• Jan 1 -- NAF
has 36 aviation officers, 1 other officer, 480 enlisted and 54 aircraft
consisting of 2 AD-5N, 3 YA4D-1, 1 YA4D-2, 1 A4D-2, 1 YA4D-2N, 1 A4D-2N,
3 F3D-2T2, 1 YF9F-8T, 3 YF8U-1, 2 F8U-2N, 1 YF8U-2N, 4 FJ-3D2, 1 YF4H-1F,
1 P2V-4, 1 P2V-5FD, 1 P2V-5FS, 1 S2F-3, 2 T-28BD, 2 R4D-8, 1 HRS-3,
1 HSS-1N, Drones: 10 F9F-6K2 & 10 F9F-6K. VX-5 has 29 aviation
officers, 1 other officer, 191 enlisted and 12 aircraft consisting of
2 AD-6, 1 A3D-1, 1 A4D-1, 2 A4D-2, 4 A4D-2N, 1 SNB, 1 F9F-8T, 1 F4H-1F &
3 FJ-4B. • Five hundred Capehart housing units completed. • First
successful flight test of a hybrid propulsion system in this country.
• March 20 -- GMU-25 disestablished. • March 26 -- uprated CALEB
unsuccessful due to structural failure. • July 26 -- uprated CALEB
launched. • August 13 - Hal Wellman ejected from YF4H-1 Phantom BuNo
143390 at an altitude of about 100' when it caught fire on take-off.
• Sept. 17 -- U.S. Navy Lt. Fred J. Wilson lost his life
when his F9F-6K Cougar BuNo 127273 crashed between the Airfield Gate
and the Fuel Farm. • Nov 20 -- Civil Service employee Mr..
Jonothan E. Rice died of propellant burns suffered in an accident.
1Q |
 B1-RD |
The B1-RD in flight over Armitage Field, circa 1962.
Photo from Rick Saiger... The B1-RD (aka Ens. eliminator)
was NOTS first "smart" weapon replacing the
BAT glide bomb. The weapon was designed to be delivered
by the A-4 Skyhawk and was guided by flight school washouts
who were unable to master the landing protocol.

AF-1E Fury BuNo 139549 |
VX-5 Vampires AF-1E Fury BuNo 139549, XE-11, about
to touch down on runway 21, China Lake, circa 1961/1962.
Photo from Phil Hooper.

P2V-5FD Neptune 128348 |
NAF China Lake P2V-5FD Neptune BuNo 128348 and Ryan
Firebee drone, China Lake ca. 1962. Photo from Rick

F3H-2N Demon 143494 |
Naval Missile Center Pt. Mugu F3H-2N Demon BuNo 143494,
SE corner of hangar 3, China Lake, about 1962. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

aaaa |
NAF China Lake F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 144430, tow target
reel, China Lake, 12 January 1962. Official U.S. Navy

VX-5 Vampires Skyhawk |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-2N Skyhawk about to trap aboard
the USS Oriskany, January 1962. Photo by Paul Dros.

A4D-2N Skyhawk 145041 |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-2N Skyhawk BuNo 145041, XE-5, taxies
toward the Yellow Shirt (not sure who the hitchhiker
is) aboard the USS Oriskany, January 1962. Photo by
Paul Dros.

AD-6 Skyraider 139731 |
VX-5 Vampires AD-6 Skyraider BuNo 139731, XE-14,
traps aboard the USS Oriskany, at left are VMA-211 Wake
Island Avengers A4D-2N Skyhawks CF-9 and CF-18, January
1962. Photo by Paul Dros.

A4D-2 Skyhawk 145041 |
VMA-211 Avengers A4D-2N Skyhawk BuNo 145108, CF-11,
at left and VX-5 Vampires A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 145041,
XE-5, at right, USS Oriskany, January 1962. Photo by
VX-5 Vampires Tom Scott.

A4D-2 Skyhawk |
Unknown VX-5 Vampires A4D-2 Skyhawk is readied for
launch from the USS Oriskany, January 1962. Photo from
Tom Scott.

A4D-2N Skyhawk 145068 |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-2N Skyhawk BuNo 145068, XE-4, hooked
up and ready to go aboard USS Oriskany, circa January
1962. Official U.S. Navy photo, Tom Scott collection.

F6F-5K Hellcat 94473 |
NAF China Lake Redbirds F6F-5K Hellcat BuNo 94473,
salvage yard, China Lake, January 1962. F6F-5K Hellcat
BuNo 79896 tail at left and what could be the rest of
F6F-5K Hellcat 79896 and F9F-6K Cougar BuNo 127466 in
the right background. Photo by Clay Jansson via A. Romano

Looney Bird |
Earl Hart is shown operating the "Looney Bird"
mobile tracking camera mount, which was rushed to El
Centro less camera and support arms, last week to assist
the Naval Parachute Facility in an important tracking
project for NOL, White Oak, China Lake, 19 January 1962.
The large cylinder on the side is supporting a 48-inch
focal length lens on a 35mm motion picture camera. A
16mm camera can be carried on the opposite side. Rocketeer

YF4H-1 Phantom II 143389 |
NAF China Lake YF4H-1 Phantom II BuNo 143389, CALEB
side load test gear, hangar 3, China Lake, 20 January
1962. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F3D-2 Skyknight 124595 |
NAF China Lake F3D-2 Skyknight BuNo 124595, Cobra
(aka Shrike) missile, China Lake, circa 1962. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Cobra (aka Shrike) missile |
NAF China Lake F3D-2 Skyknight BuNo 124595, Cobra
(aka Shrike) missile, China Lake, circa 1962. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Cougar drones |
NAF China Lake F9F-7K Cougar drone BuNo 130950 and
NAF F9F-6K Cougar drone BuNo 128075, on a snowy at Armitage
Field, China Lake, 22 January 1962. Photographer unknown.

Cougar and Skyknight |
NAF China Lake F9F-8T Cougar BuNo 146425 and NAF
F3D-2 Skyknight BuNo 125807, on a snowy Armitage Field,
China Lake, 22 January 1962. Photographer unknown, G.
Verver collection.
 Weteye |
MK-116 Weteye chemical bomb cutaway, China Lake,
05 February 1962. Official U.S. Navy photo.

YF4H-1 Phantom II 143389 |
NAF China Lake YF4H-1 Phantom II BuNo 143389, CALEB,
Hot Line, China Lake, 16 February 1962. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

D.W. Harris and R.E. Lasher |
VX-5 Vampires D.W. Harris, AMS2, (l) and R.E. Lasher,
AMH 3, (r) take the Oath of Reenlistment administered
by CO Cdr. W.A. Schroeder, jr. aboard SNB Bugsmasher
BuNo 39936 flying at 250 feet below sea level, 23 February
1962. Rocketeer photo.

F4H-1 Phantom II 143390 |
VX-5 Vampires F4H-1 Phantom II BuNo 143390, XE-14,
China Lake, circa February 1962. Boeing photo.

A4D-1 Skyhawk 137818 |
NAF China Lake A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 137818, Gladeye
dispenser, China Lake, 01 March 1962. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

Gladeye dispenser |
NAF China Lake A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 137818, Gladeye
dispenser, China Lake, 01 March 1962. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

A4D-1 Skyhawk 137822 |
NAF China Lake A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 137822, taxies
from the Hot Line with a SHRIKE, China Lake, 02 March
1962. Official U.S. Navy photo.

ASW crew |
ASW crew and pilots pictured in front of NAF China
Lake P2V-5F Neptune BuNo 128333 which is being equipped
with a recently developed submarine detecting device
which they will test. China Lake, 02 March 1962. Rocketeer
photo. Shown in front row (l-r) are: Clinton Jones,
ADR-2; Frederick Parshall, AMH-2; Walter Edwards, AT-2;
Kenneth Mohrmann, AE-l; and Ronald Kofmehl, ATR-3. In
back row are: LCdr. Alexander Stromski, ASW Officer;
and LCdr. Charles Lentz, Assistant Maintenance Officer
and Project Pilot.

A4D-1 Skyhawk 137822 |
NAF China Lake A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 137822, Shrike
missile, China Lake, 03 March 1962. Official U.S. Navy

Shrike missile |
NAF China Lake A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 137822, Shrike
missile, China Lake, 03 March 1962. Official U.S. Navy

aluminum powder dispenser |
NAF China Lake F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 144430, DIRTY,
aluminum powder dispenser, China Lake, 13 March 1962.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

ZUNI launcher |
NAF China Lake A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 139937 after a
ZUNI test ripped the aft end of the launcher from the
pylon, China Lake, 14 March 1962. Photo from Tony Tambini.

ZUNI launcher |
NAF China Lake A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 139937 after a
ZUNI test ripped the aft end of the launcher from the
pylon, China Lake, 14 March 1962. Photo from Tony Tambini.

Bakersfield Council |
Seventeen members of the Bakersfield Council of the
Navy League toured San Clemente Island last week where
they inspected launchers of the Navy's missiles RAT,
ASROC and Polaris and viewed other technical equipment,
16 March 1962. Hosts from China Lake were: Capt. Floyd
F. Reck, Plans and Ops Officer; J. T. Bibby, PIO; and
Richard W. Rusciolelli of the Technical Presentations
Office. Lt Earl Norton of SCI escorted the group. Rocketeer

Flying supplies |
Flying supplies to the isolated Higham family on
NAF HSS-1 Seabat BuNo 140136 were (l-r) LCdr. Walt Henning,
AD2 Daniel Hall, Burke West, & Cdr. Louis Knight.
China Lake, 16 March 1962. Rocketeer photo.

P2V-4 Neptune 124238 |
NAF China Lake P2V-4 Neptune BuNo 124238, Skywarrior
nose, China Lake, although dated 01 January 1963 it
was taken between May 1959 and April 1962. Official
U.S. Navy photo.
2Q |

VA-55 Warhorses |
VA-55 Warhorses A4D-2N Skyhawk NF-508 & squadron
pilots, NAF China Lake, 01 April 1962. L-r standing:
LCdr. Byron Fuller, LCdr. Bob Fenton, Cdr. Earl Godfrey,
Lt(jg). Ric Sproat, Lt(jg). Bob Powelson & LCdr.
Walt Clarke. L-r kneeling: Lt. A.C. Schmidt, Lt(jg).
Dick Thomas, Lt. Ken Cook, Lt. Wayne Peters, Lt(jg).
Bill Gunter & Lt(jg). Jerry Madden. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

F8U-1 Crusader 144435 |
NAF China Lake F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 144435 in-flight
with a Sidewinder 1A missile, China Lake, 01 April 1962.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

Sidewinder 1A missile |
NAF China Lake F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 144435 firing
a Sidewinder 1A missile, China Lake, 01 April 1962.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

releasing a Mk-46 torpedo |
NAF China Lake A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 137818 releasing
a Mk-46 torpedo over one of the China Lake ranges, 04
April 1962. Photo from Tony Tambini.

F8U-1 Crusader 144435 |
NAF China Lake F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 144435, Sidewinder
1A missile, Hot Line, China Lake, 12 April 1962. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Sidewinder firing |
NAF China Lake F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 144430 firing
an AIM-9 Sidewinder and VX-5 Vampires F9F-8T Cougar
BuNo 147367, XE-16, chase, dated 01 January 1963. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

A4D-2N Skyhawk 145068 |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-2N Skyhawk BuNo 145068, XE-4, and
Sadeye cluster bomb, China Lake, 19 April 1962. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Sadeye close-up |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-2N Skyhawk BuNo 145068, XE-4, and
Sadeye cluster bomb close-up, China Lake, 19 April 1962.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

Championship Bowling Team |
VX-5 Vampires Championship Bowling Team poses by
VX-5 A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145064, XE-1, Armitage Field,
China Lake, 27 April 1962. Rear row, from left, are
Lt. R.V. Rice, A.G. Ullsperger, and Lt. W.H. Byng. Front
row, from left, are L.E. Eggerman, W.E. Laux, D.D. Kingsbury
and G.E. Tisor. Photo from Bill Laux.

new rates |
VX-5 Vampires earning new rates effective 16 May
1962. Official U.S. Navy photo, PHC E.O. Shiflett. Those
earning new rates are: Akana, J. B., PN3; Ames, W.G.,
DM3; Archuleta, M.M., AE3; Brooks, E., ADJ2; Clausen,
H.L., CS3; Collins, G.M., AE2; Cohee. F.M., ADR1; Cornish,
J.F., AK2; Crapo, C.D., ATN2; Dalee, G.S., AE1; Finley,
W.A., YN3; Gaustad, E.A., ADR1; Goodall, F.E., ADJ2;
Goepfert, K.C., AMH3; Hartman. J.M., AT2; Hankins, J.A,
AT2; Hawkins, M.D., AMS-3; Hicks, H.L., ADJ2; Jackson,
B.D., AMS2, Gardner, S.R., AMECA; Kuzmic, J.J., YN3;
Lamborn, S.R., ADJ2; Lindsay, J.R., AMH3; Lyerly, R.E.,
AK3; Mathews, B.G., ADJ1; Moore, J.M., ADJ2; Parker,
D.E., ATN2; Rhorer. J.R., AO3; Scott, T.V., AT2; Shirey,
A.J., ADJ2; Smith, W.F., AME3; Sykora, J.E., ADJ2; Troxel,
D.N., AMS2; Tussing, R.R., YN3, Tyler, D.C., ADR1; Weythman,
W.D., AE1; Wise, H.L., AMS2; Wilson, C.D., AO3; Wolf,
A.J., ATR3.

Gladeye payloads |
MK-17 Gladeye payloads, l-r Lazy Dogs, leaflets and
napalm canisters, China Lake, May 1962. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

Lazy Dogs |
NAF China Lake A4D-1 Skyhawk (probably 137818) releasing
Lazy Dogs from a MK-17 Gladeye dispenser, China Lake,
circa 1962. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Sidewinder-1C test equipment |
Sidewinder-1C test equipment, 04 May 1962. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Sidewinder-1C test equipment |
Sidewinder-1C test equipment, 04 May 1962. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

A4D-1 Skyhawk 137818 |
NAF China Lake A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 137818, Weteye,
China Lake, 14 May 1962. Official U.S. Navy photo.

C-124A Globemaster 51-0152 |
USAF MATS C-124A Globemaster s/n 51-0152, Snakeye
retarded bombs, NAF China Lake, 16 May 1962. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

VX-5 Vampires pilots |
VX-5 Vampires F4H-1F Phantom II BuNo 143390, XE-17,
China Lake, 19 May 1962. Pilots (l-r) Lt. Paul McCarthy,
LCdr. Gary Palmer, Lt. Paul Weitz, Lt. Bob Rice and
Cdr. Charles Lindberg. Rocketeer photo.

B-58 Hustler sled |
The world's biggest track sled, a 16,000 lb. B-58
Hustler replica, tests jet-propelled ejection seat system
at 820 MPH on NOTS SNORT, China Lake, 19 May 1962. Rocketeer

A4D-2 Skyhawk 142085 |
NAF China Lake A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142085, Walleye,
China Lake, 24 May 1962. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Skytop construction |
Skytop Facility construction, NOTS China Lake, 31
May 1962. The Navy's largest and most completely instrumented
complex of rocket testing facilities will be used for
testing Polaris rocket motors. Official U.S. Navy photo,
R. Summers collection.

Tom Scott |
VX-5 Vampires Tom Scott and unknown officer, hangar
1, China Lake, circa 1962. Official U.S. Navy photo
from Tom Scott.

Lincoln truck |
1922/1923 era Lincoln truck abandoned on range in
1943 was hauled onto station this week and is destined
to go on display in the Maturango Museum, 01 June 1962.
Rocketeer photo.

Osprey launcher |
Jeep towed Osprey launcher, M-45 tracking mount with
Sidewinder missiles, SNORT area, China Lake, 04 June
1962. Official U.S. Navy photo.
 Deneye |
NAF China Lake A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142892, Deneye
mine-dispenser system, China Lake, 05 June 1962. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Sidewinder 1C |
NAF China Lake YF4H-1 Phantom II BuNo 143389, Sidewinder
1C, China Lake, 08 June 1962. Official U.S. Navy photo.
NAF China Lake A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 137822, SHRIKE &
unkown pilot, China Lake, 19 June 1962. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

P3V-1 Orion 148887 |
P3V-1 Orion BuNo 148887 releasing a Mk-46 torpedo
over one of the China Lake ranges, 21 June 1962. Photo
from Tony Tambini.

A3J-1 Vigilante 147865 |
NWEF A3J-1 Vigilante BuNo 147865 taxis by the Hot
Line on the way to runway 21, China Lake, circa 1962.
Probably flown by VX-5 Detachment Alpha from Kirtland
AFB, Albuquerque, NM. Photographer unknown.

A3J-1 Vigilante 147865 |
NWEF A3J-1 Vigilante BuNo 147865, runway 21, China
Lake, circa 1962. Probably flown by VX-5 Detachment
Alpha from Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM. Note the Gun
Butts and F9F-6K Cougars at left. Photographer unknown.

A3J-1 Vigilante 147865 |
NWEF A3J-1 Vigilante BuNo 147865, runway 21, China
Lake, circa 1962. Probably flown by VX-5 Detachment
Alpha from Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM. Photographer

A3J-1 Vigilante 147865 |
NWEF A3J-1 Vigilante BuNo 147865, in-flight circa
1962. Probably flown by VX-5 Detachment Alpha from Kirtland
AFB, Albuquerque, NM. Official U.S. Navy photo, Tom
Scott collection.

A4D-2N Skyhawk 148565 |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-2N Skyhawk BuNo 148565, XE-8, in
flight, circa 1962. Photo from Dave Woolsey.

Ship Five crew members |
Fontana's Sea Explorer Ship Five crew members, left
to right, Ken Clements, Jerry Burley and Harry Hart,
listen intently as Lt. Donald D. Smith explains the
capabilities of NAF China Lake A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142892,
China Lake, 29 June 1962. Rocketeer photo.

"My Best Command!" is the way Capt. T.
A. "Tag" Grell referred to Naval Air Facility
during last Saturday morning's change of command and
retirement ceremonies, hangar 3, China Lake, 30 June
1962. Capt. J.W. Hough (seated, center), incoming Commanding
Officer, expressed strong desire to continue high standards
command had set under retiring skipper. Commander F.
A. Yourek (seated, right) was also retired from Navy
during colorful occasion. He served as Executive Officer
for NAF. Rocketeer photo.
3Q |

CALEB rocket is headed to China Lake for launch from
an F-4 Phantom, circa July 1962. The 3,000 lb canted
fin rocket, 2 feet in diameter and 200" long, is
a versatile space research rocket that can be launched
vertically or horizontally with one, two or three stage
propulsion. NAN photo.

Project Hi-Hoe |
NAF China Lake YF4H-1 Phantom II BuNo 143389, Project
Hi-Hoe CALEB rocket, Lt. Al Newman (Fighter Weapons
Systems Projects Officer, China Lake, 26 July 1962.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

aaaa |
NAF China Lake YF4H-1Phantom II BuNo 143389, piloted
by Lt. Al S. Newman, taxies for takeoff with CALEB,
China Lake, 26 July 1962. Two-stage rocket hurtled 120-pound
payload 1,000 miles into space this Wednesday. CALEB
was launched from 38,000 feet and scored an impressive
"first" in space probing techniques for command. Rocketeer

P-38L Lightning 44-27183 |
Mark Hurd Aerial Surveys P-38L Lightning s/n 44-27183,
N501MH, and pilot Bud Labbitt, China Lake, 03 August
1962. Official U.S. Navy photo.

SUBROC drop |
NAF China Lake A-1G Skyraider, SUBROC drop, China
Lake, 03 August 1962. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Gladeye dispenser |
Ordies loading a Gladeye dispenser on NAF China Lake
A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 137818, China Lake, August 1962.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

Maj. E.M. Lewis, Jr. |
VMA-223 Bulldogs operations officer Maj. E.M. Lewis,
Jr. prepares for a practice bombing mission on Charlie
Range, 10 August 1962. The unit from the 3rd MAW, AirFMFPac,
El Toro, is currently using NAF's facilities for intensive
attack training. Rocketeer photo.

Navy League Council members |
Indian Wells Valley Navy League Council members paused
briefly during day-long tour of San Clemente Island
range facilities for group photograph by NAF China Lake
R4D-8 Skytrain BuNo 138820. The group departed NAF early
Tuesday the 21st, returning here late that afternoon,
China Lake, 21 August 1962. Rocketeer photo.

Mk 5 trapezoidal Rolleron |
Sidewinder Mk 5 trapezoidal Rolleron & pie shaped
damper, China Lake, 21 August 1962. Official U.S. Navy

A4D Skyhawk |
Unknown VX-5 Vampires A4D Skyhawk and Unknown F4H
Phantom prepare to launch from the USS Ranger. F4H Phantom
in the foreground is side number 176, August/September
1962. Photo by Tom Scott.

Gladeye napalm canister |
MK-17 Gladeye napalm cannister with M-16 igniter
diagram, China Lake, September 1962. Official U.S. Navy

AN-APN-146 radar |
NAF China Lake F3D-2 Skyknight BuNo 124595, AN-APN-146
radar, China Lake, 01 September 1962. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

AN-APN-146 radar |
NAF China Lake F3D-2 Skyknight BuNo 124595, AN-APN-146
radar, China Lake, 01 September 1962. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

NA-4C Skyhawk 145063 |
NAF China Lake NA-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145063, flare test
pod, China Lake, 01 September 1962. Official U.S. Navy

VX-5 aircraft and NOTS weapons |
VX-5 aircraft and NOTS developed weapons, west side
of hangar 1, China Lake, 05 September 1962. L-r: AD-5
Skyraider BuNo 133922, XE-19; AD-6 Skyraider BuNo unknown,
XE-15; VAH-9 A3D-2 Skywarrior BuNo unknown AC-8 or AC-9;
VX-5 A4D-2N Skyhawk BuNo 145139 XE-11; and VX-5 SNB-2C
Navigator BuNo 29581, XE-20. Official U.S. Navy photo
from Lou Montoya.

Paul Dros |
VX-5 Vampires Paul Dros and his flight gear next
to barracks 4 prior to his flight operating the photo
panel on the pull-up of the VAH-2 A-3B after lofting
a shape over a China Lake range 05 September 1962. Photo
from Paul Dros.

Mercury capsule |
Mercury capsule rests on the 4 mile long supersonic
SNORT track prior to testing, China Lake, 09 September
1962. Official U.S. Navy photo via R. Summers.

F8U-2N Crusader 147047 |
NAF China Lake F8U-2N Crusader BuNo 147047, Sidewinder
1C SAR and 1C IR missiles, Hot Line, China Lake, 14
September 1962. Note the F9F Cougars parked near the
Gun Butts on the right. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Sidewinder missiles |
NAF China Lake F8U-2N Crusader BuNo 147047, Sidewinder
1C SAR and 1C IR missiles, Hot Line, Armitage Field,
China Lake, 14 September 1962. Official U.S. Navy photo.
A4D-2N BuNo 145066 |
Cdr. Shelley B. Pittman, 40, VX-5 Weapons Officer
ejected safely from A4D-2N BuNo 145066, Mystify 2, after
the fuselage fuel cell ruptured and the engine flamed
out while diverting to NAF El Centro. The aircraft crashed
about 1.5 miles S. of the south shore of the Salton
Sea and 1 one mile east of U.S. 99. USCG UF-1G Albatross
c/n G-307, USAF s/n 51-7226, USCG s/n 7226 supported
the rescue as did VX-5 A4D-2N Skyhawk BuNo 145112, Mystify
8. AAR 25 September 1962.
A4D-2N BuNo 145066 |
Cdr. Shelley B. Pittman, 40, VX-5 Weapons Officer
ejected safely from A4D-2N BuNo 145066, Mystify 2, after
the fuselage fuel cell ruptured and the engine flamed
out while diverting to NAF El Centro. The aircraft crashed
about 1.5 miles S. of the south shore of the Salton
Sea and 1 one mile east of U.S. 99. USCG UF-1G Albatross
c/n G-307, USAF s/n 51-7226, USCG s/n 7226 supported
the rescue as did VX-5 A4D-2N Skyhawk BuNo 145112, Mystify
8. AAR 25 September 1962.
4Q |

T-28BD Trojan 138355 |
T-28BD Trojan BuNo 138355, probably at O&R BUWEPS
FR - NAS Pensacola, FL where it was converted to a drone
controller between September and December 1962. Official
U.S. Navy photo from R.L. Lawson Collection.

HUS-1 Seahorse 148800 |
HMM-361 HUS-1 Seahorse BuNo 148800, DIRTY, shielded
exhaust, China Lake, 04 October 1962. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

United Fund |
The VX-5 Vampires tall men were nicked a dime-per-inch
as donations for United Fund as drive began last Monday.
Billy D. Jackson, AMS2, (measuring CPO Robert C. Willard)
and his maintenance team of eight men contributed $55.
They are, kneeling (l-r) Gary E. Tisor, AMS2, Jerry
K. Tanner, ADJAN, standing (l-r), Antonio M. Tainlongo,
AMHAN, and Rickey L. Belcher, ADJAN. Not shown is Jimmy
Hooper, AMS2. That's Louis L. Toupe, AN, taking down
Chief Willards height, China Lake, 19 October 1962.
Rocketeer photo.

A4D-2 Skyhawk 142085 |
NAF China Lake A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142085, Walleye
pod #2, next to NAF A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 137813, China
Lake, 24 October 1962. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Walleye seeker |
NAF China Lake A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142085, Walleye
pod #2 close-up, China Lake, 24 October 1962. Official
U.S. Navy photo.
 aaaa |
NAF China Lake A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142085, Walleye
pod #2 seeker close-up, China Lake, 24 October 1962.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

R-14A radar |
NAF China Lake TF-10B Skyknight BuNo 125807 with
the R-14A radar installed in the nose, hangar 3, China
Lake, 04 November 1962. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Frank Turchi |
NAF China Lake Frank Turchi shipping over, a young
27 and on his way to AT "I" B school at NAATC
Memphis, China Lake, November 1962. Photo from Frank

Paper crow |
ADJ-1 Bill Laux tacking a paper crow (duck) on W.J
. Fishers arm until he gets the promotion officially,
Armitage Field, November 1962. Photo from Bill Laux.

RAdm Charles K. Bergen |
Commander Operational Development Force, U.S. Atlantic
Fleet, RAdm Charles K. Bergen paid China Lake a brief
visit. Posing in front of A-1G Skyraider BuNo 132521
are (l-to-r) XO Capt Floyd Reck, VX-5 Vampires CO Cdr
W.A. Schroeder, Jr., RAdm Bergen, Deputy ComOpDevFor,
Pacific, Capt C.E. Gibson and NAF China Lake CO Capt
Jack W. Hough, 16 November 1962. Rocketeer photo.

ground breaking |
NAF China Lake CO Capt. Jack W. Hough takes the driver's
seat in bulldozer to commemorate ground breaking for
a Ryan Firebee jet target aircraft launcher to be installed
by early next year. Seated alongside Capt. Hough is
Public Works Officer Capt. R.A. Davidson. Standing (L-to-R)
are Ryan Aircraft representative E.J. McGrath, NAF XO
Cdr. L.P. Knight, Cdr. McAllister, and Ryan representatives
J.C. Partch, Hans Claussen and W.R. Sloan. China Lake,
16 November 1962. Rocketeer photo.

MC-131A Samaritan 52-5797 |
USAF MATS MC-131A Samaritan s/n 52-5797 as emergency
personnel prepare to fly NOTS employees Jonathan Rice
to the Army burn center at Fort Sam Houston for treatment
of his serious burns from an accidental fire last Tuesday,
China Lake, 23 November 1962. Rocketeer photo by PH1
John Wedgewood.

Learning the ropes |
Four out of 25 recently advanced VX-5 Vampires undergo
initiation rites at the hands of their line supervisor
ADRC R.C. Willard (seated). Sweating it out (l-r) are:
AME2 M.A. McKovich, ADJ3 R.L. Belcher, ADJ3 C.H. White,
and ADJ3 R.T. Willmon, China Lake, 30 November 1962.
Rocketeer photo.

AD-6 Skyraider 139731 |
VX-5 Vampires AD-6 Skyraider BuNo 139731, XE-14,
in-flight with underwing practice bombs, circa 1962.
Official U.S. Navy photo from Rich Galope.

F4H-1 Phantom II 143390 |
VX-5 Vampires F4H-1 Phantom II BuNo 143390, XE-14,
in-flight, circa 1962. Official U.S. Navy photo, Tom
Scott collection.

A4D-2N Skyhawk 145064 |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-2N Skyhawk BuNo 145064, XE-1, and
ordnance including 5.0 FFAR (ZUNI), 2.75" FFAR
(Mighty Mouse), MK-24 parachute flare, Mk-81 (250 lb.),
Mk-82 (500 lb.), Mk-83 (1,000 lb.) and Mk-84 (2,000
lb.) general purpose bombs, a MER and 20mm with ammo,
China Lake, circa 1962. Official U.S. Navy photo, Tom
Scott collection.

A4D-2N Skyhawk 145066 |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-2N Skyhawk BuNo 145066, XE-2, in-flight,
circa 1962. Official U.S. Navy photo from Rich Galope.

A-4C Skyhawk 145073 |
Naval Missile Center Pt. Mugu A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145073,
NMC-073, firing a Bullpup missile, China Lake, circa
1962. Photo from Larry McCarley.

A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149655 |
VX-5 Vampires A-4E Skyhawk BuNo 149655, west side
of hangar 1 and probably just arrived from the Douglas
plant, 03 December 1962. Photo from Dave Woolsey.

A-4E delivery |
VX-5 Vampires LCdr G.H. Palmer and LCdr L.D. Hughes
transfer A-4E Skyhawk records for BuNo 149655, 149657,
149658 and 149659 to CO Cdr. W.A. Schroeder, hangar
1, China Lake, 03 December 1962. Rocketeer photo.

Gemini |
Gemini vehicle boilerplate vehicle #3 with the white
boilerplate fixed hatches, China Lake, circa December
1962. An artist come up to China Lake and he spent one
whole day painting the Weber World on the side of the
BP spacecraft. The next morning when the McDonnell and
NASA guys got there they just had a fit and demanded
that they paint over the Weber logo. Photo courtesy
of Wes Clark.

Gemini sled |
NOTS technicians and engineers are currently conducting
work aimed at the day Gemini will hurtle into space
with two astronauts. Mock-up version, mounted on sled,
is undergoing tests here related to seat ejection systems,
China Lake, 07 December 1962. Rocketeer photo.

VX-5 A-4E Skyhawks |
VX-5 Vampires A-4E Skyhawks BuNo's 149655 (XE-21),
149657 (XE-22), 149658 (XE-23) and 149659 (XE-24), China
Lake, circa 1962. Official U.S. Navy photo, Tom Scott

F-4A Phantom II 143389 |
NAF China Lake F-4A Phantom II BuNo 143389, SHRIKE
missile, Hot Line, China Lake, 17 December 1962. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Christmas Party |
Charlie Range Christmas Party, China Lake, December
1962. L-r; Duane Mack, NAF Cdr. Jack Sickel, Sam Wyatt
photo lab, NAF
Lt. Tony Tambini and unknown photographer. Photo
from T. Tambini.

SP-2E Neptune 128333 |
NAF China Lake SP-2E Neptune BuNo 128333, east side
of the Line Shack, hangar 1 in the background, China
Lake, dated 01 January 1963. Official U.S. Navy photo.

DP-2E Neptune 128348 |
NAF China Lake DP-2E Neptune BuNo 128348, in-flight
with KDA-4 Firebee drones, dated 01 Jan 1963. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

O-1C Bird Dog 140098 |
VX-5 Vampires O-1C Bird Dog BuNo 140098, XE-4/5,
Rockbox, and VX-5 A-1H Skyraider BuNo 139731, XE-14,
China Lake, dated 01 Jan 1963. Official U.S. Navy photo.

UH-34G Seabat 140136 |
NAF China Lake HSS-1/UH-34G Seabat BuNo 140136 in-flight
over the west side of the ramp, NAF A-4A Skyhawk BuNo
137822 and three VX-5 Vampires Skyhawks on the ramp,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 01 Jan 1963. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

UH-34G Seabat 140136 |
NAF China Lake HSS-1/UH-34G Seabat BuNo 140136 on
the ramp north of hangar 3, Armitage Field, China Lake,
01 January 1963. Official U.S. Navy photo.

RB-45C Tornado 47-008 |
USAF RB-45C Tornado s/n 47-008, China Lake, dated
01 Jan 1963. Official U.S. Navy photo.

H-19B Chickasaw 52-7533 |
USAF H-19B Chickasaw s/n 52-7533 and NAF China Lake
C-117D Skytrain BuNo 50826, Armitage Field, China Lake,
dated 01 January 1963. Official U.S. Navy photo.

L-20A Beaver 53-2810 |
U.S. Army L-20A Beaver s/n 53-2810, China Lake, dated
01 January 1963. Official U.S. Navy photo.

THU-1D Iroquois 60-6030 |
U.S. Army THU-1D Iroquois s/n 60-6030, China Lake,
dated 01 Jan 1963. Official U.S. Navy photo.

A3J-1 Vigilante 147856 |
VX-5 Vampires Det A NASWF Albuquerque A3J-1 Vigilante
BuNo 147856 in-flight over the desert, circa 1962. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Rocket display |
Rocket display at the Maturango Museum including
5" HVAR, 6.5" RAM ATAR, 2.75" rockets
and AERO 7D launcher, 1962. Photo by Jerry Willey.