1Q |

Overlooking Harvey Airfield |
Overlooking Harvey Airfield and the Kodiak hangar
from the west, 01 Jan. 1946. Official U.S. Navy photo.

SB2C-5 Helldiver |
SB2C-5 Helldiver, Harvey gun pods, making a low pass,
China Lake, 01 Feb 1946. Official U.S. Navy photo.

Salt Wells Pilot Plant |
A typical dock at the Salt Wells Pilot Plant in 1946.
Rocketeer photo.

Corsair war memorial |
Unknown F4U-1F/FG-1D Corsair war memorial
dedication by Capt. Sykes at the Ridgecrest, CA USO
Building, aka Federal Recreation Building, 16
February 1946.

Corsair war memorial |
Unknown F4U-1F/FG-1D Corsair war memorial
dedication by Capt. Sykes at the Ridgecrest, CA USO
Building, aka Federal Recreation Building, 16
February 1946.

O-in-CC fire |
To many "old timers" the date of the O-in-CC Building
fire is a bit hazy after 22 years, but not to Nan Halsey,
of NAF, she was in the building when it broke out at
9:30 a.m. on Friday, March 8, 1946. Rocketeer photo.
2Q |

PB4Y-1 Liberator |
PB4Y-1 Liberator BuNo 65326 & Convair KAY-1 LARK,
China Lake, 26 April 1946. Official U.S. Navy photo.
3Q |

PB4Y-2 Privateer |
Pt. Mugu PB4Y-2 Privateer BuNo 59835, circa 1946.

PB4Y-2 Privateer |
Pt. Mugu PB4Y-2 Privateer BuNo 59835 and crew member,
circa 1946.

PB4Y-2 Privateer |
Pt. Mugu PB4Y-2 Privateer BuNo 59835 and radio crew,
circa 1946.
4Q |

Tiny Tim |
Tiny Tim rocket power is demonstrated for the press
as it explodes it way through 3" armor plate & wood
bulkhead, China Lake, December 1946. March 1947 Naval Aviation News

Tiny Tim demonstration |
A 3" armor plate & wood bulkhead after it was hit
by a 11.75" Tiny Tim rocket during a demonstration
for the press, China Lake, December 1946. Official U.S. Navy

PBJ-1J Mitchell BuNo 35849 |
NAF China Lake PBJ-1J Mitchell BuNo 35849, Harvey
launcher spinner rocket loading, December 1946. Official U.S.
Navy photo.

PBJ-1J Mitchell |
PBJ-1J Mitchell BuNo 35849, Harvey 5.0" rocket launcher
announcement, December 1946. Official U.S. Navy photo.