1Q |

Rocket display |
NAF China Lake F6F Hellcat (BuNo unknown,) China
Lake, circa 1948. Back row L-r: Barry Sherman, (New
Mex), unknown, Bill Lengacher (Ohio), Frank Bostok,
Bill Mertzel (Wis), __ld Bri__er (Ohio), unknown,
Thomas Schnieder (Minn), Robert J. __uland (Ohio),
Ray E. Plummer, Texas), unknown and Oscar P__sby
(Ind). Front row L-r: McAllister, Morgan, Ed Bernier
(Conn), two unknown, ___ B Tren__, illegible, H.A.
Ripa (NJ), Geo Beutler (Wash), Bill N__and (Ariz)
and Sea__right.

Rocket display |
Rocket display, Michelson Laboratory, China Lake,
1948. 11.75-inch Tiny Tim in foreground; 5-inch Holy
Moses, 5.0- and 3.5-inch aircraft rockets, and 2.25-inch
subcaliber aircraft rocket (L-R) on stands in center;
Mousetrap antisubmarine rocket in right background;
and barrage rockets in launcher in right foreground.
Official U.S. Navy photo, China Lake archives.

SNORT sled |
An early wheeled rocket sled during tests on the
Transonic (B-4) Track, 194

Main Machine Shop |
Michelson Lab Main Machine Shop, China Lake, 26 January
1948. Note the HVAR on the table in the foreground.
Official U.S. Navy photo.

K-2 rocket rail |
Tiny Tim rocket being readied on 1,500 foot K-2 track,
China Lake, 26 January 1948. LIFE photo by J.R. Eyerman.

K-2 Tiny Tim |
Tiny Tim rocket is mounted on steel tracks of the
ramp by three range workmen and made ready to fire,
K-2 track, China Lake, 26 January 1948. LIFE photo by
J.R. Eyerman.

Tiny Tim rocket |
Tiny Tim rocket spewing flame, heading down 1,500
foot K-2 track serving as wind tunnel on which rocket
performance is studied and recorded, K-2, China Lake,
26 January 1948. LIFE photo by J.R. Eyerman.

K-2 mirrors |
Tiny Tim rocket is observed by mirrors as it heads
down the 1,500 K-2 track, China Lake, 26 January 1948.
LIFE photo by J.R. Eyerman.

Inyokern proving ground |
Southern CA Deserts in vicinity of Inyokern proving
ground, China Lake, 26 January 1948. LIFE photo by J.R.

Inyokern proving ground |
Southern CA Deserts in vicinity of Inyokern proving
ground, China Lake, 26 January 1948. LIFE photo by J.R.

Inyokern proving ground |
Southern CA Deserts in vicinity of Inyokern proving
ground, China Lake, 26 January 1948. LIFE photo by J.R.

Pilot Plant |
China Lake Pilot Plant propellant processing buildings
located about half a mile to the east and half a mile
north of the Pilot Plant gate, 26 January 1948. LIFE
magazine photo by J.R. Eyerman.

Pilot Plant |
China Lake Pilot Plant looking north up the 12" extrusion
press line and the 18" press line. The vertical presses
are in the tall buildings at the base of the hills.
The closer buildings are all support buildings for processing
the propellant grains made by the extrusion presses
(such as machining, inhibiting, packing, etc., 26 January
1948. LIFE magazine photo by J.R. Eyerman.

Vertical presses building |
China Lake Pilot Plant vertical presses building
at the base of the hills, 26 January 1948. LIFE magazine
photo by J.R. Eyerman.

revetted operating building |
Possibly Gerry Makepeace leaving a revetted operating
building at the China Lake Pilot Plant, 26 January 1948.
LIFE magazine photo by J.R. Eyerman.

propellent processing |
Five-inch spinner rockets, LSMR ship to shore,
Outdoors at Building 69, China Lake Pilot Plant,
perhaps Ruth Tedrick, 26 January 1948. LIFE magazine
photo by J.R. Eyerman.

propellent processing |
Loading propellant grain into 5-inch spinner
rocket, inside Building 69, China Lake Pilot Plant,
5" grain going into a standard 5" case w/ 5AR lugs -
HVAR or early HPAG, 26 January 1948. LIFE magazine
photo by J.R. Eyerman.

control panel |
China Lake Pilot Plant propellent processing control
panel, 26 January 1948. LIFE magazine photo by J.R.

vertical press |
China Lake Pilot Plant vertical press, 26 January
1948. LIFE magazine photo by J.R. Eyerman.

Pilot Plant |
China Lake Propulsion Laboratory energy
measurement (calorimeter?), China Lake Pilot Plant
propellent processing, 26 January 1948. LIFE
magazine photo by J.R. Eyerman.

Pilot Plant |
China Lake Pilot Plant, 26 January 1948. LIFE magazine
photo by J.R. Eyerman.

F8F Bearcat |
Ordies maneuver a Tiny Tim rocket with NAF F6F-5
Hellcat BuNo 78980 in the background as an engineer
discusses a project with a F8F Hellcat pilot LCdr Game
in the foreground, Armitage Field, China Lake, 26 January
1948. LIFE photo by J.R. Eyerman.

armor plate |
Chief of the Tiny Tim Project measures size of hole
made by the Tiny Tim rocket in the target of 4-inch
armor steel, China Lake, 26 January 1948. LIFE photo
by J.R. Eyerman.2fc1f94a13c26e8e.jpg

armor plate |
Hole in target plate of 4 inch armor steel which
has been penetrated by a Tiny Tim rocket, China Lake,
26 January 1948. LIFE photo by J.R. Eyerman.

Range Engineer |
Range Engineer, China Lake, circa 1948. LIFE photo
by J.R. Eyerman.

Charles T. Longshore |
Charles T. Longshore (L) checks other stations to
make sure range is clear and gives radio warning to
the road block station half mile away, China Lake, circa
1948. LIFE photo by J.R. Eyerman.

theodolite camera |
Engineers set up theodolite camera which will photograph
rocket in flight and at the moment of impact with the
target, China Lake, 26 January 1948. LIFE photo by J.R.

missile launching ramp |
450 foot long missile launching ramp, China Lake,
26 January 1948. LIFE photo by J.R. Eyerman.

Fuze drop tower |
Fuze drop tower, Area R, China Lake, 26 January 1948.
LIFE magazine photo by J.R. Eyerman.

propellent processing |
Vertical static firing of 5" rocket motor, China
Lake Pilot Plant, 26 January 1948. LIFE magazine
photo by J.R. Eyerman.

propellent processing |
China Lake Pilot Plant propellent processing, 26
January 1948. LIFE magazine photo by J.R. Eyerman.

Cosmic Ray scientist |
USAF B-29 Superfortress s/n 45-21847 and NOTS Cosmic
Ray 25 Year old scientist working on cosmic-ray program,
China Lake, 26 January 1948. Life magazine photo by
J.R. Eyerman.

Cosmic Ray personnel |
USAF B-29 Superfortress s/n 45-21847 and NOTS Cosmic
Ray personnel, China Lake, 26 January 1948. Life magazine
photo by J.R. Eyerman.

Cosmic-Ray cloud chamber |
USAF B-29 Superfortress s/n 45-21847 and NOTS cosmic
ray Physicist Carl D. Anderson (R) with two other scientists
gathered around a Cosmic-Ray cloud chamber inside the
Superfortress aft gunners station, China Lake, 26 January
1948. Life magazine photo by J.R. Eyerman.

Cosmic Ray flight crew, |
USAF B-29 Superfortress s/n 45-21847 and NOTS Cosmic
Ray flight crew, China Lake, 26 January 1948. Life magazine
photo by J.R. Eyerman.

Cosmic Ray Physicist |
USAF B-29 Superfortress s/n 45-21847 and NOTS Cosmic
Ray Physicist Dr. Carl D. Anderson (L) at Inyokern Proving
Grounds in flying clothes, China Lake, 26 January 1948.
Life magazine photo by J.R. Eyerman.
F6F-5 Hellcat |
F6F-5 Hellcat BuNo 78980 after an engine failure/forced
landing 03 February 1948 at NOTS Inyokern, LCdr William
H. Game. Photo from William Kirk family.
2Q |

F6F-5 Hellcat |
F6F-5 Hellcat BuNo 94409 11.75" Tiny Tim rocket
firing, 22 April 1948. Official U.S. Navy photo.

F6F-5N Hellcat |
F6F-5N Hellcat BuNo 7x879 with two 11.75" Tiny
Tim rockets, China lake, 29 April 1948. Official U.S.
Navy photo.
3Q |
4Q |

F7F-3 Tigercat |
F7F-3 Tigercat BuNo 80487, luminous paint, China
Lake, 26 Nov 1948. Official U.S. Navy photo.

AD-1 Skyraider |
AD-1 Skyraider BuNo 09335, luminous paint, China
Lake, 26 Nov 1948. Official U.S. Navy photo.