• Jan 1 --
NAF has 62 aircraft consisting of 1 AD-4B, 1 HRS-3, 1 F8U-1, 1 YF8U-1,
1 F9F-8B, 2 FJ-4, 2 F3H-2N, 2 F3D-2T2, 1 YF3D-1, 1 F4D-1, 4 F9F-6D,
1 A4D-1, 1 AD-5, 1 A3D-1, 1 A3D-2, 1 P2V-3B, 1 P2V-3, 1 R4D-6, 1 R4D-5,
2 T-28BD, 1 T-28B, 2 JD-1D, 3 F9F-6K & 29 F6F-5K drones.
VX-5 has 17 aircraft consisting of 1 F9F-8, 5 FJ-4B, 5 A4D-2,
1 AD-6, 2 AD-5N, 1 A3D-2, 1 TV-2 & 1 SNB-5. • 30 Jan -- The RAT
program is dropped by the Navy. • 13 Apr -- The P2V crew escaped
serious injury when the stbd engine caught fire on take-off & separated
from the aircraft which made a forced landing on Charlie Range collapsing
the port main gear. • 17 Apr -- Admiral Arleigh A. Burke, CNO, visits
NOTS. • 08 May -- Jayne Mansfield dedicated the EM Club patio and
appeared at the CPO Club. • 18 May -- GMU-61 is decommissioned and
its personnel and mission are integrated into NAF • Development completed
of the variable-thrust rocket engine. • The Skyline facility, for
testing large solid-propellant motors, completed at China Lake Propulsion
Laboratory. • Development completed of the Terasca high-altitude
research probe. • June -- Cdr. Herk Camp had engine trouble on takeoff
in YF-104A 55-2956 and ran off the end of the runway resulting in strike
damage to the Starfighter. • 26 Jun -- GMU-61 is decommissioned.
• Jul 1 -- NAF has 64 aircraft consisting of 1 HRS-3, 1
F8U-1, 1 YF8U-1, 1 F9F-8, 2 FJ-4, 1 F3H-2N, 3 F3D-2T2, 1 F3D-2, 1 F4D-1,
4 F9F-6D, 1 A4D-1, 1 AD-5, 1 A3D-1, 1 A3D-2, 1 P2V-4, 1 P2V-3B, 1 R4D-6,
1 R4D-5, 2 T-28BD, 1 T-28B, 2 JD-1D, 21 F9F-6K & 15 F6F-5K
drones. VX-5 has 14 aircraft consisting of 5 FJ-4B, 4 A4D-2, 1
AD-5N, 1 A3D-2, 2 TV-2 & 1 SNB-5. • Aug 03 -- The first flight
test of the antisubmarine missile Subroc was successfully completed
by a launch from a shore installation at NOTS China Lake. • 18 Sep
-- NOTS developed TERASCA climbs 110 miles into space at Pt. Mugu.
• 02 Oct -- ZUNI FFAR goes into mass production. • October -- RAdm.
William D. Irwin, Commander Operational Test and Evaluation Force &
members of his staff inspected VX-5 & observed operational flights.
Full scale training shapes & practice bombs were delivered on the
C-3 Nuclear Weapons Delivery Training Range from A4D-2, FJ-4B &
A3D-2 aircraft. • November -- The Multiple Carriage Bomb Rack (MCBR)
developed by VX-5 was tested. • 13 Nov -- Polaris static-test facility,
Skytop, completed at China Lake Propulsion Laboratory. • 04 Dec --
RAPEC (rocket-assisted personnel-ejection catapult) released to the
fleet. • 11 Dec -- NOTS displays its weapons at the Naval Air Weapons
Meet in Yuma, AZ.
1Q |

Hangar three construction |
Hangar three construction, Armitage Field, China
Lake, late 1958/early 1959. Hangar 2 at left and VX-5
Vampires FJ Fury. VX-5 Skyhawk and NAF Jig Dog on the
flightline. Photographer unknown.

Air refueling artwork |
VX-5 Vampires air refueling artwork, circa 1959.

In-flight refueling |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142122, XE-6, in-flight
refueling VX-5 A3D-2 Skywarrior BuNo 142654, XE-15,
about 1959. Photo G. Verver collection.

In-flight refueling |
VX-5 A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142121, XE-23, refueling
VX-5 A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142122, XE-6, circa 1959. Official
U.S. Navy photo from Dave Woolsey.

In-flight refueling |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142121, XE-23, in-flight
refueling VX-5 A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142122, XE-6, circa
1959. Official U.S. Navy photo, Tom Scott collection.

In-flight refueling |
VX-5 Vampires FJ-4B Fury's BuNo 139551, XE-2, &
BuNo 139555, XE-4, (pilot Lcdr. John E. Smerdon), in-flight
refueling with Special Weapons, ca. 1959. Photo from
David Smerdon.

VX-5 FJ-4 Fury BuNo 139554 |
VX-5 Vampires FJ-4 Fury BuNo 139554, XE-03, with
a special weapon on #2, pilot LCdr. John E. Smerdon,
Armitage Field, China Lake, ca. 1958-1960. Photo from
David Smerdon.

Michelson Lab. |
Michelson Lab., China Lake, 1959. Photo from Jerry

NAF DT-28B Trojan |
NAF DT-28B Trojan drone controller BuNo 138296, Armitage
Field, China Lake, circa 1959. Official U.S. Navy photo.

VX-5 inspection |
VX-5 Vampires, at left: L-R front row: A4D-2 Skyhawks
BuNo's 142417, XE-10; BuNo 142095, XE-9; BuNo 142792,
XE-8; BuNo 142122, XE-6; and BuNo 142121, XE-7. L-R
back row AD-5N Skyraiders BuNo 132598, XE-21, and BuNo
132498, XE-22. Center A3D-2 Skywarrior BuNo 142654,
XE-15. At right: L-R front row: FJ-4B Furys BuNo's 139555,
XE-4; BuNo 139549, XE-1; BuNo 143493, XE-5; & BuNo
139554, XE-3. L-R back row AD-7 Skyraider BuNo 142011,
XE-14; F9F-8 Cougar BuNo 141228, XE-11; and FJ-4B Fury
BuNo's 143494, XE-2. Photo from Ron Erbland

VX-5 A4D-2 Skyhawk |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 145041, in-flight
with a Mk-7 nuclear shape (T-63) on the centerline,
circa 1959. Photographer unknown.

VX-5 FJ-4B Fury |
VX-5 Vampires FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139555, XE-4, ready
for launch from the USS Bennington, CVA-20, 1959. Official
U.S. Navy photo from NMNA.

VX-5 FJ-4B Fury |
VX-5 Vampires FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139555, XE-4, aboard
the USS Bennington, CVA-20, 1959. Official U.S. Navy
photo from the NMNA.

NAF F6F-5K Hellcat |
NAF F6F-5K Hellcat drone BuNo 79863, Armitage Field,
China Lake, 31 August 1959. F9F-6 Cougar at right is
BuNo 130943 & F6F Hellcat at left is 78158. Official
U.S. Navy photo from Frank Turchi.

NAF AD-4B Skyraider |
NAF AD-4B Skyraider BuNo132325, in-flight Mk-44 torpedo
release, China Lake, circa 1959. Photo from Wayne Mutza

T-131 flares |
Wing tip installation of two clusters of eight T-131
flares on an unknown F6F-5K Hellcat drone, Armitage
Field, China Lake, circa 1959. Official U.S. Navy photo.

continuous rod warhead |
Sidewinder 1-C continuous rod warhead, China Lake,
15 January 1959. Official U.S. Navy photo.

NAF AD-5 Skyraider |
NAF AD-5 Skyraider BuNo 132656, Phoenix, AZ, 15 March
1959. Photo from Wayne Mutza collection.

George AFB pilot Capt. John R. Niemela (2nd from
left) stands in front of NAF HRS-3 BuNo 130215 which
picked him up 20 miles north of Lake Isabella after
he bailed out of his F-104C at 15,000 feet. Others pictured
are (l-r) LCdr. Walt Henning, Lt. Gilbert Madison and
LCdr. C. J. Maple, 27 March 1959. Rocketeer photo.
2Q |

Model 712A infrared flares |
NAF China Lake F9F-6K Cougar drone BuNo 128216 with
wingtip installation of two NOTS Model 712A infrared
flares, Armitage Field, NAF China Lake, circa 1959.

Twin Terrier |
USMC GMTU-25 personnel approach missile launcher
on Twin Terrier missile carriers, China Lake, April
1959. Naval Aviation News photo.

GMTU Missilemen |
China Lake Marine Missilemen assigned to the GMTU
are charged with testing all missiles which interest
the Corp., April 1959. Here they launch and monitor
the flight of twin mounted Terrier missiles. Naval Aviation
News photo.

T-28BD Trojan |
NAF T-28BD Trojan BuNo 138296, location unknown,
April 1959. Photographer unknown.

F-104A Starfighter 55-2956 |
NAF China Lake F-104A s/n 55-2956 on the ramp
prior to its arrival at China Lake, circa April
1959. Might be the Lockheed plant in Palmdale.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

F-104A Starfighter |
LCdr. Herk Camp (inset) piloted the 1st Lockheed
F-104A Starfighter (s/n 55-2956) to NOTS on April 9
from the Lockheed plant in Palmdale. NOTS pilots qualified
in the F-104 are : Cdr. G. H. Duncan, LCdr. Camp, Lt.
R. G. Pipkin and Capt. R. E. Howard. China Lake, 09
April 1959. Rocketeer photo.

P2V-2 Neptune |
Shortly after take-off the #1 engine of P2V-2 Neptune
BuNo 122984 caught fire and then separated from the
wing, 13 April 1959. LCdr. Gordon Bailey made a forced
landing on Charlie Range which collapsed the stbd main
gear. Other crew members were: Lt. R. K. Watson, co-pilot;
John Klinger, AD3; plane captain: W. A. Hunter, AD3;
R. M. Barnes, AN; E. A. Baron. AO1; R. H. Williams,
AQ1; and Leroy Corlett of Heavy Attack Branch "A,"
Aviation Ordnance Department. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F3D-2 Skyknight |
NAF F3D-2 Skyknight BuNo 124616, CNO & entourage
after scoring a perfect hit on a target rocket with
the Sidewinder, Armitage Field, China Lake, 14 Apr 1959.
L-r: Marine aide, Capt. William W. Hollister, Cdr. Selden
May, Rear Adm Paul D. Stroop (Chief of BuOrd), Admiral
Arleigh A. Burke, Dr. Wm. B. McLean and unidentified
U.S. Navy Capt. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Capt. W. W. Hollister |
Capt. W. W. Hollister points out heat seeking head
of the deadly Sidewinder to (L to r): Admiral Manuel
Zermeno, Secretary of the Marine of Mexico; VAdm. Luis
M. Bravo; RAdm. C. C. Hartman, Commandant 11ND; Capt.
H. R. Hahn; RAdm. Antonio Aznar and Capt. G. J. Anderson,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 17 April 1959. Rocketeer

A-4B Skyhawk refueling |
VX-5 Vampires A-4B Skyhawk BuNo 142121, XE-7, refueling
VX-5 A-4B BuNo 142792, XE-8, with a T-63 on the centerline,
27 April 1959. Official U.S. Navy photo.

AD-5N Skyraider |
NAF AD-5N Skyraider BuNo 132656, ASROC depth charge,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 30 Apr 1959. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

Honorary membership |
Cdr. S. N. May (left) Officer-in-Charge of GMU-61
and J. H. Thomas, GFC (right) leading Chief, present
patches symbolizing honorary membership in the unit
to Joe Wojecki (l) and Dick Hape in recognition of their
outstanding contributions to the Sidewinder flight test
program. China Lake, 08 May 1959. Rocketeer photo.

YA4D-1 Skyhawk |
NAF YA4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 137818, Mk-11 (20mm) gun
pod, Armitage Field, China Lake, 08 May 1959. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

F9F-7 Cougar |
NAF F9F-7 Cougar BuNo 130867, Armitage Field, China
Lake, 12 May 1959. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F9F-7 Cougar |
NAF F9F-7 Cougar BuNo 130905, Armitage Field, China
Lake, 12 May 1959. Official U.S. Navy photo.

KDA-4 Firebee |
NAF JD-1D Jig Dog, KDA-4 Firebee s/n KD-4480, F9F-6K
Cougar BuNo 128233, hangar 2 in the background, Armitage
Field, China Lake, 12 May 1959. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F9F-6 Cougar |
NAF F9F-6 Cougar BuNo 128233, Armitage Field, China
Lake, 12 May 1959. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Little League base ballers |
China Lake Little League base ballers pose in front
of F3D-2 Skyknight BuNo 127074 as they greet Dale Robertson,
Jim Hardy of the Wells Fargo TV show, upon his arrival
at NAF, 16 May 1959. Rocketeer photo.

Willy Victor |
Unknown Willy Victor parked on the ramp west of VX-5
hangar 1 on AFD, Armitage Field, China Lake, 16May 1959.
Rocketeer photo.

F3D-2T2 Skyknight |
NAF F3D-2T2 Skyknight BuNo 125870 and BuNo 127083
in the background, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa
AFD 1959. Photo © The Will Blunt/Global Air Images collection.

F9F-6D Cougar |
NAF F9F-6D Cougar drone director BuNo 127319, Armitage
Field, China Lake, circa AFD 1959. Photo © The Will
Blunt/Global Air Images collection.

F3H-2N Demon |
NAF F3H-2N Demon BuNo 133565, Armitage Field, China
Lake, circa AFD 1959. Photo © The Will Blunt/Global
Air Images collection.

A3D-1 Skywarrior |
NAF A3D-1 Skywarrior BuNo 135414, Armitage Field,
China Lake, circa AFD 1959. Photo © The Will Blunt/Global
Air Images collection.

XR4D-8 Skytrain |
NAF XR4D-8 Skytrain BuNo 138820, Armitage Field,
China Lake, circa AFD 1959. Global Air Image photo.

A4D-2 Skyhawk |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142122, XE-6, Armitage
Field, China Lake, circa AFD 1959. Photo © The Will
Blunt/Global Air Images collection.

A3D-2 Skywarrior |
NAF A3D-2 Skywarrior BuNo 142404, Armitage Field,
China Lake, circa AFD 1959. Photo © The Will Blunt/Global
Air Images collection.

B-52A Stratofortress |
USAF B-52A Stratofortress s/n 52-002 on the 14-32
taxiway, Armitage Field, China Lake, 16 May 1959. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

High Altitude Project |
High Altitude Project members L-r are: Fred Spoffoth,
co-pilot; Bud Greer, ECM operator; Gene Beymer, Boeing
coordinator, Howard Sumnicht, NOTS-Boeing liaison; Raim
Regelson, Project Engineer, and Bill Arriola, project
film coordinator. Below is B-52A Stratofortress s/n
52-002 piloted by Boeing pilot Paul Maier. China Lake,
16 May 1959. Rocketeer photo.

A4D-1 Skyhawk |
NAF A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 137829 and unknown F9F Cougar,
Armitage Field, China Lake, AFD, 16 May 1959. Rocketeer

FJ-4B Fury |
VX-5 Vampires FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139555, XE-4, and unknown
VX-5 FJ-4B, Armitage Field, China Lake, AFD, 16 May
1959. Rocketeer photo.

GMU-61 decommissioning |
The end of GMU-61 -- Officers and men present for
the final cake cutting by the unit watch Cdr. Seldon
N. May, Officer in charge, slice the 1st piece, 18 May
1959. Photo from Mike Kott. Shown first row (L.-r.)
are: AO2 J.W. Jackson; GF3 C.H. Forbes; GF1 R.F. Dausch;
Cdr. May; Lt. R.G. Pipkin; GFC J.H. Thomas; ATC M.A.
Robertson; PNSN T.C. Lowinski; ATC B.L. Brown and GF1
E.J. Paklos. Second row (L. to r.) are: AQ2 J.R. Hardy;
GF2 R.W. Morris;AO2 H.R. Kriegh; GF2 C.W. Austin; GF3
F.A. Wilhelmi; GF1 J. Porter; GFAN D.L. Merrill and
GFAN C.J. Enlow. Third row (L. to r.) are: GF2 D.R.
Leonard; AO3 J.R. Griffin; AQC D.E. Wright; GF1 W.E.
Brock; GF3 A.L. Wescoat; GFAN M.S. Kott and GF3 G.F.
Kelley. Unit enlisted not present are: GFC J.P. Foriter;
GF3 S.M. Bass; GF2 B.K. Burnett; GF1 C.B. Hocking; AO2
W.P. Kellam; AQ3 H.M. Vogt; GF3 W.A. West and AO3 C.C.
Davolt AO3.

Wheels-up landing |
Fire-inhibiting foam spread over the runway by two
NAF MB-1 Crash Rescue Fire trucks looks like snow sticking
to VX-5 A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142792, XE-8, after a wheels-up
landing by LCdr. N. Jackson Gambrill, Armitage Field,
China Lake, 29 May 1959. Rocketeer photo.

AD-7 Skyraider |
VX-5 Vampires AD-7 Skyraider BuNo 142011, XE-14,
aboard unknown carrier, May 1959. Tailhook Association
courtesy of A. Romano.

Michelson Lab |
Michelson Research Lab, China Lake, 01 Jun 1959.
Official U.S. Navy photo from R. Summers.

YF-104A Starfighter |
NAF YF-104A Starfighter BuNo 55-2956, pilots &
engineers, Hot Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa
June1959. Pilots L-r: Herk Camp, Bob Howard & Bob
Pipkin. Civilians L-r: Dick Hape, unknown & unknown.
Photo courtesy of the China Lake Museum Foundation.

YF-104A Starfighter |
NAF YF-104A Starfighter BuNo 55-2956, Armitage Field,
China Lake, circa June 1959. Photo from G. Verver collection.

YF-104A Starfighter |
NAF YF-104A Starfighter BuNo 55-2956 after it ran
off the runway and sustained strike damage, Gun Butts,
Armitage Field, China Lake, June 1959. Photo by Larry

Cdr. Gordon Duncan |
GMU-61 Operations Officer and Sidewinder pilot Cdr.
Gordon Duncan (l) shown with Capt. W. W. Hollister prior
to a firing flight leaves today for new duty as Officer-in-Charge
of VU-5, DET A, NAS Cubi Point. China Lake, 15 June
1959. Rocketeer photo.

Capt. W. W. Hollister |
Capt. W. W. Hollister accepts on behalf of the Station
a plaque presented by the men and officers of GMU-61
from Cdr. Selden N. May. China Lake, 26 June 1959. Rocketeer
3Q |

Hot WX is upon us |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 145041, XE-5, hot
WX is upon us, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa 1959.
U.S. Navy photo from Lift & Drag via R. Puszcz.

RAdm. William D. Irvin |
RAdm. William D. Irvin is greeted by VX-5 Vampires
CO Capt. R.A. Beveridge on his arrival at NAF China
Lake, 01 July 1959. Rocketeer photo.

F9F-8 Cougar |
NAF F9F-8 Cougar BuNo 141050, firing ZUNI 5"
FFAR's, China Lake, 02 Jul 1959. Official U.S. Navy

Gary Anderson |
Gary Anderson's desire to look over jet aircraft
came about last Friday when Chief Aviation Pilot Harvey
Stith, among others, showed him around the airfield,
China Lake, 17 July 1959. Rocketeer photo.

Don Formentini |
NAF Don Formentini on the tug next to F4D-1 Skyray
BuNo 130745, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa 1959.
Photo from Don Formentini.

F4D-1 Skyray |
NAF F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745, flare boom, Armitage
Field, China Lake, 20 Jul 1959. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Change of Command |
Capt. Grell inspects the NAF enlisted men before
the Change of Command ceremony. Inspection party (CW)
are: CMAA William E. Shanahan; Capt. Theodore A. Grell;
Capt. Guy J. Anderson and LCdr. John H. McIlmoil, Target
Aircraft Officer, China Lake, 24 July 1959. Rocketeer

C-3 Range Tower |
RAdm. William D. Irvin observes VX-5 Vampires tactics
demonstration from C-3 Range Tower. L-r in foreground
are: Duane W. Mack, Senior Range Engineer for C-Range;
RAdm. Irvin; Capt T. A. Grell, NAF CO; and Capt. R.
A. Beveridge, VX-5 CO, China Lake, 31 July 1959. Rocketeer

F-104A Starfighter |
NAF F-104A Starfighter BuNo 56-0757, Armitage Field,
China Lake, circa August 1959. Photo from G. Verver

Fuze target intercept |
F2H Banshee simulated fuze target intercept test,
aircraft velocity 675 ft./sec, altitude 15 feet above
simulated target, 01 August 1959. Official U.S. Navy

Witness plates |
Witness plates, Sidewinder 1C continuous rod warhead
test, Area R, China Lake, 15 August 1959. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

Warhead test |
USAF F-86F Thunderjet s/n 51-9327, Sidewinder 1C
continuous rod warhead test, Area R, China Lake, 15
August 1959. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Warhead test |
USAF F-86F Thunderjet s/n 51-9327, Sidewinder 1C
continuous rod warhead test, Area R, China Lake, 15
August 1959. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Warhead test |
USAF F-86F Thunderjet s/n 51-9327, Sidewinder 1C
continuous rod warhead test, Area R, China Lake, 15
August 1959. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Pre test Witness plates |
Pretest witness plates, Sidewinder 1C continuous
rod warhead test, Area R, China Lake, 15 August 1959.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

Pre test Witness plates |
5.0 inch Sidewinder 1-C continuous rod warhead exploded
view drawing, China Lake, 15 August 1959. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

Terrier missile |
Advance Terrier missile launches during test firing
at China Lake, September 1959. Naval Aviation News photo.

Skyhawk Escape System |
A-4 Skyhawk Escape System Test, SNORT, China Lake
07 September 1959. Official U.S. Navy photo.

and technicians from various departments at NOTS who
were directly involved in the development and firing
of the NOTS developed research missile TERASCA are
shown with the missile at the U.S. Naval Missile
Range, Pt. Mugu, CA. Pictured In front row (l-r)
are: Jim Hurtt, Eldon Shepherd, John Turner, Project
Engineer Dennis Haluza, and Charles Mullen. Shown in
back row (l-r) are: Jesse Lamar, Harold Nuffer,
William Woodworth, Jack Crawford, James Mills,
Kenneth Thorsted, and Delbert Grantham. The project
took 4 1/2 months, from conception to completion, 18
September 1959. Rocketeer photo.

Helicopter tour |
Representative Phil Weaver (R Nebr.) waits for Cdr.
Don Bruce to adjust his helmet prior to take-off on
a helicopter tour of Station facilities as LCdr. Jay
Vermilya assists, China Lake, 23 September 1959. Rocketeer

MB-1 Crash and Rescue |
Driver P.K. Kratz and Fire Capt. J.W. Howell along
with AN J.A. Martin and AN M.G. Reeder manning the turrets
and AN M.J. Sole and AN J.H. Blair from the NAF China
Lake Fire Dept. debuted the MB-1 Crash and Rescue truck
at the Desert Empire Fair Parade, 25 September 1959.
Rocketeer photo.
Line |
NAF A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 137818, F3D-2T2 Skyknight BuNo
127083, F3H-2N Demon BuNo 133565, F9F-6D Cougar drone
controllers BuNo 128246 and 130930, R4D-8 Skytrain BuNo
138820 and F6F-5K Hellcat drone BuNo 94263, Hot Line,
Armitage Field, China Lake, October/December 1959. Official
U.S. Navy photo.
4Q |

fuze hole drilling |
Sidewinder 1-C continuous rod warhead PBXN-3 charge,
fuze hole drilling, China Lake, 10 October 1959. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

PBXN-3 pressing |
Sidewinder 1-C continuous rod warhead PBXN-3 pressing,
China Lake, 10 October 1959. Official U.S. Navy photo.

filter drying |
Sidewinder 1-C continuous rod warhead PBXN-3
- HMX vacuum filter drying, China Lake, 10 October 1959.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

assembly parts |
Sidewinder continuous rod warhead with PBXN-3 charge
and assembly parts, China Lake, 10 October 1959. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

F8U-1 Crusader |
NAF F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 144435 and plane captain
Don Formentini & Larry Patton 3rd & 4th from
left, Armitage Field, China Lake, November 1959. Photo
from Don Formentini.

F8U-1 Crusader |
NAF F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 144435 and plane captain
Don Formentini in the intake at far right, Hot Line,
Armitage Field, China Lake, November 1959. Photo from
Don Formentini.

F8U-1 Crusader |
NAF F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 144435 and plane captain
Don Formentini next to F-104A Starfighter 56-0740, Hot
Line, Armitage Field, China Lake, November 1959. Photo
from Don Formentini.

Drone crew |
Drone crew and NAF F6F-5K Hellcat drone BuNo 94263,
Armitage Field, China Lake, circa October 1959. Photo
from Frank Turchi.

Quicktrans C-54B |
Quicktrans Douglas C-54B Skymaster (DC-4) N90423,
Red Label Area, Armitage Field, China Lake, 04 October
1959. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Safety shoes |
AMH-3 Arthur Lee Duke and PR1 Robert W. Boles demonstrate
how safety shoes saved Boles from a serious foot injury
when the F9F Cougar canopy they were removing struck
Boles foot, Armitage Field, China Lake, 23 October 1959.
Rocketeer photo.

PBXN-3 charge |
Sidewinder 1-C continuous rod warhead PBXN-3 charge,
physical inspection China Lake, 05 November 1959. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Drying oven |
Sidewinder 1-C continuous rod warhead PBXN-3 molding
powder preparation, oven drying, China Lake, 05 November
1959. Official U.S. Navy photo.

PBXN-3 preparation |
Sidewinder 1-C continuous rod warhead PBXN-3 molding
powder preparation, China Lake, 10 October 1959. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Pre heat oven |
Sidewinder 1-C continuous rod warhead PBXN-3 molding
powder, oven preheat for pressing, China Lake, 05 November
1959. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F-104A Starfighter |
NAF F-104A Starfighter BuNo 56-0740, Armitage Field,
China Lake, 05 November 1959. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Joel Premselaar |
With his retirement effective November 1, LCdr. Joel
Premselaar (l), and Capt. T. A. Grell, NAF CO, thumb
through the logbooks in which are logged Joel's nearly
4,000 hours of flight time, including some 1,300 hours
in jet aircraft. China Lake, 06 November 1959. Rocketeer

Polaris Test Stand |
Schematic drawing of the Polaris Test Stand at Skytop.
The rocket, fired horizontally, pushes instrumentation
in nose against a solid concrete barrier and instrumentation
cables feed data into building at left and then into
the data reduction and control center, China Lake, 13
November 1959. Rocketeer photo.

FJ-4B Fury |
VX-5 Vampires FJ-4B Fury BuNo 143493, XE-5, air refueling
tank, Armitage Field, China Lake, 19 Nov 1959. Photo
by Bob Lawson.

FJ-4B Fury |
VX-5 Vampires FJ-4B Fury BuNo 143494, XE-2, NOTS
Bands, China Lake, 19 Nov 1959. Three 500 lb. bombs
on #2 & #4 and three 250 lb. bombs on #1 and #5.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

A4D-2 Skyhawk |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142122, XE-6, MCBR
and Mk-82 bombs, Armitage Field, China Lake, 19 Nov
1959. Official U.S. Navy photo from Lt-Gen. Fitch.

MCBR patent drawings |
VX-5 Vampires 1959 developed Multiple Carriage Bomb Rack
(MCBR, later MBER and then MER) patent drawings submitted in
February 1964. Photo from Lt-Gen Fitch.

MCBR patent drawings |
VX-5 Vampires 1959 developed Multiple Carriage Bomb Rack
(MCBR, later MBER and then MER) patent drawings submitted in
February 1964. Photo from Lt-Gen Fitch.

NAF Cougars |
NAF F9F-6 Cougar BuNo 128246 and F9F-7 Cougars BuNo
130805 & BuNo 130930, Armitage Field, China Lake,
19 Nov 1959. Official U.S. Navy photo.

NAF hangar 3 |
NAF A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 137818 in front of hangar
3, H-19 in the hangar looks to be BuNo 130258, Armitage
Field, China Lake, 24 November 1959. Official U.S. Navy

A4D-2 Skyhawk |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142122, XE-6, MCBR
and Mk-81 bombs, Yuma, 03 December 1959. Photo from
Ray Powell collection.

A4D-2 Skyhawk |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-2 Skyhawk BuNo 142122, XE-6, MCBR
and Mk-81 bombs, Yuma, 03 December 1959. Photo William
Swisher courtesy of Angelo Romano.

FJ-4B Fury |
VX-5 Vampires FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139549, XE-1, MCAS
Yuma, 03 December 1959. William Swisher courtesy of
A. Romano.

RAPEC seat |
A schematic drawing of the Douglas Aircraft Company
El Segundo plant which developed the seat system of
the Navy's new rocket seat ejection system forms the
background for NOTS key personnel of Propulsion Development
Department who designed and developed RAPEC. (L-r) are:
James Metcalf, Don Perrin and Dick Zabelka; Back: Bob
Sampson, Norman Rumpp and Cecil Glass. China Lake, 04
December 1959. Rocketeer photo.

Hangar 3 |
Dwarfing the former main hangar at the Naval Air
Facility is the newly completed $4 million hangar 3
complex in foreground. Two bays and the connecting center
unit will house shops, labs and offices of NAF and AOD,
China Lake, 04 December 1959. Rocketeer photo.

P-38L Lightning |
Capt. Grell's official goldfish transport. It's bowl
was fitted with a half-turn three point locking base,
and it fastened to the nose. During those extremely
hot days, the duty officer was asked to get the fish
up into cooler air. The bowl was located on the nose
so the pilot could see if the water level was getting
too low. Mark Hurd Aerial Survey P-38L Lightning s/n
44-27183, N501MH, Armitage Field, China Lake, before
01 Jan 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

C-119G Flying Boxcar |
USAF C-119G Flying Boxcar s/n 51-2716, VIP parking
area, China Lake, before 01 January 1960. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

EC-135K Flying Command Post |
USAF EC-135K Flying Command Post s/n 55-3118 (note
the ground crew is wearing the VIP coveralls), China
Lake, before 01 January 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F6F-5K Hellcat |
NAF F6F-5K Hellcat drone BuNo 79863, Armitage Field,
China Lake, before 01 Jan 1960. Official U.S. Navy photo.