• Jan 1 --
NAF has 43 aircraft consisting of 1 R4D-8, 1 R4D-4, 1 HRS-3, 1 FJ-4B,
3 F3D-2T2, 1 F4D-1, 4 F9F-6D, 2 FJ-3D2, 1 P2V-4, 1 YP2V-3W, 2 T-28BD,
2 JD-1D, 15 F9F-6K, 8 F6F-5K drones & 1 F-104A. VX-5 has
12 aircraft consisting of 1 F9F-8T, 2 FJ-4B, 5 A4D-2, 2 A4D-2N,
1 A3D-2 & 1 SNB-5. • Hangar No. 3 completed at the Naval Air
Facility. • BuWeps and OpTEvFor successful evaluations of the ASROC
anti-submarine weapon system. • First successful Polaris firing after
underwater launching. • January -- VX-5 received three new A4D-2N
Skyhawks and was assigned to develop improved en-route & delivery
tactics for nuclear & conventional weapons. LCdr. James Nance was
named A4D-2N project officer. • April 13 -- Public Works employee
Mr. Jesse Ariel Thomas lost his life in a SNORT Track
incident. • 13 June -- The Marine Corp Guided Missile Test Unit (MCGMTU)
is deactivated. • July 1 -- NAF has 33 aviation officers,
2 other officers, 445 enlisted and 52 aircraft consisting of 1 AD-5N,
1 A3D-2, 1 A4D-1, 1 A4D-2, 1 F3D-2, 3 F3D-2T2, 3 F4D-1, 2 F8U-1, 1 FJ-4,
2 FJ-4B, 1 P2V-3W, 1 P2V-4, 1 R4D-8, 1 HRS-3, 2 JD-1D, 2 T28-BD, 1 F9F-6D,
1 FJ-3D2, 15 F9F-6K, 6 F6F-5K & 1 F-104A. VX-5 has 30 officers,
200 enlisted and 12 aircraft consisting of 1 SNB, 1 F9F-8T, 1 A3D-2,
2 FJ-4B, 4 A4D-2N, 2 A4D-2 & 1 A4D-1. • July 28 -- 1st CALEB
R&D flight. • August 1 -- The Naval Air Rocket Test Station,
Lake Denmark, NJ, was disestablished and the land was turned over to
the Army for incorporation in Picattinny Arsenal. Navy liquid rocket
development projects were transferred to other activities, primarily
NOTS China Lake, CA; the Naval Propellant Plant, Indian Head, MD.; and
the Naval Weapons Laboratory, Dahlgren, VA. • Sep. 22 -- U.S. Marine
Corp Capt. Howard O. Casada Jr. lost his life when his
Navy F-104A Starfighter (56-0740) collided with Josephine mountain north
of Los Angeles, CA. • Oct. 21 -- U.S. Navy Reserve Lt.
Jan M. Graves lost his life when his F4D-1 Skyray (130745)
flipped over on it's back while simulating carrier takeoffs & landings
on runway 21.The cause was determined to have been a broken wire on
the rudder system positioning feed back servo which caused the rudder
to fully deflect just after lift-off. • Oct. 24 -- 2nd CALEB R&D
flight unsuccessful after 2nd stage failed. • Dec. 13 -- Civil Service
employees Mr. Robert B. Hughes of Code 3081, Test Department,
and Mr. Hubert J. Stanfill of Code 3081, Test Department,
lost their lives at San Clemente when a rocket motor ignited prematurely.
1Q |

A4D-2N Skyhawk 145064 |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-2N Skyhawk BuNo 145064, XE-1,
one of three received by VX-5 (others were 145066 and
145068) waits to begin its specialized work. Pictured
(l-r) are pilots, LCdr. James W. Nance, Project Officer,
LCdr. HarryS. Sellers, final Delivery Tactics Officer
and LCdr. N. Jackson Gambrill, En Route Tactics Officer.
Rocketeer photo.

refrigerated detector unit |
AIM-9 Sidewinder refrigerated detector unit, circa
1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Sadeye art |
MK-17 Sadeye art, circa 1960. Official U.S. Navy

Gladeye art |
MK-17 Gladeye dispenser (CBU's, chaff, leaflets etc.)
artwork, China Lake, about 1960.

FJ-4B Fury 139285 |
NAF China Lake FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139285, China Lake,
circa 1960. Photo from Art Jensen.

FJ-4B Fury 139285 |
NAF China Lake FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139285, COBRA (aka
Shrike) missile, Armitage Field, China Lake, 06 Jan
1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

FJ-4B Fury 143606 |
NAF China Lake FJ-4B Fury BuNo 143606, hooking DART
target, China Lake, 07 Jan 1960. Official U.S. Navy

Armitage Field |
Armitage Field from about the 7,500' mark on runway
3/21, China Lake, circa 1960. Photo by Larry Ruybal.

Larry Ruybal |
Larry Ruybal at the wheel of the Cherry Picker, China
Lake, circa 1960. Photo by Larry Ruybal.

Jig Dog and Skyraider |
NAF China Lake JD-1D Jig Dog BuNo 77142 at left (west
side of hangar 3) & NAF AD-5N Skyraider BuNo 132521
at right (south side of hangar 3), Armitage Field, China
Lake, circa 1960. Photo by Larry Ruybal.

F4D-1 Skyray 130745 |
NAF China Lake F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745, Armitage
Field, China Lake, circa 1960. F9F-6 Cougar at right
and F6F-5K Hellcats at left. Photo by Larry Ruybal.

F9F-6K Cougar 130837 |
NAF China Lake F9F-6K Cougar BuNo 130837, Armitage
Field, China Lake, circa 1960. Photo by Larry Ruybal.

Fury and Skyraider |
NAF China Lake FJ-4 Fury BuNo 139285 & NAF AD-5N
Skyraider BuNo 132521, south side of hangar 3, Armitage
Field, China Lake, circa 1960. Photo by Larry Ruybal.

F6F-5K Hellcat 77722 |
NAF China Lake F6F-5K Hellcat drone BuNo 77722, Wash
Rack, Armitage Field, China Lake, 01 Feb 1960. Official
U.S. Navy photo. |

B-29A outer wing panels |
B-29A Superfortress outer wing panels after Sidewinder
1-C continuous rod warhead test, Area R, China Lake,
25 February 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

B-29A outer wing panels |
B-29A Superfortress outer wing panels after Sidewinder
1-C continuous rod warhead test, Area R, China Lake,
25 February 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

B-29A outer wing panels |
B-29A Superfortress outer wing panels after Sidewinder
1-C continuous rod warhead test, Area R, China Lake,
25 February 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F-100D Super Sabre |
USAF F-100D Super Sabre, TDU-12/B Skydart Air-Launched
Rocket-Powered IR Missile Target, China Lake, 07 Mar
1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Randsburg Wash |
To eliminate the necessity for dismantling this
39-ton bomber for trucking, to Randsburg Wash,
Captain Charles Kuyk jr., from Edwards Air Force
Base landed the B-47B Stratojet at 180 miles per
hour on a 14-foot wide strip and maneuvered to keep
centered within seven feet to avoid sinking through
the unpaved section. The Air Force and Navy have
combined efforts in preparation for testing of a new
air target fuze to determine response under all
possible tactical conditions as well as the short
range radar target cross section. The plane will be
suspended above the ground between two 360-foot
towers in order to simulate flight, 12 March 1960.
Official U.S. Navy photo. (note the B-17 at right)

B-47B Stratojet |
USAF B-47B Stratojet, s/n 50-016, after landing on
a 14 foot wide strip on Randsburg Wash Range, Bomarc
test, 12 March 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.
 aaaa |
USAF B-47B Stratojet, s/n 50-016, after landing on
a 14 foot wide strip on Randsburg Wash Range, Bomarc
test, 12 March 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.
 aaaa |
USAF CAPT Charles Kuyk, Jr., from Edwards AFB after
landing the B-47B Stratojet on the Randsburg Wash Range,
12 March 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

H-21B Workhorse |
USAF H-21B Workhorse s/n 52-8675, Bomarc test, Randsburg
Wash Range, 12 March 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F8U-1 Crusader |
NAF China Lake F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 144435, Sidewinder
1C missile, China Lake, 18 Mar 1960. Official U.S. Navy

F-104A Starfighter 56-0740 |
NAF China Lake F-104A Starfighter s/n 56-0740, Hot
Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, 22 Mar 1960. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

F-104A Starfighter 56-0740 |
NAF China Lake F-104A Starfighter s/n 56-0740, Hot
Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, 22 Mar 1960. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Blackburn NA.39 |
Supersonic Track Division personnel and members
of the British Test Team pose by the nose capsule of
the Blackburn NA.39 following successful seat
ejection tests at SNORT Track. In front row (l-r)
are: L. G. (Red) Garman, Division Head, William
Moore, Project Engineer; Kenneth Codd, Blackburn
Aircraft Engineer; and J. W. Gardner, Head of Track
Projects Branch. Shown in back (l-r) are: Frank
Smith. Martin-Baker technical representative, and
Blackburn engineering representatives Blair
McDonald, William Ruler, and Dan Boyes, China Lake,
25 March 1960. Rocketeer photo.

AD-5N Skyraider |
NAF China Lake AD-5N Skyraider BuNo 132521, Polaris,
China Lake, 30 Mar 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.
2Q |

F4D-1 Skyray 130745 |
NAF China Lake F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745, CALEB rocket
motor, Armitage Field, China Lake, 15 Apr 1960. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

CALEB rocket motor |
NAF China Lake F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745, CALEB rocket
motor, Armitage Field, China Lake, 15 Apr 1960. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

VMA-311 Tomcats |
VMA-311 Tomcats A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142946, WL-2,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 15 Apr 1960. L-r standing:
Gustafson, Coxe, Cox, McCauley, Baker, Trant, Murphy,
James & Ruescher. L-r sitting: Emery, Clark, Col.
Rushlow, Glass, Cornish & Coffin. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

F-104A Starfighter 57-1328 |
USAF F-104A Starfighter s/n 57-1328, Sidewinder 1C
missile, Hot Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, 18 Apr
1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Sidewinder 1C IR |
NAF China Lake F-104A Starfighter s/n 56-0740, Sidewinder
1C IR missile, Armitage Field, China Lake, 28 Apr 1960.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

YA4D-1 Skyhawk 137818 |
NAF China Lake YA4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 137818, MK-77
Napalm ordinance, Hot Line, Armitage Field, China Lake,
02 May 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Slick Airways |
Slick Airways Super Connie N6937C at San Francisco
Int'l Airport, 07 May 1960. Photo by Lawrence S. Smalley,
courtesy of Greg Vaughn.

A4D-1 Skyhawk 137818 |
NAF China Lake A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 137818 in-flight
firing 5" ZUNI FFAR's, China Lake, 11 May 1960.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

Naval Attaches |
Foreign Naval Attaches arriving on an NAS Anacostia
R5D Skymaster are welcomed upon their arrival at NAF
China Lake, 10 May 1960. Rocketeer photo.

FJ-4B Fury 143606 |
NAF China Lake FJ-4B Fury BuNo 143606, MK-81 iron
bombs, west side of hangar 2, Armitage Field, China
Lake, 13 May 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

FJ-4B Fury 143606 |
NAF China Lake FJ-4B Fury BuNo 143606, MK-81 iron
bombs, west side of hangar 2, Armitage Field, China
Lake, 13 May 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F3D-2T Skyknight 124595 |
NAF China Lake F3D-2T Skyknight BuNo 124595, Cobra
(aka Shrike) missile, Hot Line, Armitage Field, China
Lake, 24 May 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Cobra (aka Shrike) missile |
NAF China Lake F3D-2T Skyknight BuNo 124595, Cobra
(aka Shrike) missile, Hot Line, Armitage Field, China
Lake, 24 May 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

SNORT sleds |
Armed Forces Day visitors inspect the various capsules
and sleds at the SNORT facility, China Lake, 21 May
1960. The one at front center looks like the Vigi sled.
Rocketeer photo.

A3D-2 Skywarrior 142654 |
VX-5 Vampires A3D-2 Skywarrior BuNo 142654, XE-15,
in-flight, circa June 1960. Photo from Dave Woolsey.

Cobra (aka Shrike) missile |
NAF China Lake F3D-2T Skyknight BuNo 124616, Cobra
(aka Shrike) missile, China Lake, circa 1960. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

F3D-2T Skyknight 124616 |
NAF China Lake F3D-2T Skyknight BuNo 124616, Cobra
(aka Shrike) missile, F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 145443 at
right, China Lake, circa 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Ronald W. Bowen |
VX-5 Vampires Ordie AN Ronald W. Bowen was declared
the winner of the Golden Shoe Club Award when a Mk-7
Practice Bomb slipped off a transport carriage and struck
the top of his safety boot, tearing a two-inch gash
in the boot toe, China Lake, 03 June 1960. Rocketeer

continuous rod warhead test |
Sidewinder 1-C continuous rod warhead test, Area
R, China Lake, 09 June 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Witness plate |
Witness plate 6-9-60 C.R. 13-1 after Sidewinder 1-C
continuous rod warhead test, Area R, China Lake, 09
June 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Witness plate |
Witness plate 6-9-60 C.R. 13-2 after Sidewinder 1-C
continuous rod warhead test, Area R, China Lake, 09
June 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Alan Hale Jr. |
Alan Hale Jr., TV and movie star, poses in front
of NAF China Lake R4D-5 Skytrain BuNo 17121 with Little
League queen Sylvia Castaneda, Babe Ruth and Little
League players. China Lake, 10 June 1960. Rocketeer

F3D-2M Skyknight |
Former NAF China Lake F3D-2M Skyknight BuNo 127083,
Litchfield Park, June 1960. Photo by Clay Jansson via
Tailhook Association.

T-28B Trojan 138345 |
NAF China Lake T-28B Trojan BuNo 138345, 50cal. gun
pods, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa 1960. Photo
© Global Air Image

R4D-5 Skytrain 17121 |
NAF China Lake R4D-5 Skytrain BuNo 17121, circa 1960.
R5D at left is from NAS Anacostia, tail code 6A. Photographer

A4D-1 Skyhawk 137818 |
NAF China Lake A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 137818, MER &
Mk-81, Armitage Field, China Lake, 27 Jun 1960. Official
U.S. Navy photo. F9F-6K Cougars in the background including
BuNo 130943.

A4D-1 Skyhawk 137818 |
NAF China Lake A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 137818, MER &
Mk-81, Armitage Field, China Lake, 27 Jun 1960. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Norton Talos |
Norton Talos pressure test, Run 1, SNORT, China
Lake, 27 June 1960. Photo from the R.L. Lawson
3Q |

press stand |
Sidewinder 1-C continuous rod warhead case in a press
stand, China Lake, 01 July 1960. Official U.S. Navy

press stand |
Sidewinder 1-C continuous rod warhead case in a press
stand, China Lake, 01 July 1960. Official U.S. Navy

RAdm. Charles J. Bergin |
RAdm. Charles J. Bergin (left), newly appointed commander
of ComOpTevFor, is shown with Capt. K . S. Van Meter,
VX-5 CO, before taking an orientation flight of the
area in VX-5 Vampires A3D-2 Skywarrior BuNo 142654,
XE-15. China Lake, 08 July 1960. Rocketeer photo.
NAF China Lake F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745, CALEB, Hot
Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, 28 Jul 1960. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

F4D-1 Skyray 130745 |
NAF China Lake F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745, CALEB, Hot
Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, 28 Jul 1960. Official
U.S. Navy photo.
NAF F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745, CALEB, Hot Line, Armitage
Field, China Lake, 28 Jul 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F-104A Starfighter 56-0740 |
NAF China Lake F-104A Starfighter s/n 56-0740 with
a Sidewinder 1-C missile, Hot Line, Armitage Field,
China Lake, 22 Mar 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo from
R.L. Lawson collection.

F-104A Starfighter 56-0740 |
Sidewinder 1-C missile on NAF China Lake F-104A Starfighter
s/n 56-0740, Hot Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, 22
Mar 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo from R.L. Lawson

F-104A Starfighter 56-0740 |
NAF China Lake F-104A Starfighter s/n 56-0740, Sidewinder
1C IR missile, Hot Line, Armitage Field, China Lake,
29 Jul 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

RCAF CC-109 Cosmopolitan |
RCAF CC-109 Cosmopolitan s/n 11158, NAF China Lake
DT-28B Trojan BuNo 137667, NAF A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142892,
NAF A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 137818 & VX-5 Vampires FJ-4B
Fury BuNo 139549, China Lake, circa August 1960. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

AD-5Q Skyraider 135031 |
VAW-11 AD-5Q Skyraider BuNo 135031, RR-756, radar
pod, Armitage Field, China Lake, 12 Aug 1960. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

AD-5Q Skyraider 135031 |
VAW-11 AD-5Q Skyraider BuNo 135031, RR-756, radar
pod, Armitage Field, China Lake, 12 Aug 1960. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

F8U-2N Crusader 147036 |
Vought F8U-2N Crusader BuNo 147036, 2nd of its type,
south side of hangar 3, Armitage Field, China Lake,
27 Aug 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F8U-2N Crusader 147036 |
Vought F8U-2N Crusader BuNo 147036, 2nd of its type,
south side of hangar 3, Armitage Field, China Lake,
27 Aug 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F-104A Starfighter 56-0740 |
NAF China Lake F-104A Starfighter BuNo 56-0740, Armitage
Field, China Lake, photo file date 01 Jan 1961. Crashed
into Josephine mountain north of Los Angeles, 22 Sep
1960. Pilot USMC Capt. Harold O. Casada Jr. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

A4D-2 Skyhawk 144936 |
VA-23 Black Knights pilots and A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo
144936, NE-4xx, Armitage Field, China Lake, 01 Sep 1960.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

FJ-4B Fury 141478 |
Just received VX-5 Vampires FJ-4B Fury BuNo 141478
gets a full inventory and inspection. At right is VX-5
A4D-2N Skyhawk BuNo 145075 (XE-3), China Lake, September
1960. Naval Aviation News photo.
4Q |

KDA Firebee drone |
NAF China Lake JD-1D Jig Dog drone director BuNo
77156 and KDA Firebee drone s/n 4580 on the loader,
Frank Turchi adjusting the sway braces & Jim Thompson
on the loader, China Lake, ca. 1960. Photo from Frank

JD-1D drone director 77156 |
NAF China Lake JD-1D Jig Dog drone director BuNo
77156 and KDA Firebee drone s/n 44754, east side of
hangar 2, China Lake, ca. October 1960. Photo from Rick

JD-1D drone directors |
NAF China Lake JD-1D Jig Dog drone directors BuNo
77142 & 77156, east side of hangar 2, China Lake,
ca. 1960. Photo from Rick Saiger.

KDA crew |
NAF China Lake KDA crew posed for this picture right
after they started having in-flight emergencies with
the JD's, China Lake, abt 1960. From lower left, R.
B. Saiger AT2, David O. Teasdale AE1, crew chief, standing
is Jim Thomas AT2, and Jim Thompson AT2. Photo from
Rick Saiger.

Thirteen senior officers |
Thirteen senior officers from friendly allied nations
pose in front of NAS North Island R4Y-1 Samaritan BuNo
141022 after their arrival at NAF for a tour of NOTS,
China Lake, 14 October 1960. (l-r) front row are: Cdr.
GaliIeo Acosta, Philippines; Cdr. Prasob Udnoon, Thailand;
Capt. Youngson Hwang, Korea; Capt. Toshifusa Hayashi,
Japan; Cdr. Ikramul Haq Malik, Pakistan; Lt. Col. Jose
R. Rodriguez, Spain; Cdr. Gerd Schreisber, Germany;
Cdr. Jorge Arnillas, Peru; Cdr. Chit Sein, Burma. Back
row: (l-r) . LCdr. John Davis instructor and coordinator
of Junior Officer's courses; Cdr. E. A. Williams, director
of training at ASW; Lt. Col Rafael M. Borderhore, Spain;
Lt. M. J. Shine, staff instructor; Capt. Shih-yung Li,
China; Cdr. Ugo Masetti, Italy; and Lt. Col. Ismar F.
DaCosta, Brazil. Rocketeer photo.

AAM-N-10 Eagle missile |
Artist's conception of what the Navy's AAM-N-10 Eagle
air-to-air missile will look like as it streaks to its
target. Launching aircraft and a fleet task force hover
over the horizon (insert). China Lake, 14 October 1960.
Rocketeer photo.

YC-97A Stratofreighter |
USAF YC-97A Stratofreighter cargo transport, s/n
45-5959x, Armitage Field, China Lake, 18 Oct 1960. Official
U.S. Navy photo. Unknown A3D Skywarrior at left.

CALEB transport |
CALEB transport, Armitage Field, China Lake, 24 Oct
1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.
CALEB, aka NOTS EV-2, was designed as an air-launched
four-stage (NOTS-500, an ABL X-248, a NOTS-100A and
a small spherical NOTS motor) all-solid rocket, Armitage
Field, China Lake, 24 Oct 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F4D-1 Skyray 134856 |
NAF China Lake F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 134856, CALEB upload,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 24 Oct 1960. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

F4D-1 Skyray 130745 |
NAF China Lake F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745, CALEB, Hot
Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, 24 October 1960. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

F4D-1 Skyray 130745 |
NAF China Lake F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745, CALEB, Hot
Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, 24 Oct 1960. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

A4D-2 Skyhawk 145041 |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 145041, XE-5, in-flight
with Snakeyes on MERs, China Lake, circa 1960. Photo
from "Frenchy" LeBlanc.

VX-5 Vampires officers |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-2N Skyhawk BuNo 145068, XE-4, &
squadron officers, China Lake, circa 1960. Photo from "Frenchy"

VA-25 Fist of the Fleet |
VA-25 Fist of the Fleet (AD-6 Skyraiders) practicing
nuclear weapons delivery (Loft Bombing) at NAF China
Lake November 1960. Chuck Muhl standing on the far left,
next to him is Jack Feldhaus, others unknown. Photo
courtesy of the Fist of the Fleet Association.

A-4C Skyhawks |
VX-5 Vampires A-4C Skyhawks BuNo BuNo 145075, XE-3, &
BuNo 145066, XE-2, Armitage Field, China Lake, 09 Nov
1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

VX-5 Vampires hangar |
Sea Horse squadron in-flight over VX-5 Vampires hangar,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 09 Nov 1960. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

A-4C Skyhawk 145075 |
VX-5 Vampires A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145075, XE-03, Mk-81
bombs on MERs, Armitage Field, China Lake, 16 November
1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

A-4C Skyhawk 145075 |
VX-5 Vampires A-4C Skyhawk BuNo 145075, XE-03, Mk-81
bombs on MERs, Armitage Field, China Lake, 16 November
1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F4D-1 Skyray 130745 |
NAF China Lake F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745, CALEB in-flight,
17 Nov 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F4D-1 Skyray 130745 |
NAF China Lake F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745, CALEB in
flight, China Lake, ca. 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo
from the secret City video.

P2V-4 Neptune 124238 |
NAF China Lake P2V-4 Neptune BuNo 124238, Skywarrior
nose, China Lake circa 1960-1961. Official U.S. Navy

Mk-55 adapter |
Original working model of adapter for Mk-55 by Chief
Brelsford. Perfected model, by toolmaker John Harris,
of adapter for Mk-55 ready for installation. An Aero-X2A
rack equipped with six Mk-55 bomb racks which have been
modified to carry Mk-106 practice bombs are shown on
an FJ-4B Fury. China Lake, 09 December 1960. Rocketeer

FJ-4B Fury 143605 |
NAF China Lake FJ-4B Fury BuNo 143605, ARM, Armitage
Field, China Lake, 12 Dec 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

PADEYE dispenser |
NAF China Lake FJ-4B Fury BuNo 143606, PADEYE smoke
tank, Armitage Field, China Lake, 12 Dec 1960. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

FJ-4B Fury 143606 |
NAF China Lake FJ-4B Fury BuNo 143606, PADEYE smoke
tank, Armitage Field, China Lake, 12 Dec 1960. Official
U.S. Navy photo.l U.S. Navy photo.

G-2 Range control room |
Marshall Kriesel (L) in the G-2 Range control room,
prior to launch time, China Lake, 21 December 1960.
LIFE photo by Grey-Villet.

Mark V rocket |
Marshall Kriesel looking over his Mark V rocket after
successful test firing, China Lake, 21 December 1960.
LIFE photo by Grey-Villet.

AGM-62 Walleye |
AGM-62 Walleye TV guided bomb, China Lake, circa
1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

aerodynamic testing |
AGM-45 Shrike aerodynamic testing southwest of B
Mountain, China Lake, circa 1960. Official U.S. Navy

aerodynamic testing |
AGM-45 Shrike aerodynamic testing southwest of B
Mountain, China Lake, circa 1960. Official U.S. Navy

F-104A Starfighter 56-0757 |
NAF China Lake F-104A Starfighter BuNo 56-0757, west
side of hangar 2, Armitage Field, China Lake, 01 Jan
1961. Official U.S. Navy photo.

TV-2 Seastar 141547 |
NAF China Lake TV-2 Seastar BuNo 141547 (former USAF
55-3062), Armitage Field, China Lake, 01 Jan 1961. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

F6F-5K Hellcat 77722 |
F6F-5K Hellcat drone BuNo 77722 at Pt Mugu after
its transfer from NAF China Lake in late 1960. Photo
by John Campbell.