• 01 Jan -- NAF has 53 aircraft consisting of
1 HUP-2, 1 F9F-8, 3 F9F-8B, 4 F2H-2, 1 FJ-4, 1 F6F-5, 1 F3H-2N, 1 F3D-2,
2 F3D-1, 1 F4D-1, 1 A4D-1, 1 AD-5, 1 A3D-2 (loaner), 1 A3D-1, 2 P2V-2,
1 R4D-6, 1 R4D-5, 2 T-28BD, 1 SNB-5 & 26 F6F-5K drones.
VX-5 has 19 aircraft consisting of 4 F9F-8B, 2 F3D-2, 3 A4D-1, 2
AD-7, 2 AD-5N, 2 A3D-1, 1 TV-2 & 1 SNB-5. • Development completed
of the Zuni 5.0 inch rocket. • Dedication of the Station's new All
Faith Chapel. • 01 Mar. -- 200 of the nations journalists are on
station for a NOTS "Open House" program arranged by NOTS and
aided by PR Units from the 11th and 12th Naval Districts. • 01 Mar.
-- A Sandia Corp. sled powered by 40 LOKI motors set an new speed record
of 1,705 mph on the SNORT. It reached it's peak velocity of 2,500 feet
per second and 100 G's in 8/10ths of a second. • May 19 -- More than
15,000 visitors were on the Station last Saturday to witness the most
spectacular Armed Forces Day demonstration ever presented at the Naval
Ordnance Test Station. • 23 May -- LCdr.... Lawrence M. Cauble, LCdr...
Carl B. Tanner & Lt. Robert F. Doss go to the North American plant
in Columbus, OH, to ferry three FJ-4Bs back to VX-5. • 06 Jun --
Civil Service employee Mr. William Earl Bowles lost his
life in a Pilot Plant accident. • 01 Jul -- NAF has
58 aircraft consisting of 1 HUP-2, 2 F9F-8, 2 F9F-8B, 4 F2H-2, 2 FJ-4,
3 F6F-5, 3 F3D-2, 1 F3D-1, 2 F4D-1, 3 F9F-6D, 1 A4D-1, 1 AD-5, 1 A3D-1,
1 P2V-3, 2 P2V-2, 1 R4D-6, 1 R4D-5, 1 JD-1D, 1 SNB-5 & 25
F6F-5K drones. VX-5 has 18 aircraft consisting of 4 F9F-8B, 2
F3D-2, 4 A4D-1, 2 AD-7, 2 AD-5N, 2 A3D-1, 1 TV-2 & 1 SNB-5. •
31 Jul -- U.S. Navy Lt. Charles W. Litzenberg, from Miramar,
lost his life when his AD-6 Skyraider crashed on Charley Range. •
28 Oct -- Ens. David Gonzales, from Moffett, lost his
life when his VA-214 FJ-4B Fury (141464) crashed short of runway 14.
• Dec -- VX-5 Cdr. Dale W. Cox, Cdr. John K. Beling, Maj. Don E. Wegley
(USMC), LCdr... Russel S. Eaton, LCdr... Lawrence M. Cauble, LCdr...
Carl B. Tanner, Lt. Sigmund B. Schoenberger, Capt. James G. Martz (USMC),
Lt. William L. Burgess, Lt. Robert R. King, Lt. Harold A. Sparks, LCdr...
Richard M. Hopfinger, LCdr... Eugene F. Arnold and the two NAOs: Ens.
Daniel L Strong and Ens. James H. Thacker go to NAS Miramar for FCLP
• Dec. -- A new speed record of 2,575 mph was set by a LOKI powered
sled (Little Devil) on the SNORT. It reached it's peak velocity 1.9
seconds. • Dec. -- VX-5 returned from a two-week deployment to qualify
on the mirror landing system. Qualifying in the North American FJ-4B
Fury were Cdr. John Beling, LCdr... Larry Cauble, LCdr... Carl Tanner,
LCdr... Russel (Skeet) Eaton and LT Robert (Stretch) King. In the Douglas
A4D Skyhawk, were Cdr. Dale Cox, LCdr... Richard (Gus) Hopfinger, Major
Donald Wegley (USMC), LCdr... Carl Tanner, Lt. Sigmund (Dutch) Schoenberger,
Lt. Harold (Sparky) Sparks and Capt. James Martz (USMC). Qualifying
in the Douglas AD-7 and AD-5N was Lt. William Burgess • 30 Dec --
Groundbreaking ceremonies launched the new $3.5 million NAF hangar construction.
1Q |

Hawkeye cluster weapon |
One of the earliest results of the Free-Fall Weapons
Studies, the Hawkeye cluster weapon (the banded mandrel--internal
structure--shown here); the sub munitions were modified
2.75-inch rocket warheads, prompting the name change
to Rockeye I, which was cancelled in favor of the Rockeye
II (still in service); China Lake's "Eye"
series of free-falls was a direct result of the Studies.

B-58 Hustler ejection seat test |
USAF B-58 Hustler ejection seat test, SNORT, circa
1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

SNORT sled |
Four Tiny Tim & six HVAR rocket motors mounted
on a sled at SNORT, circa 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

SNORT target setup |
Target setup for warhead tests at end of G-4 track,
SNORT, circa 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Ejection seat test |
Preparation for ejection seat test, SNORT, China
Lake, circa 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Water brake |
Water brake creates artistic patterns as the liquid
engine sled slows down from a 920 mile per hour test
run, SNORT, China Lake, circa 1957. Official U.S. Navy

(Intruder?) ejection seat test |
Preparing sled for (Intruder?) ejection seat test,
SNORT, China Lake, circa 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Horizontal-Momentum-Exchange Water brake |
Rear view of Horizontal-Momentum-Exchange Water Brake,
showing the complete structure suspended below the sled,
SNORT, China Lake, circa 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Horizontal-Momentum-Exchange Water brake |
Front view of Horizontal-Momentum-Exchange Water
Brake, with outlet sections contained within sled structure,
SNORT, China Lake, circa 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

SNORT B-4 firing control building |
SNORT B-4 firing control building, China Lake, circa
1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Telemetering receiving and recording |
Section of telemetering receiving and recording station
at SNORT, China Lake, circa 1957. Official U.S. Navy

IBM 704 calculator |
IBM 704 calculator, SNORT, China Lake, circa 1957.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

SNORT test sled |
SNORT test sled, China Lake, circa 1957. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

F9F-8T ejection seat test |
Grumman F9F-8T Cougar forward fuselage section being
used for ejection seat tests on a rocket sled on SNORT,
China Lake, circa 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F-100 vertical stabilizer |
North American F-100 Super Sabre vertical stabilizer
undergoing tests on a rocket sled on SNORT, China Lake,
circa 1957 Official U.S. Navy photo.

P6M-1 ejection seat test |
Martin P6M-1 SeaMaster forward fuselage section being
used for ejection seat tests on a rocket sled on SNORT,
China Lake, circa 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

A3D-1 Skywarrior |
VX-5 Vampires A3D-1 Skywarrior BuNo 135425, XE-2,
China Lake, circa 1957. Rocketeer photo.

AD-7 Skyraider |
VX-5 Vampires AD-7 Skyraider BuNo 142015, XE-3, BOAR,
Armitage Field, China Lake, circa 1957. Official U.S.
Navy photo, from the Secret City video..

A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 139929 |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 139929, XE-10, T-63
nuclear shape, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa 1957.
Photo from C. Gilbert.

A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 139929 |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 139929, XE-10, T-63
nuclear shape, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa 1957.
Photo from C. Gilbert.

FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139555 |
VX-5 Vampires FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139555, XE-4, in-flight,
circa 1957. Photo from C. Gilbert.

VX-5 Vampires pilot |
Unknown VX-5 Vampires pilot in the cockpit of a squadron
FJ-4B Fury, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa 1957.
Photo from C. Gilbert.

AD-7 Skyraider BuNo 142015 |
VX-5 Vampires AD-7 Skyraider BuNo 142015, XE-3, T-63
Special Weapons shape, in-flight, circa 1957. Photo
from C. Gilbert.

LCdr. Calvin Gilbert |
VX-5 LCdr. Calvin Gilbert, PO1 Mick R... & ADJ-2
R.C.T. Erbland, China Lake, circa 1957. Photo from C.

A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 139925 |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 139925, XE-7, special
weapons, next to VA-54 AD-7 Skyraider BuNo 142070, Armitage
Field, China Lake, circa 1957. Photo from C. Gilbert.

A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 139927 |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 139927, XE-9, T-63
Special weapons shape, Armitage Field, China Lake, circa
1957. Photo from C. Gilbert.

Lt. E. Tallman & LCdr. C. Gilbert |
VX-5 Vampires F9F-8B Cougar BuNo 141056, XE-18, Lt.
E. Tallman & LCdr. C. Gilbert, Armitage Field, China
Lake, circa 1957. Photo from C. Gilbert.

Lt. Leroy Riggs |
USNR Lt. Leroy Riggs, Head of the Technical Support
Branch, Rocket Dev. Dept. is currently performing his
annual two week tour of active duty with the VX-5 Vampires.
At right is VX-5 Lt. E. R. Christie, Armitage Field,
China Lake, 01 January 1957. Rocketeer photo.

F9F-8 Cougar BuNo 141655 |
NAF F9F-8 Cougar BuNo 141655, Cdr. Ashworth, AIM-9B
Sidewinder missile, Armitage Field, China Lake, 21 Jan
1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 141350 |
F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 141350, China Lake, 07 Feb 1957.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

Senior California Wing CAP |
Senior California Wing CAP officials are welcomed
at NAF by Cdr. Seldon May as they arrive for a two day
tour of the station. L-r in front of the USMC R4D are
Cdr. May; Maj. Donald Wilson (CAP); Maj. D.R. Scheller
(USAF); Capt F.L. Richards (CAP); Lt. Andy Jensen (CAP);
Lt. Louise Richards (CAP); Lt. Phillip Norcom (CAP);
and Capt. Mary Pinkney (CAP), Armitage Field, China
Lake, 15 Feb 1957. Rocketeer photo.

Sidewinder missile sequence |
NAF F9F-8 Cougar BuNo 141655, Sidewinder-1A missile,
in-flight F6F Hellcat drone sequence 1 of 3, China Lake,
20 Feb. 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Sidewinder missile sequence |
NAF F9F-8 Cougar BuNo 141655, Sidewinder-1A missile,
in-flight F6F-5K Hellcat drone sequence 3 of 3, China
Lake, 20 Feb. 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Experimental rocket |
A new 5" diameter experimental rocket demolishes
an eight by eight foot timber and sand bunker on the
ballistics range at NOTS China Lake, 20 February 1957.
Official U.S. Navy photo..

VX-5 Projects and Operations |
VX-5 Vampires RD3 C.E. Clason, SN R.A. Johnson and
DMSN D.A. Robertson put the finishing touch to the old
NAF C & R building which now houses the VX-5 Projects
and Operations Division and the AOD Photo Line, China
Lake, 22 February 1957. Rocketeer photo.

GMU-61 pilots |
GMU-61 pilots Lt. L.C. Parry, LCdr. G.A. Tierney
and Lt. G.S. Rogers pose under the nose of F3H-2N Demon
BuNo 133550, Armitage Field, China Lake, 01 March 1957.
Rocketeer photo.

Media cameramen |
Media cameramen get ready to shoot the firing of
a 5" ZUNI rocket at the Press Day "Open House"
weapons demonstration, China Lake, 01 March 1957.
Millions of people watched the savage effects of the
mighty Sidewinder and other Station weapons on TV as
a result of the coverage given NOTS. Rocketeer

Thermic pots |
NAF F6F-5K Hellcat drone BuNo 079448, thermic pots,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 04 Mar 1957. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

Launcher tube |
5" launcher tube to test 5" spinner rocket
for range, velocity, and accuracy, guidance radar and
bore sight camera, NOTS China Lake, 05 March 1957. Official
U.S. Navy Photo from United Press.

F3H-2N Demon BuNo 133550 |
NAF F3H-2N Demon BuNo 133550 in-flight with Sidewinder
1 missiles, 12 March 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

AIM-9 Sidewinder display |
AIM-9 Sidewinder display, Mike Lab., 18 March 1957.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

RIM-2 Terrier |
GMTU-25 personnel (l-r) Lt(jg). Thomas White, GM2
Cecil Workman, GSC Norman Hoogerwerf, Lt(jg). Maxwell
Fox, GM2 Thomas Jacks and GM3 Robert Dalzell roll a
RIM-2 Terrier missile into position to be attached to
the launcher, China Lake, 22 March 1957. Rocketeer photo.
2Q |

F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745 |
NAF F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745, Sidewinder 1A missile,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 10 Apr 1957. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

Capt. Robert Howard |
USMC pilot Capt. Robert Howard who heads the Marine
Development Group prepares to take-off in FJ-4 Fury
BuNo 139285 for a AIM-9 Sidewinder test, China Lake,
12 April 1957. Rocketeer photo.

Buddy Cruise |
Twenty-five local high school students left NAF by
air on Friday and returned Sunday after a Buddy Cruise
on the USS Roanoke in the San Clemente and Santa Catalina
Island waters, China Lake, 26 April 1957. Rocketeer

Q-2 drone |
This USAF Q-2 drone was returned intact to NAF by
Public Works employees F.N. Warren, Jim Walker and George
Mayberry after it went out of control and parachuted
down near Trona, 26 April 1957. Rocketeer photo.

Aeroballistics Lab. |
NOTS Aeroballistics Lab. central control room, China
Lake, May 1957. Naval Aviation News photo.

LCdr. G.A. Tierney |
LCdr. G.A. Tierney in a high altitude pressure suit
next the afterburner of NAF F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130747,
Armitage Field, China Lake, circa May 1957. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Carbon Crucible Infrared-Augmentation Pots |
NAF F6F-5K Hellcat drone with Carbon Crucible Infrared-Augmentation
Pots. F6F-5K drones 94334 & 78503 in the background,
China Lake, 02 May 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

RIM-2 Terrier launcher |
USMC GMTU-25 test unit & mobile RIM-2 Terrier
missile launcher, China Lake, 3 May 1957. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

RIM-2 Terrier launch |
USMC GMU-25 test unit launches a RIM-2 Terrier missile
from a mobile launcher, China Lake, May 1957. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

F9F-8 Cougar BuNo 141050 |
NAF F9F-8 Cougar BuNo 141050, Zuni 5.0" FFAR
in-flight firing demonstration, China Lake, circa May
1957. Rocketeer photo.

F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130747 |
NAF F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130747, Armitage Field, China
Lake, 18 May 1956. Photo from Doug Olson.

F-100A Super Sabre s/n 53-1576 |
Flight Test F-100A Super Sabre s/n 53-1576, Sidewinder
missile, assigned to China Lake for Sidewinder tests,
16 May 1957. The F-100C next to 1576 is most likely
s/n 54-1794. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Armed Forces Day |
F9F-8 Cougar BuNo 131072, A3D-1 Skywarrior BuNo 130363,
F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130748, A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 137816
and F-86F Sabres s/n 52-5163 & 52-5143, China Lake,
Armed Forces Day, 18 May 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Armed Forces Day |
NAF F9F-8 Cougar BuNo 131072, Armitage Field, China
Lake, Armed Forces Day, 08 May 1956. Official U.S. Navy

Armed Forces Day |
NAF AJ-2 Savage BuNo 130408, P2V-3 Neptune BuNo 122966,
L-19, Cessna Ercoupes, F6F Hellcats & R4D-5 Skytrain
BuNo 39074 (upper left). Armed Forces Day, China Lake,
08 May 1956. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Armed Forces Day |
Three Cessna Ercoupes/Aircoupes, AT Texan, NAF F6F-5K
Hellcats & SNB-5 (could be) 39260, China Lake, Armed
Forces Day, 18 May 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

SNORT track |
SNORT track, Armed Forces Day, China Lake May 1956/57.
Photo by Bob Griswold.

Change of Command Ceremony |
VX-5 Vampires Change of Command Ceremony from Capt.
Fillmore. B. Gilkeson to Capt. Richard A. Beveridge,
Armitage Field, China Lake, June 1957. Official U.S.
Navy photo from Larry Cauble, Jr.

F11F-1 Tiger BuNo 138622 |
F11F-1 Tiger BuNo 138622, in-flight with four Philco
made Sidewinder missiles, circa June 1957. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Hugh O'Brian |
Cowboy Hugh O'Brian arrives at China Lake in YF3D-2
Skyknight BuNo 124599, Armitage Field, 7 June 1957.
Rocketeer photo.

Wyatt Earp |
Wyatt Earp shows his guns to Little Leaguers at NAF
China Lake by YF3D-2 Skyknight BuNo 124599 as his pilot
Cdr. Seldon May looks on from the background, Armitage
Field, 7 June 1957. Rocketeer photo.

Change of Command |
LCdr. Glenn A. Tierney holds a final inspection of
GMU-61 accompanied by his successor Cdr. Selden N. May
who is the new Officer-in-charge of the Sidewinder unit,
China Lake, 14 June 1957. Rocketeer photo.

A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 139925 |
VX-5 Vampires A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 139925, XE-7, in-flight
with a centerline T-63 nuclear shape, circa 1957. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

F-100A Super Sabre s/n 53-1576 |
USAF F-100A Super Sabre s/n 53-1576, AIM-9 Sidewinder,
Armitage Field, China Lake, circa 1957. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

F-100C Super Sabre s/n 54-1794 |
USAF F-100C Super Sabre s/n 54-1794, AIM-9 Sidewinder,
Armitage Field, China Lake, circa 1957. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 142212 |
Wreckage of VMA-224 A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 142212, WK-20
piloted by 2nd Lt. Don Gomez from MCAS Mojave in Panamint
Valley, 16 June 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo courtesy
of Ryan Gilmore.

A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 142212 |
Wright J-65 compressor from VMA-224 A4D-1 Skyhawk
BuNo 142212, WK-20 piloted by 2nd Lt. Don Gomez from
MCAS Mojave in Panamint Valley, 16 June 1957. Official
U.S. Navy photo courtesy of Ryan Gilmore.

A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo 142212 |
Layout of wreckage of VMA-224 A4D-1 Skyhawk BuNo
142212, WK-20 piloted by 2nd Lt. Don Gomez at MCAS Mojave
16 June 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo courtesy of Ryan
3Q |

GMU-25 |
GMU-25 CO is at the top left of center. The lead
radar CPO Burns is the left second row. The unit is
a mix of Guided Missilemen and Fire Control Technicians.
China Lake, summer 1957. Photo from Bob Grispa.

F3D-1 Skyknight BuNo 123744 |
NAF F3D-1 Skyknight BuNo 123744, IR countermeasure
device, China Lake, ca Jul 1957. Official U.S. Navy

NAF AD-5N Skyraider BuNo 132654, ASROC, Armitage
Field, China Lake, 11 Jul 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Radiometry nose |
NAF F3D-1 Skyknight BuNo 123744, Radiometry nose,
Armitage Field, China Lake 12 Jul 1957. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

Radiometry tail |
NAF F3D-1 Skyknight BuNo 123744, Radiometry tail,
Armitage Field, China Lake 12 Jul 1957. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

F2H-2 Banshee BuNo 123332 |
NAF F2H-2 Banshee BuNo 123332 & Sidewinder 1A
missile, Armitage Field, China Lake, 17 July 1957. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Firing a Sidewinder |
NAF F9F Cougar chase and F2H-2 Banshee BuNo 123332
firing a Sidewinder 1A missile, 17 July 1957. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Capt. Richard A. Beveridge |
Recently promoted VX-5 Vampires CO Capt. Richard
A. Beveridge in the cockpit of one of the squadrons
FJ Furys, Armitage Field, China Lake, 26 July 1957.
Rocketeer photo.

AERO X10D launcher |
NAF F2H-2 Banshee BuNo 125677, 5.0" ZUNI FFARs
in a AERO X10D launcher, Armitage Field, China Lake,
31 Jul 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745 |
NAF F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 130745, AIM-9 Sidewinders,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 31 Jul 1957. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

Ens. Ed McDonald and Ens. Jim Thacker |
VX-5 Vampires Ens. Ed McDonald (left) and Ens. Jim
Thacker, recent additions to AIRDEVRON Five, flash a
real Ipana smile before going aloft in their AD-7 Skyraiders,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 16 August 1957. Rocketeer

F9F-8 Cougar BuNo 141655 |
NAF F9F-8 Cougar BuNo 141655 firing a Sidewinder
missile at a F6F-5K Hellcat drone, 1 of 3, China Lake,
19 Aug 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Sidewinder hit |
Sidewinder hit on an F6F-5K Hellcat drone, 3 of 3,
China Lake, 19 Aug 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Chalk Talk |
Capt. Ashworth being briefed prior to flying a Sidewinder
missile test, China Lake, 30 August 1957. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

Plane Captain |
Plane Captain assists Capt. Ashworth in NAF F9F-8
Cougar BuNo 141655 prior to flying a Sidewinder missile
test, China Lake, 30 August 1957. Official U.S. Navy

Cdr. Seldon May |
GMU-61 CO, Cdr. Seldon May, gets ready to go aloft
in NAF's new F8U-1 Crusader BuNo 143706 which will be
used in the AIM-9 Sidewinder program. China Lake, 30
August 1957. Rocketeer photo.

RIM-2 Terrier |
RIM-2 Terrier missile, China Lake, 04 September 1957.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

RIM-2 Terrier |
RIM-2 Terrier missile, China Lake, 04 September 1957.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

Charlie Range tower |
The Charlie Range tower and offices against the snow-capped
Sierras in the center of the C-Special Test Range, China
Lake, 20 September 1957. Rocketeer photo.

Top deck of Charlie tower |
Here in the top deck of Charlie tower test activities
on four seperate target areas are coordinated. L-r are
Neil Adams operating the Sanborn recorder, Bill McKinney
at the profile tracker , Bob McClary putting the profile
template on the plot and VA-125 Lt(jg). Bertelsen interpreting
data for the pilot, China Lake, 20 September 1957. Rocketeer

11th Region Navy League |
Members of the 11th Region Navy League are greeted
by NOTS CO Capt. W.W. Hollister, XO Capt. F.A. Chenault
and 11ND representative Lt. David Traitel as they leave
NAF R4D-8 Skytrain BuNo 17124, Armitage Field, China
Lake, 20 September 1957. Rocketeer photo.

LCdr. R.S. Eaton |
VX-5 Vampires LCdr. R.S. Eaton helps control the
dive angle and slant range of the firing aircraft using
the range harp. Observing is LCdr. R.M Hopfinger and
C-Range employee Paul Alexander coordinates over the
radio with the pilot, China Lake, 20 September 1957.
Rocketeer photo.
4Q |

GMU-61 pilots |
GMU-61 missile test team pilots Tierney, Parry &
Rogers standing and McElmurry & Howard, China Lake,
October 1957. Naval Aviation News photo.

Delmar tow target |
NAF F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 134762, Delmar tow target,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 09 October 1957. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Delmar tow target |
NAF F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 134762, Delmar tow target,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 09 October 1957. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 134762 |
NAF F4D-1 Skyray BuNo 134762 take-off with Dart target &
Delmar tow target reel, Armitage Field, China Lake,
circa October 1957. Photo from Pete Colapietro.

FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139308 |
NAF FJ-4B Fury BuNo 139308 ZUNI FFAR pods, Hot Line,
Armitage Field, China Lake, 11 November 1957. Official
U.S. Navy photo.

Sidewinder mural |
We Built Sidewinder mural, Mike Lab, 20 November
1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

VX-5 formation take-off |
Taking off in formation in A4D Skyhawks are (l-r)
USN Lt. E.R. Christie in BuNo 142095, XE-5, USMC Maj.
D.E. Wegley in BuNo 139926, XE-8, and USAF Capt. S.S.
Clark in BuNo 139925, XE-7, Armitage Field, China Lake,
22 November 1957. Rocketeer photo.

Mk-34 Lulu ASW |
NAF AD-4B Skyraider, Mk-34 Lulu ASW nuclear depth
bomb, China Lake, 05 Dec 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

NAF AD-4B Skyraider BuNo 132325, ASROC, Walker Lake,
09 Dec 1957. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Diabolito |
"Diabolito" set a new sled record of 2,575
mph at SNORT recently and accelerated to top speed in
1.9 seconds. The full scale nose sections of Sidewinder
being tested look like small headlights at the front
of the sled, China Lake, 13 December 1957. Rocketeer