powell.

Fireye release |
NAF China Lake NA-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145063, Fireye release,
China Lake, 05 May 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo.

NAF DF-8F Crusader |
NAF China Lake DF-8F Crusader BuNo 143813, Hot Line,
Armitage Field, China Lake, Armed Forces Day 1965.
Photo from Dave Woolsey.

Ted Terhune |
Blue Angels F-11A Tigers & Ted Terhune, Armitage
Field, China Lake, Armed Forces Day, 14 May 1965. Photo
©L. Heppler.

Larry Heppler |
Blue Angels F-11A Tigers & Larry Heppler,
Armitage Field, China Lake, Armed Forces Day, 14 May
1965. Photo ©L. Heppler.

Ted Terhune |
NAF China Lake SP-2E Neptune BuNo 128333, Ted Terhune,
China Lake flight line, Armed Forces Day, 14 May 1965.
Photo ©L. Heppler.

NAF YA-4E Skyhawk BuNo 148613 |
NAF China Lake NA-4E Skyhawk BuNo 148613, with
PMBR's and practice bombs, p/c G. Verver, hangar 3,
China Lake, 14 May 1965. 613 was a modified A4D-2N
used to flight test the 5 wing station
configuration. Photo by L. Heppler.

NAF F-8E Crusader BuNo 150284 |
NAF China Lake F-8E Crusader BuNo 150284, p/c Mike
Steuermann, hangar 3, Armitage Field, China Lake,
Armed Forces Day, 14 May 1965. Photo ©L. Heppler.

VX-5 F-4B Phantom BuNo 150440 |
VX-5 Vampires F-4B Phantom II BuNo 150440, XE-13,
hangar 3, China Lake, Armed Forces Day, 14 May 1965.
Photo ©L. Heppler.

NAF A-3B Skywarrior BuNo 138952 |
NAF China Lake A-3B Skywarrior BuNo 138952, p/c Vern Whipkey
and Charlie Malear, hangar 3, Armitage Field, China
Lake, Armed Forces Day, 14 May 1965. Photo ©L. Heppler.

NAF DT-28B Trojan BuNo 137663 |
NAF China Lake DT-28B Trojan drone controller BuNo 137663
with 50 Cal. gun pods, hangar 3, Armitage Field,
China Lake, Armed Forces Day, 14 May 1965. Photo ©L.

NAF SP-2E Neptune BuNo 128333 |
NAF China Lake SP-2E Neptune BuNo 128333 and ramp
area and NAF Line Shack from the top of hangar 3,
China Lake, May 1965. Photo by L. Heppler.

Blue Angels C-121J BuNo 131623 |
Blue Angels C-121J BuNo 131623, Armitage Field,
China Lake, Armed Forces Day, 14 May 1965. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Blue Angels pilots |
Blue Angels pilots march to their planes and
waiting crew, China Lake, Armed Forces Day, 14 May
Rocketeer photo.

SNORT test shot |
Armed Forces Day crowd watches a test shot on the
Supersonic Naval Ordnance Research Track (SNORT),
China Lake, Armed Forces Day, 14 May 1965. Rocketeer photo.

LCdr. Bob Cowles |
Blue Angels pilot LCdr. Bob Cowles autographs a
program for Donna Burgess, China Lake, Armed Forces
Day, 14 May 1965. Rocketeer photo.

Golden Knights |
One of the Golden Knights steers himself to a
stand-up landing close to the speakers platform as
the demonstration reaches its finale, China Lake,
Armed Forces Day, 14 May 1965. Rocketeer photo.

Blue Angels F-11A Tigers |
Blue Angels F-11A Tigers, China Lake, Armed
Forces Day, 14 May 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Golden Knights skydiver |
Golden Knights, Armed Forces Day, Armitage
Field, China Lake, 14 May 1965. Official U.S. Navy

Deneye II |
Deneye II anti-personnel mine, China Lake 14 May
1965. Official U.S. Navy photo via R. Powell.

SNORT sled |
Base and forward enclosure of SNORT's new biggest
ever sled nearly fills Michelson Lab's south door,
and it's not out yet by a dozen feet. Workers
successfully eased it out on Saturday, 19 May 1965
with no more than an inch to spare. Rocketeer photo

Napalm drop |
NAF China Lake DT-28B Trojan, napalm drop, Walker lake, 20
May 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo.

NAF SP-2E Neptune BuNo 128333 |
NAF China Lake SP-2E Neptune BuNo 128333, project DIRTY,
East side of hangar 1, Armitage Field, China Lake,
25 May 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo.

USAF F-105F Thunderchief s/n 62-4419 |
USAF F-105F Thunderchief s/n 62-4419, SHRIKE
missile, runway 21, Armitage Field, China Lake, 27
May 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo.

MLU-32/B99 Briteye artwork |
MLU-32/B99 Briteye artwork, China Lake, June
1965. Official U.S. Navy photo from R. Powell.

RIM-72 Chaparral |
RIM-72 Sidewinder based, Chaparral, China Lake,
14 June 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo.

NAF C-131F and C-117D |
NAF C-131F Samaritan BuNo 141028 & C-117D
Skytrain BuNo 17156, north side of hangar 3,
Armitage Field, China Lake, circa June 1965. Photo
from G. Verver collection.

USAF F-105F Thunderchief s/n 62-4419 |
USAF F-105F Thunderchief s/n 62-4419, SHRIKE
missile, Hot Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, 30
June 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo.

NAF DF-8F Crusaders |
NAF China Lake DF-8F Crusaders BuNo 143813 & 144429, Hot
Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa June 1965.
Photo by G. Verver.

NAF NA-1G Skyraiders |
NAF China Lake NA-1G Skyraiders BuNo 132510 & 132598,
Armitage Field, China Lake, circa June 1965. Photo by
G. Verver.

NAF A-3B Skywarrior BuNo 138952 |
NAF China Lake C-131F Samaritan BuNo 141028 and NAF A-3B
Skywarrior BuNo 138952, p/c V. Whipkey & C. Malear,
Armitage Field, China Lake, circa June 1965. Photo by G.

NAF DT-28B Trojans |
NAF China Lake DT-28B Trojans BuNo 137667 & 138355, Armitage
Field, China Lake, circa June 1965. Photo by G.

G. Verver on the NC-5 |
NAF China Lake A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 148613, and VX-5 Vampires
A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149659, XE-4, on the China Lake
Hotline, 1965. G. Verver on the NC-5 & R. Freedman
with his back to the camera. Project SHRIKE photo.

VX-5 A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149659 |
VX-5 Vampires A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149659, XE-4, Hot
Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa 1965. SHRIKE
project team photo.

NAF plane captains |
NAF China Lake A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 144947 and A-4 plane
captains J. Delorey, C. Malear & Morales, Armitage
Field, China Lake, ca. 1965. Photo by G. Verver.

Cdr. Jack Speciale |
Cdr. Jack Speciale and NAF China Lake F-4B Phantom II BuNo
151435 next to F-8E Crusader BuNo 150284, Hot Line,
Armitage Field, China Lake, June/July 1965. Photo
from J. Speciale.
3Q |

Skyhawk BuNo 145068 |
VX-5 Vampires A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145068, XE-7,
taxiing aboard the USS Kitty Hawk, July 1965. Photo
from Dave Woolsey.

Skyhawk BuNo 145112 |
VX-5 Vampires A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145112, XE-12,
ready to launch from the USS Kitty Hawk, July 1965
with a Sadeye cluster bomb on center rack. Photo
from Dave Woolsey.

AO3 Dave Woolsey |
VX-5 Vampires AO3 Dave Woolsey aboard the USS
Kitty Hawk, July 1965. Photo from Dave Woolsey.

VX-5 A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149655 |
VX-5 Vampires A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149655, XE-5, USS
Kitty Hawk, circa July 1965. Photographer unknown,
G. Verver collection.

Launch with a Sadeye |
Crew readies VX-5 Vampires A-4C Skyhawk BuNo
145112, XE-12, for launch with a Sadeye from the USS
Kitty Hawk, circa July 1965. Rocketeer photo.

VX-5 AO Scott Burns |
VX-5 Vampires AO Scott Burns loads CBU-75 SADEYE
cluster bombs on VX-5 A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149655,
XE-5, USS Kitty Hawk, circa July 1965. Rocketeer

Rockeye II |
NAF China Lake A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142787, Rockeye II, Hot
Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, July 1965.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

MK-12 Padeye dispenser |
MK-12 Padeye dispenser, China Lake, circa July
1965. Official U.S. Navy photo from R. Powell.

VX-5 CO Cdr. Loranger |
New VX-5 Vampires CO Cdr. Loranger performs
traditional cake cutting as Cdr. Riley watches.
Observing are Capt. Leonard E. Harmon,
DepComOpTevFor (l) and RAdm. Thomas J. Walker,
Commander, Joint Task Force Two, VX-5's first CO in
1951, China Lake, 09 July 1965. Rocketeer photo.

Ready for inspection |
VX-5 Vampires stand ready for inspection during
the Change of Command ceremony, Armitage Field,
China Lake 09 July 1965. Rocketeer photo.

Retired NAF A-4A Skyhawk BuNo 137814 |
Retired NAF A-4A Skyhawk BuNo 137814, being
hoisted into position for display in front of the
Station's Weapon Demonstration building behind Mike
Lab. where it will be loaded with inert weapons by
the Air to Surface Weapons Div., China Lake, 9 July
1965. Official U.S. Navy photo, R. Summers

NAF F-4B Phantom II BuNo 151435 |
NAF F-4B Phantom II BuNo 151435, Shrike missile,
runway 21, China Lake, 13 Jul 1965. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

Manual tracking antenna |
Manual tracking antenna is operated by Code 40
Aeromechanics Div. Roy E. Rockstrom, China Lake, 16
July 1965. Rocketeer photo.

Antenna spinner |
Code 30's Instrumentation Lab's Engineering
Support Section Head Robert E. Rockwell examines
Spinner for installation in former gun antenna,
China Lake, 16 July 1965. Rocketeer photo.

BOMROC, G-2 Range |
In first flight test of BOMROC Clyde Hienzig,
experimental ordnance equipment mechanic, prepares
to insert rocket In tube at G-2 Range, while Art
Butler, ordnance man for ammo and explosives, checks
breach, 30 July 1965. Rocketeer photo.

Pop Lofnick |
Law of the NOTS Ranges - "Pop" Lofnick poses by
sign, whose warning he enforced with Kansas tenacity
for over 5 years in guarding NOTS' 1,700 square
miles of ranges from intruders, and the intruders'
safety. China Lake, 30 July 1965. Rocketeer photo.

F-4B Phantom II BuNo 151435, Fireye |
NAF China Lake F-4B Phantom II BuNo 151435, Fireye, hangar 3,
Armitage Field, China Lake, circa Aug 1965. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

TIARA night test |
TIARA (Target-Illumination and Recovery Aid)
night test, Charlie Range, August 1965. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142787 |
NAF China Lake A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142787 off the runway at Dugway
after the pilot ejected when control of the aircraft
couldn't be maintained on touchdown, August 1965.
Photographer unknown from Don Hart collection.

Fighting Tigers A-6A Intruder |
VA-65 Fighting Tigers A-6A Intruder BuNo 151793, NG-103, DIRTY,
05 Aug 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Black Falcons A-6A Intruder |
VA-85 Black Falcons A-6A Intruder, NH-801, Shrike missile,
China Lake, 14 Aug 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo.

NAF A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142777 |
NAF China Lake A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142777, Fireye, Hot Line,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 11 Aug 1965. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Snakeye I |
NAF China Lake A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142777, Snakeye I, Armitage
Field, China Lake, 24 Aug 1965. Official U.S. Navy

MK-122 Fireye |
MK-122 Fireye incendiary bomb, Armitage Field,
China Lake, September 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo
from R. Powell.

NAF A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 148437 |
NAF China Lake A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 148437 in-flight with a
AGM-62, Walleye, China Lake, 01 Sep 1965. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Defense science seminar |
Defense science seminar participants take a
"break" in field tour schedule at weapons exhibit
(A-4A Skyhawk BuNo 137814) behind Mike Lab - to hash
over tour topics - while Dr. William G. McMillan,
Seminar Chairman from UCLA, and Franklin H.
Knemeyer, head of Weapons Development Dept., (l-r,
foreground) evaluate tour. Group included 45
scientists from all U.S, China Lake, 03 September
1965. Rocketeer photo.

NAF LCdr. Bill Odman |
NAF LCdr. Bill Odman seated in the NOTS-developed
ejection seat reenacts for Todd Aslanian, Douglas
rep, how he pulled face curtain when he was forced
to eject from NAF A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142787 at
Dugway, UT, 03 September 1965. Rocketeer photo.

NAF NA-1G Skyraider BuNo 132598 |
NAF NA-1G Skyraider BuNo 132598, fuze test pod,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 08 Sep 1965. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

NAF A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 147781 |
NAF A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 147781, AGM-62 Walleye,
China Lake, 09 Sep 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo.

TA-4E Skyhawk BuNo 152103 |
TA-4E Skyhawk BuNo 152103, China Lake, 15 Sep.
1965. 152103 was one of two TA-4E prototypes.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

DT-28B Trojan drone controller |
NAF DT-28B Trojan drone controller BuNo 137667,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 15 Sep 1965. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

VX-5 Vampires CO Don Loranger |
VX-5 Vampires CO Don Loranger honors (l-r) Ens.
Ron Cable (drill team trophies at Mojave and
Huntington Beach), AE3 Edward A. Seffel (July
Bluejacket of the month), AK2 Josep Perez and YNC
Ponciano Vistro (Good Conduct Medals), Armitage
Field, China Lake, 10 September 1965. Rocketeer

Mark 102 launcher |
Gunners Mates move in to give close attention to
pointers on Mark 102 launcher after live
demonstrations at G-2 Range. Their recommissioned
LSMR and IFS ships are being armed with five inch
spin-stabilized rockets, China Lake, 17 September
1965. Rocketeer photo.

Spin stabilized five-inch rocket |
From ship of the desert at G-2 Range the
sand-based Mark 102 rocket launcher fires a Mark 7
spin stabilized five-inch rocket for the benefit of
nine officers and ten EM from two former mothballed
vessels based at San Diego. China Lake, 17 September
1965. Rocketeer photo.

2,000 hour plaques |
NAF Capt. Robert R. Yount (l), NAF CO, presented
2,000 hour plaques to (l-r) Cdrs. S. F. Abele and M.
M. Manger, for time in A-1 Skyraider, and LCdr. A.
E. Molloy for F-10 Skyknight. Todd Aslanian (r),
Douglas tech. rep., brought plaques to NAF from the
aircraft firm, China Lake, 17 September 1965.
Rocketeer photo.

Drill Team |
The Naval Air Facility's prize winning Drill Team
will be performing their precision routines in the
mile-long Desert Empire Fair parade tomorrow, China
Lake, 17 September 1965. Rocketeer photo.

Lt. Gary Moore |
Lt. Gary Moore reports to NAF China Lake
following graduation from the famed four year old
Air Force Research Pilot School at Edwards AFB as
one of the nations most newly qualified space
pilots, 17 September 1965, Rocketeer photo.

Fly-over at the Empire Fair |
NAF China Lake A-3B Skywarrior BuNo 138952 and two NAF A-4
Skyhawks fly-over at the Empire Fair, 19 September
1965. Rocketeer photo

1965 softball champs |
Posing in front of VX-5 Vampires A-4E Skyhawk
BuNo 152015, XE-6, are the 1965 softball champs
kneeling (l-r) are VX-5's LCdr R. E. Cooper; AZAN
Hank Myer; MA1 Joe Hootman; YN3 N. H. Perry; AK2 J.
B. C. Perez & J. W. Armistad. Standing (l-r) are SN
R. C. Johnson; Lt. Don Marritt, ADR3 T. M. Rose; MA3
M. J. Saul; AMS3 J. L. Schwarting; Lt. W. E. Turlay,
Lt. Gene Wangli, and LCdr. G. E. Russell. Not shown:
L. T. Yetter and YN2 W. R. Dalmal. China Lake, 24
September 1965. Rocketeer photo.

Rockeye II drop |
NAF China Lake NA-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145063, Rockeye II drop,
China Lake, 23 September 1965. Official U.S. Navy
4Q |

NAF A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 147680 |
NAF China Lake A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 147680, p/c ADJ3 Ralph
Ripley, & VX-5 Vampires A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145139, XE-11, Hot
Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, about Oct 1965.
Photo, G. Verver collection.

VX-5 A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145139 |
NAF China Lake A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 147680 and VX-5 Vampires
A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145139, XE-11, Hot Line, Armitage
Field, China Lake, about Oct 1965. Photo G. Verver

NAF A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 148613 |
NAF China Lake A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 148613, p/c ADJ3 G. Verver,
Hot Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, about Oct.
1965. At right ADJ3 Ralph Ripley with a huffer
starting A-4C BuNo 147680. Photo, G. Verver

Misteye dissemination |
NAF China Lake A-4 Skyhawk Misteye dissemination, China Lake, 04
Oct 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Weapon Demonstration Building |
Weapon Demonstration Building behind Mike Lab.,
China Lake, 06 Oct 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo.

NAF A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 147680 |
NAF China Lake A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 147680, in-flight firing a
AGM-45 SHRIKE missile, China Lake, 06 Oct 1965.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

Retired NAF A-4A Skyhawk |
Retired NAF A-4A Skyhawk BuNo 137814 on display
at the Weapon Demonstration Building behind Mike
Lab. China Lake, 06 Oct 1965. Official U.S. Navy

U.S. Army XM548E1 Chaparral |
AIM-9 Sidewinders quad-mounted on the prototype
U.S. Army XM548E1 Chaparral, China Lake, 07 October
1965. Official U.S. Navy photo, Duncan Curtis

XR-45 Multi-mode radar |
The airborne XR-45 Multi-mode radar is shown
installed in nose of NAF China Lake TF-10 Skyknight BuNo
125807, hangar 3, Armitage Field, China Lake, 08
October 1965. It's first such system with micro
circuitry. Rocketeer photo.

RAdm. Dornin |
First hand view of cockpit and instrumentation of
VX-5 Vampires A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 152015, XE-6, is had
by RAdm. Dornin during tour of VX-5, Armitage Field,
China Lake, 08 October 1965. Rocketeer photo.

NAF TF-10B Skyknight |
Technicians review prospects of XR-45 radar
installed in nose of NAF China Lake TF-10B Skyknight BuNo
125807. Alfred B. Ferris (left), asst. project
engineer from AOD, discusses nation's first
microminiaturized airborne radar with Autonetics
technician, hangar 3, Armitage Field, China Lake, 08
October 1965. Rocketeer photo.

XY profile plotter |
XY profile plotter at Charlie Range is
demonstrated and explained to RAdm. Dornin by Clyde
Turbett. Instrument records flight path of aircraft
during bomb delivery, China Lake, 08 October 1965.
Rocketeer photo.

RAdm. Marshall E. Dornan |
RAdm. Marshall E. Dornan and VX-5 Vampires CO
Cdr. Don Loranger head for the ready room after a
tour of the COSO Target Range in one of the NAF
China Lake UH-34 helicopters, Armitage Field, China Lake,
October 1965. Rocketeer photo.

SNAKEYE explained |
SNAKEYE, the NOTS developed free-fall bomb on
VX-5 Vampires A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 152015, XE-6, is explained to
RAdm. Dornan by VX-5 Vampires LCdr. Richard J.
Schulte, Armitage Field, China Lake, 08 October
1965. Rocketeer photo.

VX-5 ADJ1 Clarence Osborn |
VX-5 Vampires ADJ1 Clarence Osborn briefed RAdm.
Dornin and VX-5 CO Don Loranger on the A-4E Skyhawk
Pratt and Whitney J52-P6A jet engine, hangar 1,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 08 October 1965.
Rocketeer photo.

Rocket pod carrying capacity |
Rocket pod carrying capacity and fire power on
VX-5 Vampires A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145139, XE-11, is
detailed to RAdm. Dornin by VX-5's Skipper Cdr. Don
Loranger and Asst. projects dir. LCdr. R. J.
Schulte, Armitage Field, China Lake, 08 October
1965. Rocketeer photo.

MK-115 Helicopter Trap Weapon |
MK-115 Helicopter Trap Weapon with parachute,
China Lake, 08 October 1965. Official U.S. Navy
photo from R. Powell collection.

BLU-80 Bigeye sketch |
BLU-80 Bigeye sketch, 12 October 1965. Official
U.S. Navy photo from R. Powell collection.

NAF A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 147781 |
NAF China Lake A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 147781, AGM-62 Walleye,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 12 October 1965.
Official U.S. Navy photo from Ray Powell collection.

MIM-72 Chaparral missile specs |
MIM-72 Chaparral missile specs, China Lake, 13
October 1965. Official U.S. Navy photo from Ray
Powell collection.

MIM-72 Chaparral |
MIM-72 Chaparral ground launched derivative of
the AIM-9 Sidewinder missile, China Lake, 13 October
1965. Official U.S. Navy photo from Ray Powell

VX-5 Jet shop |
VX-5 Vampires A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145139, XE-11,
and VX-5 Jet shop, China Lake, 14 Oct. 1965. L-r:
Ray Averett, C. Osborne, Rich Galope (on ladder),
Jim Armistad, J. Javdinski, Vern Snyder, D. McCain,
Richard Aldaz & V. Mason. Photo from Rich Galope.

Marceye bomblet |
Marceye bomblet loaded with TIARA, October 1965.
Official U.S. Navy photo from Ray Powell collection.

Snipe missile |
Snipe missile, China Lake, October 1965. Official U.S.
Navy photo from Ray Powell collection.

NAF A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142892 |
NAF China Lake A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142892, SNIPE, Hot Line,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 15 Oct 1965. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Fireye drop |
VX-5 Vampires A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149657, XE-2,
Fireye drop, China Lake, 22 Oct. 1965. Official U.S.
Navy photo from Ray Powell collection.

Fireye drop |
VX-5 Vampires A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149657, XE-2,
Fireye drop, China Lake, 22 Oct. 1965. Official U.S.
Navy photo from Ray Powell collection.

VX-5 Lt. Rod K. Kauber |
VX-5 Vampires Lt. Rod K. Kauber is congratulated
by VA-192 CO Cdr. E.E. Tissot following a combat
strike over Vietnam as they pose in front of A-4C
NM-211, 29 October 1965. Rocketeer photo.

AGM-45 Shrike artwork |
AGM-45 Shrike artwork, 01 November 1965. Official
U.S. Navy from Ray Powell collection.

QF-9G Cougar BuNo 128164 |
NAF China Lake Redbirds QF-9G Cougar BuNo 128164 in-flight
with dual target TV pod, China Lake, 04 Nov 1964.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

25-ton wing jack |
AMS2 Floyd Goldy, pumps pressure into 25-ton wing
jack being tested in jack tester while ADJ2 Auren
Frei takes readings from gauge. The pair designed
and built device to fill need for convenience,
economy and speed at NAF. Tester stands seven feet
tall, is eight feet wide and weighs two and a half
tons. China Lake, 05 November 1965. Rocketeer photo.

PAL Convair 240 |
PAL Convair 240, N40436, the daily flight to
civilization, Inyokern, 08 Nov. 1965. Official
U.S.N. photo.

New rates soon |
Eight of 15 men in VX-5 who will
advance in rates between now and April pose in front
of VX-5 Vampires A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149655, XE-5, and
display their new ratings. Kneeling, Eugene Bakke;
standing (l-r) David Banks, David Ames, Ellis
Sidney, Mike Kane, George Highers; on ladder, Dennis
Kimberly, and David McCain, China Lake, 19 November
1965. Rocketeer photo.

Skydivers and crew consult |
Skydivers and crew consult before jumping from
NAF China Lake C-117D Skytrain BuNo 17156. They are
(l-r) Homer Oldemeyer, club president and jump
master, Lt. R.P. Karr, liaison officer; AMC Anthony
Trujillo co-pilot; and LCdr. A.E. Molloy, pilot ,
China Lake, 28 November 1965. Rocketeer photo

Skydiving club officers |
Prospects are looking good to club officers
before Nov. 28 jump from NAF China Lake China Lake C-117D Skytrain BuNo
17156. From left are Dave Ames, secretary-treasurer;
James Tuttle, custodian; Homer Oldemeyer, president;
Bill Brandon, vice-president, China Lake, 28
November 1965. Rocketeer photo.

Preflight equipment check |
Preflight equipment check is performed before
jump from NAF China Lake C-117D Skytrain BuNo
17158 by jump-master Oldemeyer (left). Jumpers are
(l-r) Ken Adams, ADJ3; Ron Hardern, AO2; Charles
Markin, ADJAN; Bill Brandon, AO2; Jim Dellos, RD1;
Clenton Forrister, AO3; Jim Stegall, FTM1; Mike
Kane, AN; Dave Ames, AN; Al Holford, PRAN; Dave
LeBourgeois, AA; and Russ Jefferson, PR3, China Lake,
28 November 1965. Rocketeer photo.

Student jumper NAF PRAN Al Holford |
Student jumper NAF China Lake PRAN Al Holford exits from
C-117D 17156 on static line in perfect form as main
chute release cord is about to pull taut, China
Lake, 03 December 1965. Rocketeer photo.

A deadly combination |
Mk4 and VX-5 Vampires A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145139,
XE-11 - A deadly combination, featuring high rate of
fire and little rearming "down time" for aircraft.
Pod with its Mk 11 double barrel smoothbore gun can
be installed on a variety of Navy and Air Force
planes. China Lake, 03 December 1965. Rocketeer

Mk 4 gun pod |
Mk 4 gun pod is rolled up to VX-5
Vampires A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145139, XE-11, for
centerline attachment. Pushing pod are (l-r) PFC
Robert Doerr and PFC Nick Colletto, Jr., (USMC) and
VX-5 AO2 Scott Burns. Pod, loaded with ammo on deck,
gives fast "turnaround," China Lake, 03 December
1965. Rocketeer photo.

Super Chiefs |
NAF China Lake XO Cdr. W. L. Reardon reads orders of
advancement to three NAF "Super Chiefs." From left
to right, Foley A. Barnes ADCS, James B. Fike ADCS
and Gordon F. Staley AFCM, China Lake, 10 December
1965. Rocketeer photo.

NAF UH-34J Sea Horse BuNo 145676 |
Ordnance personnel mount a SNIPE to on the launch
rack of NAF China Lake UH-34J Sea Horse BuNo 145676, Armitage
Field, China Lake, circa 1965/66. Official U.S. Navy

NAF UH-34J Sea Horse BuNo 145676 |
NAF China Lake UH-34J Sea Horse BuNo 145676, SNIPE launcher,
Armitage Field, China Lake, circa 1965/66. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

NAF China Lake Redbirds QF-9F Cougar drone BuNo 130866,
SNAFU 1, dual target TV pod, Armitage Field, China
Lake 30 Dec 1965. Photo Clay Jansson via Tailhook
